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Plaza Health Network – How Music Can Impact Memory
Music can often trigger some of our happiest memories in The Music & Memory program is generously funded by the
life. It is why we choose songs to mark milestones such as Anthony Abraham Foundation at both Jackson Plaza and, most
weddings, graduations and even birthdays. And, most recent- recently, Ponce Plaza. Each participant receives an IPod and head-
ly, science is showing us that music has the ability to unlock phones to listen to a personalized playlist that is created for
the memories of patients who are afflicted with Alzheimer’s him/her based on discussions with the patient and members of
disease. their families. Playlists are refreshed approximately every three
Music can help patients who are experiencing cognitive months.
memory loss recall memories and emotions. Musical aptitude “It is a great pleasure to observe the residents smiling while lis-
and appreciation are two of the last remaining abilities in tening to their personalized music playlists. They are more inter-
patients with memory loss, making music an excellent way to active with each other, more energetic and happier all around! By
reach beyond the disease, and reach the person. As well, bringing back the past we hope to stir their memories and their
music has the ability to shift mood, manage agitation, and emotions. ” says Rachel Schuster, Executive Vice President of
stimulate positive interactions. Facilities Administration at Plaza Health Network, who first
For these reasons, Plaza Health Network’s Jackson Plaza cre- embraced the initiative.
ated a Music & Memory program geared toward patients with According to the Alzheimer’s Association, by 2050 the number
cognitive disorders. While Alzheimer’s disease damages the of people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s disease may nearly
ability to recall facts and details, it usually does not destroy triple, from 5.2 million to a projected 13.8 million. This is why it
the lasting connections between a favorite song and special is important to begin implementing programs now that can get
music memories from important events. Plaza Health individuals with the disease out of a state of complete apathy and
Network is using music to access those memories stored deep respond to stimulation. Ultimately, the goal for Plaza Health
in the brain by tapping into the emotion that one’s special Network is to have this program available at all six of their cen-
music can provoke. ters throughout Miami-Dade County.
“Music appreciation is an ability that remains in patients with cognitive deprecia- “This program was launched through our philanthropic efforts,” said Ilene Zweig,
tion, even after other abilities have faded away,” said Elaine Bloom, Plaza Health Executive Director of the Plaza Health Network Foundation. “Our next step is to con-
Network Chief Executive Officer, “Our Music & Memory program affects patients’ tinue to raise funds so we may expand this program to our additional facilities and
quality of life and sets Plaza Health Network apart as an innovative leader in care and thus bring this life-changing experience to even more of our patients.”
services for our elderly.”
Research has shown that music can improve awareness, mobility, socialization and To find out how to fund the Music & Memory program at one of the five other centers of
temperament in individuals with cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. It the Plaza Health Network, visit or call (305) 917-0405.
can also reduce the need for certain medications.
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30 September 2018 South Florida Hospital News