Page 14 - Janaury 2018
P. 14
Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek
Malpractice Insurance Steps Out to Cure Scleroderma
Florida Approves 9.5% Workers’
Comp Rate Decrease
This is not a misprint. to these decisions.
Effective January 1, Florida workers’ comp
2018, the state of Florida carriers are already
will be decreasing the seeing an increase in
statewide overall rate employee benefits
level by 9.5%. This will payments and legal
apply to both new and fees and I fully expect
renewal workers’ com- these lower rates to be
pensation policies, effec- short term. Southeast Florida Chapter Board Members (l-r) Noel Weinstein, Christine Catoggio,
tive from this date until Unless the Florida Shep Parr, Jerry Lance, Ferne Robin, Arnie Brownstein, Gina Allchin, Courtney Caliendo,
the next change. legislature enacts Stacy Alsonso, Melanie McMillion and John Karay
Many clients have reforms that can with-
asked me how Florida stand the current Hundreds of Floridians will walk and • Research: To stimulate and support
can have an almost 10% BY TOM MURPHY Florida Supreme run on January 27 to help individuals research to improve treatments and,
rate decrease after the Court decisions, the affected by scleroderma as they raise ultimately, find the cause of and cure for
state just increased the future rates will con- money to fund support, education, and scleroderma and related diseases.
rates almost 15% effective on January tinue to rise and this current rate research into this chronic, disabling, and The symptoms of scleroderma vary
1, 2017. This is a good question and decrease will evaporate. Another life-threatening disease. Organized by greatly for each person and the effects of
one that many are struggling to glimmer of hope for all Florida the Scleroderma Foundation Southeast scleroderma can range from mild to life
answer. Regardless, this is good news employers is the prospect that the Florida Chapter, "Stepping Out to Cure threatening. The seriousness depends
for all Florida medical practices and governor will appoint three new Scleroderma" is a walk/run fundraising on which parts of the body are affected
businesses alike. Florida Insurance Supreme Court Justices prior to the event that takes place Saturday, January and the severity of attack. A mild case
Commissioner David Altmaier and end of his tenure. The 2003 reforms 27, 2018 at Tradewinds Park in Coconut can become more serious if not properly
Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, clearly helped Florida move from one Creek. Check in at 8 a.m. for the run treated. Prompt diagnosis and treatment
Jimmy Patronis, both agreed that the of the worst states to one of the best in and 9 a.m. for the walk. by experienced rheumatologists may
lower rate will help Florida job cre- terms of workers’ compensation sta- To sign up today, visit www.scleroder- minimize symptoms and lessen the
ators and support the state’s growing bility and have been a driving force chance of irreversible damage.
economy, and they will both try to for Florida’s strong economic growth. Register by January 12 with a donation Currently, there is no cure for scleroder-
work with the legislature in 2018 on of $35 and receive a T-Shirt at the walk. ma.
proposals to keep rates down. Tom Murphy is a workers’ compensa- After January 26, registration increases Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma is a
Although Commissioner Altmaier, tion and medical malpractice insurance to $40. great way to spend a sunny, south
CFO Patronis, and others are touting specialist agent with the firm of Danna- Scleroderma is a chronic and dis- Florida Saturday morning helping to
this decrease, they are not talking Gracey, Inc. in downtown Delray Beach. abling disease that causes fibrosis in dif- shine a light on this rare disease. The
about the difficult uphill battle they He can be reached at (561) 276-3553 ferent organs of the body. Its many registration page allows you to create
face trying to reverse the major 2016 or (800) 966-2120 or forms include localized scleroderma, your own fundraising page or a team, or
Supreme Court of Florida decisions which affects the skin and can cause dis- donate to an existing one. Link to an
that have dismantled the workers’ figurement; and systemic sclerosis Event Page on Facebook and invite your
compensation system reforms that (SSc), which affects internal organs and family, friends, business partners, and
were enacted in 2003 and will eventu- can be fatal. Characteristics of the dis- associates. Past years have seen teams
ally lead to higher rates as claims pay- ease include hardening and tightening from the Sun Coast to Key West in com-
ments and attorney fees increase due of the skin and connective tissues from petitive camaraderie.
an overproduction of collagen. We walk in memory of loved ones, we
Although doctors aren't sure what caus- walk alongside those coping with dis-
es the disease, the body's immune sys- ability, and we walk in virtual unison
tem plays a role. with others; parentless children, 12-
Donations to the Scleroderma year-olds wishing only to play baseball,
Visit us on the web at Foundation provide support and educa- young women with an insight into life tion to Floridians and hundreds of thou- that many "healthy" people lack. This is
an important fundraiser for the
sands of adults and children who cope
with scleroderma every day. To date, Southeast Florida Chapter because scle-
there are no FDA approved medications roderma receives little federal funding
that alter the course of the disease. That so it’s the dollars generated at these
is why the Scleroderma Foundation rais- grassroots gatherings that help sustain
es money to fund a highly respected the foundation throughout the year.
peer-reviewed scleroderma research pro- And rest assured that the money raised
gram. The Foundation targets new is spent wisely. The Scleroderma
investigators to help them develop data Foundation consistently receives the Top
and compete for larger grants, and 4 Star rating from Charity Navigator,
established investigators who are America's largest and most-utilized chari-
exploring innovative ideas that would ty evaluator, based on financial accounta-
not otherwise receive funding. bility and transparency.
Three-Fold Mission of Support,
Education, and Research Saturday, January 27, 2018.
• Support: To help patients and their Tradewinds Park, 3600 W Sample
families cope with scleroderma through Road, Coconut Creek Registration
mutual support programs, peer counsel- Time: Run 8 a.m., Walk 9 a.m. Event
ing, physician referrals, and educational Start: Run 9 a.m., Walk 10 a.m.
• Education: To promote public For information contact Ferne Robin at
awareness and education through (954) 798-1854 or
patient and health professional semi-
nars, literature, and publicity cam- Register at
paigns. steppingoutsouthflorida
14 January 2018 South Florida Hospital News