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Celebrating Life and the Next 30 Years
Catholic Hospice is on the memories together. ing, and grateful acknowledgment, to the care location, timing, payment, and
threshold of celebrating its Catholic Hospice is comfort patients with a history of mili- eligibility for services. In hospice care,
30 year anniversary, serving committed to being a tary service and possibly physical or psy- you must be considered to be terminal or
people of all faiths in our reliable and supportive chological trauma. The WHV program within 6 month prognosis. For palliative
community. With this mile- resource for the commu- has been very successfully received in care, there are no time restrictions.
stone comes an opportunity nity by offering special the community and the Miami inpatient Palliative consults can be received by
to reflect not only on past programs such as Camp hospice at the VA. patients at any time, at any stage of ill-
accomplishments, but rather Erin which serves With their newly installed manage- ness whether it be terminal or not.
and more importantly on the bereaved children. ment team, Catholic Hospice is equipped “Since there are no time limits on when
future – the next 30 years. Supported through the to face the challenges ahead with the great- you can receive palliative care, it acts to
There have been many Moyer Foundation, the est level of professionalism, patient care fill the gap for patients who want and
changes in the hospice land- camp, which runs twice and satisfaction. Executive Director, Dian need comfort at any stage of any disease,
scape from how services are a year for 6 – 17 year Backoff, brings a broad range of expertise whether terminal or chronic.” shares Dr.
referred and paid, to merg- Dr. Tracy Romanello olds, is free of charge in hospice management and a fresh per- Romanello. “In a palliative care program,
ing hospice providers and and provides bereaved spective on evolving industry trends; new there is no expectation that life-prolong-
consolidation in the industry as well as children a safe place to tell their story, Medical Director, Tracy Romanello, D.O., ing therapies will be avoided.”
adapting care delivery to value based their feelings and learn healthy coping with a very specific growth focus on the “We plan to work more closely with
care. What hasn’t changed, however, is strategies for their grief journey. emerging Palliative Care business unit, and our community so we can serve all
the need for appropriate and compas- The L’chaim Jewish Hospice program, Rochelle S. Clarke, PhD, LMFT, MSHR - appropriate patients and do an even bet-
sionate hospice care and the quality of which is accredited by The National Director, Quality and Organizational ter job of responding to the needs of all
life it provides to the individual patient Institute for Jewish Hospice (NIJH) is Develop ment, focusing on consistent high clients as we offer optimal service deliv-
and the family. Hospice provides quality, staffed with professionals trained in quality service and care, the team is ever- ery. Terminal care is complex. We need
compassionate, comprehensive end-of- Jewish rituals and traditions and sensi- more committed to its Mission and dedi- to remain sensitive and flexible as we
life care for people facing a life-limiting tive to the needs of the people of the cated to enhancing the quality of life for approach patients and families and help
illness or injury. These patients are some Jewish faith. A Rabbi for spiritual and patients and families on their journey them navigate through this very difficult
of the most vulnerable and most expen- emotional support in accordance with through life-limiting illness and bereave- journey,” states Dian Backoff.
sive in our health care system. the family's own belief system is always ment. There will be many changes in the hos-
As Catholic Hospice embraces the available. Backed by Catholic Health Service and pice environment in the next few years.
challenges ahead, it does so with a strong In collaboration with the National building a larger community through Quality concerns, reimbursement, regu-
and dedicated team, many of which have Hospice and Palliative Care Organization partnerships with physicians, healthcare lations, innovation in care and
been together almost since its inception. and Veterans Association, “We Honor professionals, academic institutions, and doubtlessly other areas that will surface
They provide the comfort families need Veterans”, is a program Catholic Hospice youth programs, the new team seeks to over time. Catholic Hospice is poised to
in the most difficult days and understand designed to empower hospice profes- be on the vanguard of hospice and pallia- lead the way in quality initiatives and
how difficult these bittersweet moments sionals to meet the unique needs of tive care in south Florida. compassionate care as the panorama
can be as they make final and lasting lov- dying veterans. The program teaches Where palliative care programs and shifts. Catholic Hospice is ready for the
ing memories and relish precious old respectful inquiry, compassionate listen- hospice care programs differ greatly is in next 30 years!
South Florida Hospital News November 2018 25