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Mastering the New Business Cover Story: Florida International
of Health and Healthcare University’s Nicole Wertheim College of
Nursing & Health Sciences Introduces
Healthcare providers system across the full con-
and healthcare systems tinuum of care is needed
have common funda- where smart technologies New Doctor of Athletic Training Program
mental goals – improv- empowers both providers
ing clinical and health to deliver better care to Continued from page 1.
outcomes, expanding patients and patients to
and facilitating access to better manage their own has offered a professional master’s in ath- designed to advance the practice of ath-
all healthcare services care throughout their letic training, the entry degree soon to be letic trainers with a focus on injury/ill-
across the full continu- health journey. required, since 2005, almost 20 years ness prevention and entrepreneurial
um of care, and optimiz- As the U.S. health system prior to the mandate. The FIU Athletic leadership. The DAT degree program
ing cost and efficiency. continues to undergo Training program has developed strong meets the post-professional education
The ability to achieve transformation and we clinical partners and our graduates have vacancy of athletic trainers to enhance
these goals, however, is move beyond delivering achieved unparalleled success and patient-centered care, outcomes, and
severely constrained by BY FRANÇOIS health care within the become leaders in the athletic training quality of life for patients and physically
a range of critical chal- SAINFORT, PH.D. walls of a hospital, the H. profession. When the MSAT was active individuals across the lifespan.
lenges. These include, Wayne Huizenga College launched, it was the first of its kind in The DAT program is for athletic trainers
but are not limited to, an of Business and Entre - the state of Florida. With the evolution previously certified through the National
aging population, an increasing burden preneurship at Nova Southeastern of the required degree to enter the pro- Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA)
of chronic diseases, payment and deliv- University has developed a novel MBA fession as a certified athletic trainer, Board of Certification who seek
ery systems with misaligned incentives, program with a concentration in there is now a new gap in the advanced advanced athletic training education and
and government policies and regulations Complex Health Systems. This one-of-a- education of athletic trainers at the post clinical skills on the doctoral level. The
that, at times, can be cumbersome. Total kind program provides a comprehen- professional level. majority of the curriculum is offered in
healthcare spending continues to grow sive, flexible, transdisciplinary, and However, Florida International an online format. Of the 48 credits
with most of the spending consumed by team-based building degree, exposing University and specifically the included in the DAT program, 42
the leading causes of mortality — heart students to the full continuum of our Department of Athletic Training within (87.5%) credits are offered online and 6
disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respira- health system – taking a look at the the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing (12.5%) are offered face-to-face. The 6
tory diseases, and diabetes. upstream, midstream and downstream and Health Sciences, once again demon- face-to-face credits require students to
What has made tackling these chal- factors impacting the management of strating forward thinking, has quickly attend class on the Modesto A. Maidique
lenges even more difficult is the disjoint- health and health care delivery in the filled this gap with the launch of only the campus during each summer. The DAT
ed and inefficient nature of how health- United States. sixth Doctor of Athletic Training affords athletic trainers with the oppor-
care is delivered. Healthcare practition- The program focuses on the new busi- Program in the United States. FIU is now tunity to obtain education specifically
ers operate in healthcare systems that ness of health—the intersection of tech- offering the first online advance practice designed to achieve their career goals.
have traditionally rewarded volume of nology, research, and innovation and is doctoral degree in athletic training in the Athletic trainers will complete advanced
care over value of care. While there is a poised to prepare tomorrow’s leaders state of Florida and the first in southeast- individualized clinical residency courses
push to move away from fee-for-service and agents of change who will develop ern United States. The program was suc- which are tailor-made for each individ-
or procedure-based payment and deliv- innovative approaches to successfully cessfully launched in August with six ual athletic trainer, culminating in an
ery systems to focus on value-based sys- tackle health and healthcare manage- athletic trainers comprising the inaugu- advanced applied clinical research proj-
tems, the overall system remains typical- ment challenges of today and tomorrow. ral cohort. The students have collective- ect. We are the future of athletic training
ly highly fragmented, siloed and discon- ly 20 years of certified athletic training at FIU with the newly launched Doctor
nected — leading to inefficient, uncoor- For more information about the program, experience and are employed in a variety of Athletic Training Program.
dinated care and waste of scarce please contact Professor François Sainfort, of settings including intercollegiate ath-
resources. In short, the current system is Director of the Complex Health Systems letics, high schools and orthopedic clini- Dr. Ora Strickland is Dean at the Nicole
struggling to deliver high-quality, afford- Program, H. Wayne Huizenga College of cal settings. Wertheim College of Nursing & Health
able and easily accessible care that main- Business and Entrepreneurship, Nova The post-professional Doctor of Sciences. For more information, visit
tains and/or returns people to fuller, Southeastern University, at Athletic Training (DAT) program is or call (305) 348-0231.
more productive lives.
A more coordinated and connected
FAU EMHA Program’s Innovative Approach
This Fall, I went on a business-led Palm Beach County leadership trip to Charlotte, North Carolina to see why the city’s stellar growth
in attracting a high amount of talent has left out much of its own population. The Chetty research study revealed a tale of two cities in
which certain zip codes ranked dead last in economic mobility; certain social determinants must improve to lessen inequities.
Many dynamic hospital CEOs and education leaders there possess the skills and experience to improve systemic issues in health care
and educational structure. These leaders reference their own university experiences as being most impactful in fueling their own fire-in-
the-belly and unleashing their talent when mixed with real-world, practical learning. Such encouragement often comes from teachers who
mentored them through their own real-world experience—like those at Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) Executive Master of Health
Administration (EMHA) program, where many seasoned healthcare business leaders in their field have been recruited to teach, as I was.
I’m a former broadcaster who has hosted TV’s Medical Close-up and editorials— today I am a health care/public policy lawyer who rep-
resents hospitals, healthcare, and research institutions that struggle with divided communities who need a stronger safety net and better
outcomes for diverse populations. Judy Goodman
My impressive students learn first-hand how to move the needle in health policy and law partly because I share real-world tips from
several successful county issue referendums I've led. However, it is the innovative EHMA students, through their own entrepreneurialism and talent, who developed innovative
Zika awareness training for mental health patients and launched creative new marketing distribution channels.
FAU’s EMHA program does an unparalleled job in preparing working students, many who are from backgrounds of immigration and diversity and who clearly see that the
future requires us to reboot our communities by offering rigorous academics with practical learning to provide more access to opportunities. In 15 months on every third
weekend, they can earn their EMHA. Bottom line: FAU’s EMHA program cares about students and helps prepare them for transformative leadership roles.
Judy Goodman is Attorney, FAU, College of Business, Management Programs, Executive Education, Adjunct. For more information, call (561) 297-6000.
16 November 2018 South Florida Hospital News