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Financial Health

                                                          for Healthcare Professionals

                        Millennials and Retirement: the To-Do List

          Retirement saving is not on most millen-  retirement savings account. This means   Retirement Savings: How Much?
        nials’ list of top priorities. That may be   that you only pay taxes when you take the   It depends on your goals, lifestyle, cost
        why many experts expect that millennials   money out at retirement. The advantage   of living and various other factors.
        will not be able to retire until well into   here is that you do not need to pay taxes   15 percent:  One rule of thumb is to
        their 70s.                           on any of the dividends, compound inter-  save 15 percent per year.
          In fact, according to Gallup’s 2014   est payments or capital gains you earned   8 times: Another rule is to save rough-
        Economy and Personal Finance poll, the   over the years until you withdraw your   ly 8 times the amount of your final salary.
        top financial concerns of millennials are   money. However, for both 401k’s and IRA’s   For instance, if your ending salary is
        student loan debts, lagging wages, housing   any amount you withdraw before age 59   $75,000, you may want to save around
        and living costs, bills and credit cards/debt   1/2 will typically subject you to income   $600,000.                PROVIDED BY HOWARD
        and lack of employment.              taxes and a 10 percent penalty.       70 percent: A third common rule is to   WOLKOWITZ, A FINANCIAL
          Despite your current expenses, it is not   You may also have heard about Roth   replace a minimum of 70 percent of your   REPRESENTATIVE WITH
        too early to consider retirement planning.   IRAs. The difference between the two is   pre-retirement income, which is the aver-  COASTAL WEALTH A MEMBER
        And there are some steps you can take to   that traditional IRA contributions are state   age income for roughly the last ten years   OF THE MASSMUTUAL
        start saving right away.             and federal income tax deductible for   leading up to retirement. Seventy percent
          Budget: A budget that prioritizes savings   every year you contribute, but you pay   is an estimate, but the point is that retire-  FINANCIAL GROUP, COUR-
        can help you take a closer look at your   income taxes when you withdraw at retire-  ment can be expensive. So that number   TESY OF MASSACHUSETTS
        recurring and nonrecurring expenses each   ment age. Roth IRAs are not tax-  may be a good place to start in order to   MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE
        month to set aside a reasonable amount.    deductible, but like traditional IRAs their   maintain your standard of living.   COMPANY (MASSMUTUAL)
          And the first step in prioritizing savings?   growth is not taxed. Unlike traditional
        Taking a look at retirement plans available   IRAs, however, your withdrawals at retire-  Retirement and Financial
        to you.                              ment age are not taxed.              Priorities                                    For more information, please see
                                               Invest: In addition to retirement plans,   Retirement saving is difficult when so
        Retirement Plan Types                you may want to invest for long-range   many other financial issues might seem          educational-articles/index.
          401(k): Some retirement savings    goals like buying a house or other major   like they should have priority. Saving, let   For more information, please contact
        accounts offer good tax advantages and   asset. Remember, different investment   alone investing, may not seem feasible as      Howard Wolkowitz at
        investment opportunities. In fact, many   vehicles come with different expenses and   you try to make ends meet.
        employers offer programs like 401(k)s that   charges. That is why you may want to look   But not saving early for retirement may   or (954) 558-3673.
        contribute to the plans on your behalf.   at investments like index funds and mutu-  put you at risk of having to retire later
        This is a retirement plan that you can start   al funds or even annuities with low   than you want or under less-than-ideal   © 2016 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
        investing into right away.           expense ratios across a wide range of asset   circumstances.             Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001
          IRA: A traditional IRA is a tax-deferred   classes for diversification.                                       FY1096   CRN201809-204893

         6                         November 2018                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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