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Cover Story: Miami Dade College Hires New President for Medical Campus
Continued from page 1. customer service mentality in our campus.” es. I am energized by their dedication to resource and I made sure that anyone I
the founding Dean of Math, Science & In the last two years, he added 13 new our students and their ability to provide worked with knew that they genuinely
Technology for its new Southeast Campus Health Science programs and developed quality health care professionals to south mattered to me,” he says.
located in Arlington, Texas. In that role, he partnerships with area hospitals to deliver Florida.” Another goal Dr. Stewart has for the
created a college dual credit program that corporate customized training and profes- One the greatest challenges facing the campus is opening of a new 95 million
has grown to 1,400 students on that cam- sional development for employees. Medical Campus today is two-fold, dollar simulation building and parking
pus. He also developed and revised “The feel and culture when you walk on according to Dr. Stewart. garage. “Our current students have been
numerous technical programs. the campus is unmistakably student- “First, we need to remain aware of the very patient as we make these significant
Additionally, Dr. Stewart served as presi- focused,” he adds. “After 10 years those changing job market,” he says, “Research parking improvements,” he says. “I have
dent of the Mansfield Rotary Club, values are still prevalent across the cam- shows that 50% of the jobs in 2030 in the ridden on the bus with students, many
Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce pus. My goal is to develop a similar culture medical field do not exist today. The who park two miles away and are bused to
and numerous other committees and civic at the Medical Campus that will help Medical Campus must continue to work campus.”
activities in his 13 years. develop students who have a customer with hospital leaders to respond to those The addition of the parking garage alone
In 2008, he was named founding Vice service bedside manner and are the top- new jobs and make sure the current pro- will make a huge impact for students, he
President for Academic Affairs for the trained professionals in their field.” grams stay up to date on technology notes. In addition, the new simulation
Trinity River Campus in downtown Fort Among the top reasons he came to advances and industry demands.” building opening in the fall of 2019 will
Worth, Texas. On this campus, he merged Miami Dade is because of Dr. Eduardo The second critical challenge to the allow many of the programs to grow and
the nursing program and health science Padron, president of Miami Dade College. Medical Campus is the competition from give other programs new space on the
programs—both had been around for over “His knowledge of higher education and proprietary schools. existing campus.
40 years—onto one campus. He also the opportunity to serve under his guid- “These schools are luring our future stu- “We will also be able to add new pro-
designed its new Health Profession ance was a major reason I accepted this dents away for a comparable degree at a grams and one of the most exciting oppor-
Campus with a state-of-the-art simulation position,” says Dr. Stewart. “I also was much higher cost to students,” he says. tunities is to develop customized training
lab (LIVE Living in a Virtual very impressed with the nursing and “The Medical Campus needs to continue for area hospital partners,” says Dr.
Environment). health science programs Miami Dade recruiting qualified students.” Stewart. “One last goal is to connect the
Opening this new campus and building College offers.” Since coming onboard in late August, Medical Campus to the community and
it from the ground level is what he calls Another major attraction for him was his first goal has been to learn the culture create a campus that is considered a
one of his greatest career achievements. the Florida hospital system. of the Medical Campus and get to know as Center of Excellence in Health Care in the
“Having the ability to hire all the faculty “As I worked in Texas, many times I many students, faculty and staff as he can. country. To that end, over the last few
and staff and instill my higher education heard about the quality and creativity in “I am working to be a visible and weeks I have been meeting with hospital
philosophy was one of the most rewarding Florida and having the chance to work approachable leader,” he says. leaders all over Miami Dade county and I
experiences of my life,” he says. “I created a with health care leaders in this state was a In fact, during his long and distin- look forward to continuing to make those
Disney culture of service by giving every professional goal of mine,” he explains. guished career, his most important lesson connections.”
full time employee on the campus a book “As I have had the chance to meet my fac- learned is that relationships matter.
based on a Disney success model that ulty and staff, I have realized how much “At every job I have ever had, I knew For more information, visit
helped embed a unique and one-of-a-kind talent and knowledge the campus possess- that the people were the most valuable
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20 November 2018 South Florida Hospital News