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Financial Health

                                                       for Healthcare Professionals

                                        Five Tips for Your Better Financial Future

               BY COASTAL WEALTH              Start by developing your family’s mis-  free up more dollars than you might  When it comes to Tips 1 through 4,
                                            sion statement. This is easier than it  imagine, and play a significant role in  you may feel you need some assistance.
          If you are like many Americans, the  sounds: Simply write out what is impor-  helping you fund your family’s long-term  Whether you need help in just one area
        current economic environment contin-  tant to you as a group. Be sure to include  financial goals.          or all four, start looking at your future
        ues to make it difficult for your family to  what your long- and short-term goals  Tip #3: Become a dedicated saver.  through a new lens – one that has your
        make ends meet. Many of us have read-  are, and what you are willing to give up  If you are like many families, trying to  family’s financial goals in focus, with a
        justed our spending habits to such an  in order to make these goals a reality.  juggle financial priorities can make sav-  plan to help you get there. Contact a
        extent that there is now a new normal.  Don’t forget that along the way, you may  ing extremely difficult.   financial professional to discuss ways
        For example, we may no longer shop as  still want to decide what little luxuries  Successful savers use the concept of  they can help you put these tips into
        much as or where we used to; we may  your entire family can enjoy (like a get-  paying themselves first whenever they  action—and your financial dreams on
        settle for a staycation, rather than a true  away) that you want to keep in your  receive a paycheck. Over time, adopting  track.
        getaway; and items that were previously  budget – since these can help you feel  that one smart move can help you reach  Taking the right steps today can help
        considered to be necessities have been  less deprived and even save you money  your financial goal of saving for a car, a  to ensure a better financial future for
        relegated to the “can’t afford” or “not  (by keeping you from going out to first-  vacation, or whatever is a priority for  both you and your loved ones.
        needed” category.                   run movies, for example).           your family. To help make it easier, check
          Unfortunately, many economic ana-   Tip #2: Cut back, even if it hurts (a  with your employer to see if you can  Insurance  products  issued  by
        lysts feel that these shifting attitudes are  little).                  have part of your pay automatically  Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
                                                                                                                    Company (MassMutual) (Springfield, MA
        here to stay.                         Figuring out what is most important to  deposited into one or more savings  01111) and its subsidiaries, C.M. Life
          Tips to help improve your economic  your family from a financial perspective  accounts. It can make saving automat-  Insurance Co. and MML Bay State Life
        future                              is a smart move –and a good decision for  ic—and nearly painless.       Insurance Co. (Enfield, CT 06082).C.M. Life
          Here are some tips to help you take  your long-term financial security.  Tip #4: Run your numbers.        Insurance Co. and MML Bay State Life
        stock of your overall economic picture,  Making even small sacrifices in your  Do you know if you are on track with  Insurance Co., are non-admitted in New
        with actionable steps designed to help  spending can help you meet your goals.  your current disability coverage, life
        improve your long-term financial securi-  Look carefully at how you and your fam-  insurance, and retirement savings  Provided by Coastal Wealth, a amember of the
        ty.                                 ily members spend your money so you  plan(s)? In other words, will these  MassMutual Financial Group, courtesy of
          Tip #1: Determine what is really  can identify where you can make small  important items provide you and your  Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
        important.                          changes to cut back on non-essential  family with the amount of financial pro-  (MassMutual).
                                                                                                                      © 2017 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
          Take stock of what is really important  expenditures. And don’t overlook the  tection you’ll need – when needed? Don’t  Company, Springfield, MA 01111-0001
        to you and your family - is the newest  bigger-ticket items you pay for every  wait until it’s too late. Take the time now  FY1105 CRN201904-210555
        electronic game system or cell phone  month, such as your cable TV/Internet  to assess their adequacy and make the
        more important than creating a secure  subscriptions and car insurance. Making  appropriate adjustments.
        financial future?                   minor adjustments to these items can  Tip #5: Get the help you need.

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         4                         January 2018                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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