Page 2 - Janaury 2018
P. 2

Publisher’s Note
                                                                                         Publisher’s Note

                                                                                      The Holiday Season That Was …

                                                                                    This past month definitely
                                                                                  went by in a blur … a blur of
                                                                                  activity, business, family, and
                                                                                  friends (and don’t even get me
                                                                                  started on those 7 “banned”
                                                                                  words.) Of course, whenever
                                                                                  Carol and I cram too much in,
                                                                                  other things suffer. My giant
                                                                                  inflatable Chanukah bear blew
                                                                                  a fuse and Carol ended up with
                                                                                  a cold and cough that makes
                                                                                  her sound like Darth Vader. But
                                                                                  you know I always try to make      Charles         Carol
                                                                                  the best of things and any

                                                                                  downtime results in me loung-
                                                                                  ing in front of the TV watching my favorite Christmas movies. Historically, this
                                                                                  ends in my absolute favorite “It’s A Wonderful Life” marathon in both black and
                                                                                  white and color.  All this, while Carol watches her favorite “Die Hard” movie
                                                                                  marathon. We definitely co-exist in different worlds!

                                                                                    Then we get to New Year’s. “They” say four out of five people who make New
                                                                                  Year’s resolutions will eventually break them. So this year, I’ve resolved not to
                                                                                  make any. (Oops, I think that’s a resolution.) My top resolutions are old standbys
                                                                                  like losing weight, exercising more, avoiding debt, saving money. Of course, “they”
                                                                                  also say that one-third of these resolutions won’t even last until the end of January.
                                                                                    But I’ve found over the years that things work out better for me if I just com-
                                                                                  pletely avoid the word “resolution.” Maybe it’s psychological, but calling resolu-

                                                                                  tions something else — projects, plans, etc. — works better for me. Because to

                                each • J
                         D elr a y Be  ackson ville • M iami • Or lando • P anama C it y
                                                                                  me, a project goes hand-in-hand with Office Depot, Best Buy or Home Depot,
                         8 0  9 . 0  6 2  2 0    t t  @ d a n n a  c a r g  ey ey  o c . y.  m  www  d . w.  a n n a  c a r g  ey ey  o c . y.  m
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                                                                                                        truly my homes away from home. And since studies
                                                                                                          suggest that willpower to follow through is a limited
                                                                                                            resource, I’d best get to my favorite stores before
                                                                                                            I’m depleted.
                                                                                                                I wish you all a healthy, prosperous, amazing,
                                                                                                              bright, mind-blowing, energetic, extremely
                                   FRIDA      Y JAN             , 2018                                       Happy New Year! (Oops! Are any of those
                                                    A . 26
                                   8:00 AM – 6:000 PM                                                       adjectives in the banned pile?)
                                   FL ORID  A MEMOORIAL UNIVERSIT        Y                                    Why last week when I was leaving Best Buy, the
                                                                                                                manager even said he’d leave “the light on
                                  KEYNOTE BR EAKF AST  •  RECR  OGNITION L UNCHEON                              for me.”
                                      CAR EER F AIR  •  NETW  KING R ECEPTION
              KEYNO    TE
                                     TURED SPEAKERSS
              SPEAKERS            FEA T                                                                              Charles Felix
                                                                                                You can reach Charles Felix at

             R oderick K.
                                                    e  t
             King,  MD , MPH
             CHIEF EXE CUTIVE
             Florida Institute
             Heal th Innova tion

             L UMINA HONOREE
                                          REGISTRA  TIOON
                                          $79    $79                      Early Bird bbefore December 20Early Bird bbefore December 20 , 2017
                                            $99                             Advance beefore Januar r y 10 , 2018
                                              $125  R egular BBefore Januar r y 26 , 2018
                                                    $150  Day of Event
                                                       $35  Studentts                           (w/o fficial university ID)
                                              P ARTNERRS
             Dr . James E. K. HHildreth
             Meharr ry y Medical C olleege

                    ICABA   W OR  LD  .  C  OM

         2                         January 2018                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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