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                                            CMS Makes Changes to MIPS In 2018

          CMS rolled out the new                             Here are some of   now worth 50% of the total MIPS score,  the performance score. CMS also created
        Merit-based Incentive Payment                      the changes that were  down from 60% in 2017. The data com-  exclusions for the E-Prescribing and
        System (MIPS) in 2017. MIPS                        made to the program  pleteness standard for providers to earn  Health Information Exchange required
        took the previous programs                         for 2018:            more than the minimum amount of     measures.
        known as Meaningful Use,                             Low       Volume   points increase to 60%, whereas in 2017  Cost (10%):  This category will be
        Physician Quality Reporting                        Threshold: In 2018 a  the standard was 50%. There are 7  comprised of the Medicare Spending Per
        System (PQRS) and the Value                        provider  will  be   topped out measures that will only be eli-  Beneficiary (MSPB) and Total Per Capita
        Based Payment Modifier and                         excluded from partici-  gible for a maximum of 7 points instead  Cost Measures found in the Quality
        combined them under one pro-                       pation if they have  of 10.                              Resource  and   Utilization  Report
        gram. Due to the fact that the                     $90,000 or less in     Improvement Activities (15%): CMS  (QRUR).
        final rule for 2017 was released                   Medicare   Part  B   has added approximately 20 new activi-  Complex Patients Bonus:  Providers
        so late in 2016, CMS offered                       allowed charges OR   ties for 2018. There have been some  can receive up to a 5 bonus points for
        providers a lot of flexibility in                  see 200 or less Part B  modifications to existing improvement  treating complex patients. CMS will
        how they reported during their  BY KATHERINE BECKER,  beneficiaries.    activities, so you should double check  determine complexity by looking at a
        first year. As long as providers  JD, LLM, CHC, CHPC,  Reporting Periods:  the requirements for any improvement  combination  of  the  Hierarchical
        submitted some data in 2017         CPC            Quality and Cost will  activities that you plan to continue into  Condition Categories (HCCs) and the
        they avoided the -4% payment                       be scored based on a  2018.                              number of dually eligible patients treated
        adjustment in 2019.                                full year performance  Advancing Care Information (25%):  by the provider.
          Many providers did the bare minimum  period. Advancing Care Information and  CMS will continue to allow providers to  Small Practice Bonus:  MIPS eligible
        for MIPS in 2017 due to the flexibility  Improvement Activities will be a 90 day  use either 2014 or 2015 Certified EHR  providers who are in a group with 15 or
        offered by CMS. Now that the transition  performance period.            Technology (CEHRT) in 2018, but there  fewer eligible clinicians (whether they
        year has ended, CMS is removing some  Performance Threshold: The mini-  will be a 10% bonus available to    report individually or as a group) will
        of the previously offered flexibility for  mum score needed to avoid the penalty  providers who use 2015 CEHRT exclu-  earn an additional 5 points as long as
        2018. Providers who adapt to these pro-  for 2018 is 15 points, up from 3 points in  sively. CMS also increased the number of  they submit data on at least 1 perform-
        grams early have the greatest chance of  2017.                          Improvement Activities that qualify for  ance category during the performance
        getting the highest incentive payments  Payment Adjustment: The adjustment  the provider to receive an additional 10%  period.
        available each year. CMS will continue to  for 2018 ranges from a -5% negative pay-  bonus for choosing an activity that
        ramp up the requirements under this  ment adjustment up to a 5% positive  involves CEHRT. Providers can also earn  Katherine Becker, Acevedo Consulting
        program so it is important that providers  payment adjustment based on the  an additional 5% bonus for submitting to  Inc., can be reached at (561) 278-9328 or
        start implementing these processes into  provider’s performance.        an additional public health agency or
        their everyday practice now.          Quality (50%): The Quality category is  clinical data registry not reported under

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