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When It Comes To Patient Care,
Why Mental Health
Worry About Your Internal Scores
Must Matter for Your
Ever get thrown the Every three months,
Business Health equivalent of a customer she surveys her team
experience curveball? and asks them to rate
Mental Health Issues and their impact on our community are stagger- Where you are expecting their overall satisfac-
ing. Businesses often find themselves not knowing what to do when an one thing, good or bad, tion on a scale of 1-10.
employee is experiencing some form of mental illness, stress, anxiety, and get another? That She compares the
postpartum depression, either with themselves or a family member. Learn recently happened to scores to previous quar-
how to identify and watch for red flags and deal with employees’ mental me. ters to see if, in the
health issues and walk away with some resources we can all use. There is a local restau- staff’s eyes, things have
rant I really like. Great gotten better or worse.
atmosphere, excellent She then uses employee
November 29, 2018 food, but most impor- feedback sessions to
tantly, it always has determine ways to
exceptional customer improve. Ultimately
8:00 am Registration, Networking & Continental Breakfast BY JAY JUFFRE
service. So imagine my this person gets it. She
8:30 – 10:00 am Program surprise when I walked knows that by focusing
$35 Member | $45 Non-Member | $50 Onsite in and the usual cheery hostess was on internal satisfaction, the outside
University of Miami – The Hurricane not quite herself. The same with the scores will take care of themselves.
server. When I asked if they were ok, Too often we obsess over outside
100 Room - at Watsco Center
they both just sort of shrugged. issues when the actual key to success
1245 Dauer Drive Clearly something was going on, but I is engaging our internal team.
Coral Gables, FL 33146 did not press. I simply finished my So quick gut check. How happy is
meal, paid the bill and left. It was all a your team? Do you even objectively
bit surreal. Upon reflection, I realized know? If they are not happy or you
To register or for more the food and atmosphere had not have no real way of knowing, develop
information, contact Tania changed a bit, but the simple tweak in an internal measurement and a game
Valenzuela at the approach of the staff had com- plan to improve. This will reduce the
(305) 577-5491 or pletely changed my experience – for chance of surprises and your patients
tvalenzuela@ the worse. The same is true of patient and their families will appreciate it. care. Patients will never be happier
than your staff. Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President,
Recently I was speaking to an ImageFIRST. For more information on
administrator who was bragging about ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
how much her department’s employee
satisfaction (ENPS) had improved.
Millions of patient records were compromised last year.
Is your healthcare data vulnerable?
Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated. When did you last check the strength of your data security defense?
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Contact Us
Kevin N. Fine, MHA
South Florida Hospital News November 2018 9