Page 8 - Janaury 2018
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Nominations Now Open for 2018 Heroes in Medicine Awards

          Michael Dennis, M.D., the president of                                  Community Organization Hero is a  health care but are not physicians and
        the Palm Beach County Medical Society                                   company, institution, organization or  have provided services and/or programs
        Services, recently issued a call for com-                               agency that has devoted time, skills  that have gone “above and beyond” by
        munity Heroes — people who place the                                    and/or other resources to assist others  contributing to the betterment of health
        needs of others above themselves and                                    and/or contribute to the betterment of  care. Nominees may include but are not
        have made significant, positive impacts                                 health care.                        limited to nurses, PAs, dentists, pharma-
        on the people they serve in the greater                                   Community Outreach Wellness/Pre -  cists, midwives, social workers, para-
        health care community. Nominations for                                  ven tion Hero is a paid or volunteer  medics, chiropractors, therapists, care
        the 15th Annual Heroes in Medicine                                      health care or non-health care individ-  coordinators, etc.
        Awards event are open now through Feb.                                  ual(s) or professional(s) and/or group(s)  College/Medical Student Hero is a
        9, 2018, at 12 p.m.                                                     who have devoted time, skills and other  college or medical student or group of
          According to the event’s co-chairper-                                 resources to assist others and contribute  students who have made outstanding
        sons Greg Quattlebaum and Jibby Ciric,                                  to the betterment of health care. This  commitments to health care and is mak-
        honorees in several categories will be                                  may include programs supporting train-  ing a significant difference.
        honored April 20, 2018, at the 15th    Heroes in Medicine co-chairpersons   ing and educating people on how to  High School Student Hero is a high
        annual luncheon to be held at the Kravis  Greg Quattlebaum and Jibby Ciric   improve daily choices, prevent illnesses,  school student or group of students who
        Center’s Cohen Pavilion in West Palm  encourage the public to submit nomina-  access local resources and improve the  have made outstanding commitments to
        Beach. These prestigious awards honor  tions between now and February 9, 2018.  overall quality of life.    health care and is making a significant
        people and organizations throughout  The 15th annual event is set for April 20,  Health Care Educator Hero is a physi-  difference.
        Palm Beach County who use skills and      2018, at the Kravis Center.   cian or other educator who has made   Project Access Hero  is an MD, DO,
        resources to provide outstanding servic-                                outstanding contributions to health care  hospital, medical group or facility who
        es. Proceeds from the event benefit  tributed in significant ways to the better-  education in the county.  through Project Access has donated time
        Project Access, which provides resources  ment of health care locally, nationally  Health Care Innovation Hero  is an  and services and embodies the character-
        and health care for low income, unin-  and/or internationally.          individual or company who has been pri-  istics of skill, compassion and dedication
        sured residents of Palm Beach County as  Bruce Rendina Professional Hero is an  marily responsible for development and  and has contributed in significant ways
        well as other valued programs of the  individual whose profession is an inte-  implementation of scientific advances  to the betterment of health care locally.
        non-profit PBCMS Services.          gral part of the health care system but is  that have substantially improved the
                                            not a direct provider of patient care. This  quality of life for people. This can be the  For information or nomination forms, call
        Award Categories                    person has used his or her knowledge  invention of a new device, process or  the Palm Beach County Medical Society at
          Physician Hero is an MD or a DO who  and abilities to improve the health of the  service.                                 (561) 433-3940, email
        embodies the characteristics of skill,  local, national and/or global communi-  Health Care Provider Hero (non- or go to
        compassion and dedication to the ideals  ties. Nominees may include advocates,  physician) is an individual or group of
        and beliefs of the profession and has con-  administrators and others.  individuals who may directly provide

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         8                         January 2018                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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