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ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida ...ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida

            ONCOLOGY UPDATE IN SOUTH FLORIDA:                                      International HIFU Centers, Global

                  Innovations and Innovators                                     Leader in HIFU For Prostate Cancer,

          Most of the cancers that                     tumors can be treated with
        catch the attention of the                     minimally invasive tech-         Now Offering Mobile Services
        media and make head-                           niques   that   involve
        lines include the breast,                      microwave ablation equip-  HIFU (high intensity focused ultra-
        colon and lung. These                          ment and ultrasound tech-  sound) as a non-invasive, outpatient
        cancers seem to have new                       niques. Unlike the extensive  treatment for prostate cancer received
        innovations that improve                       hospital stays and large scars  FDA approval in October of 2015. Since
        survival rates and treat-                      that went along with open  then, approximately 50 physicians
        ment every day. What                           surgery in the past, patients  throughout the United States have begun
        about other less publi-                        undergoing laparoscopic or  to offer this innovative procedure with
        cized cancers? In particu-                     robotic surgery ablations  the use of the Sonablate 500, the indus-
        lar, Liver cancer incidence                    spend only a night or two in  try’s most advanced HIFU-delivering
        has more than tripled    BY KIMMERLE "K.C."    the hospital with minimal  technology. But for many physicians and
        since the 1980s. Death      COHEN, MD          blood loss and small 5mm  facilities who do not currently offer
        rates in liver cancer have                     incisions. The microwave  HIFU, the capital investment in this tech-
        increased by almost 3 percent per year  ablation technique also allows for patients  nology may be too great, coupled with the  HIFU, an outpatient procedure, uses
        since 2000, rather than decrease like the  with cirrhosis who otherwise would not  lack of experience or training to perform  targeted heat ultrasound energy to ablate
        other fore mentioned cancers. So, why  be a candidate for liver surgery, to receive  the procedure.           prostate cancer cells while preserving the
        don’t you hear more about it? What’s new  treatment for liver cancer.     Now, there is a solution for those who  surrounding tissue responsible for
        with liver cancer, other than the increase  In addition to ablation techniques and  wish to offer HIFU as a prostate cancer  sexual and urinary function.
        in prevalence? What can be done about it?  anti-viral medications, techniques done  treatment in a sustainable economic
          Although on the rise, there are several  with interventional radiology can also be  framework – mobile, proctored HIFU services provided by
        new innovations and advances in the  performed to prolong survival and help  International HIFU Centers, the global leader in HIFU for
        treatment of liver cancer. Liver cancer is  treat liver cancer. These techniques  the treatment of prostate cancer with over 2,600 proce-
        mainly caused by cirrhosis of the liver,  include Y90 and transarterial chemoem-  dures performed.
        either from heavy alcohol usage, fatty liver  bolization, which allows for direct deliver-  “Urologists who currently perform HIFU have demon-
        disease or hepatitis. With the recent intro-  ance of cancer killing medications to the  strated successful clinical outcomes for their patients
        duction of Harvoni, and other anti-viral  specific site of the tumor. These proce-  including reduced PSA levels and significantly diminished
        medications like it, Hepatitis C is now a  dures can often be done in outpatient set-  risks of side effects such as incontinence and impotence,”
        curable illness and, if treated early enough,  tings and amplify the treatment when per-  said Dr. George Suarez, founder of the International HIFU
        can help prevent cirrhosis and ultimately  formed in conjunction with other surgery  Centers and the medical director of the HIFU FDA clinical
        the development of liver cancer.    and chemotherapy.                    trials. “And, now, we want to make sure that all physicians
          Prior to the 1990s and even early in the                               and facilities have the opportunity to offer this innovative  Dr. George Suarez
        21st Century, the surgical management of  Dr. Kimmerle "K.C." Cohen, Oncological  procedure to their patients that will increase patient safety,
        liver tumors included a large operation or  and Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery,   quality of life and overall clinical outcomes.”
        even transplant, but nowadays, liver       can be reached at (561) 802-9958.  International HIFU Centers (IHC) will provide on-site proctors, trainers and tech-
                                                                                 nicians who are specially trained and certified in the application of HIFU throughout
                                                                                 the duration of the session. As well, they will oversee the management of all billing
                                                                                 and collection of patient fees, including payment to the facility and/or physician at
                                                                                 the time of service. In addition, IHC will transport and allow on-site use of the
                                                                                 Sonablate 500 to perform the HIFU procedure.
                                                                                  The Sonablate technology has several unique software features, including use of
                                                                                 MRI/US fusion to precisely target regions slated for ablation. In addition, Sonablate
                                                                                 provides the feedback data required by the physician to assess how the prostate is
                                                                                 responding to energy disposition, and the tools required to modify that energy to
                                                                                 achieve complete ablation. These multiple and unique features all play a role in pro-
                                                                                 viding the accuracy, consistency, and safety required for the delivery of focused ultra-
                                                                                 sound energy to the prostate.
                                                                                  HIFU can be used as an alternative to chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and for
                                                                                 post-radiation cancer recurrence, which occurs in about 50,000 men annually. HIFU
                                                                                 is a self-pay procedure not currently covered by commercial insurances; however, the
                                                                                 Centers for Medicaid and Medicare services has accepted a C-code which is applica-
                                                                                 ble to procedures performed in hospital and ASC facilities under the Medicare
                                                                                 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS).

                                                                                                                For more information about HIFU mobile services,
                                                                                                        call (305) 274-7144 or email

         16                        January 2018                                                                                                                        South Florida Hospital News
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