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ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida ...ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida

                                       Innovator in Cancer Care:

            Spotlight on Zdenka Ena Segota, M.D., of Holy Cross Hospital

          Dr. Zdenka Ena Segota is a medical  patients who qualify as an addition to  Q: What is unique about
        oncologist at Holy Cross Hospital with  standard-of-care treatments or when  Holy Cross Hospital’s clinical
        more than 20 years of experience. In  standard-of-care options have been
        addition to providing patients with stan-  exhausted, including Phase I or Phase II research department?
        dard-of-care oncology treatment, she  clinical trials matched to the patients’  A: Not all regional hospitals are able to
        also specializes in research and clinical  particular condition through the  offer research options to patients locally.
        trials, helping Holy Cross to be at the  National Institutes of Health (NIH)  Holy Cross is unique in being able to offer
        forefront of innovations in cancer care.  Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.   leading-edge care to patients without the
                                                                                need for travel.
          Q: Tell us about your role          Q: Can you share exam-              Specifically, Holy Cross has been desig-
        at Holy Cross and your              ples of the clinical research       nated as an ECOG-ACRIN site, which  sented in clinical trials. Hospital leaders
        background in medicine.             in which you are partici-           means we are members of a consortium  and physicians presented to community
                                                                                group of research institutions and can par-
                                                                                                                    groups and talked to members about the
          A: I am a medical oncologist who sub-                                 ticipate in trials at any phase for just one  benefits of clinical trials, ethics standards
        specializes in breast and gynecological  pating?                        patient if that trial is the best option for  in place, and other educational factors.
        malignancies. Prior to joining Holy   A: In general, the cancer research  that patient.                     Our goal is to develop trust in communi-
        Cross, I completed a research fellowship  department at Holy Cross offers all phases  As an ECOG-ACRIN site, we give our  ties that are historically underserved and
        in experimental therapeutics at the  of trials, including early Phase I trials,  patients more options. We also have a col-  wary of institutions in general.
        Cleveland Clinic Foundation’s Taussig  which opens up more options for patients  laboration with Massachusetts General  The Community Foundation of
        Cancer Center in Cleveland, as well as  who have exhausted all standards of care.  Hospital, the teaching hospital of Harvard  Broward County also gave Holy Cross a
        another fellowship in hematology and  For breast cancer, we are focused on  University, which allows patients even  $120,000 grant to support our clinical
        medical oncology at the same institution.  researching options to improve pre-surgi-  greater access to clinical trials, as well as  trial collaboration with Mass General
                                            cal and post-surgical outcomes and to  timely second opinions and coordination
                                            improve the metastatic cancer survival                                  and cover expenses in trials that aren’t
          Q: Do you specialize in a                                             of care.                            sponsored, which allows us to bring
                                            rate. For example, FELINE is a Phase II
        particular cancer treatment?        clinical trial studying whether two drugs                               additional cancer studies to Holy Cross.
          A: Yes, I am focused on offering my  combined can effectively shrink a tumor  Q: How do Holy Cross         Overall, Holy Cross is committed to
        patients precision medicine through  before surgery to give patients the option  Hospital’s research initia-  furthering research in all of our practice
        genomic testing. We are able to offer it to  of a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy.  tives affect the community?  areas and offering patients the latest
        all patients when appropriate, even if it’s  The EARLEE trial is a Phase III clinical                       studies available in the fields of cardio-
        not covered by insurance, thanks to a  trial studying the effects of a combination  A: We received a $30,000 grant from  vascular, orthopedic, pain management
        $50,000 grant from the Community    of two non-chemotherapy drugs (hor-  the Community Foundation of Broward  and neuroscience, in addition to cancer,
        Foundation of Broward County.       mone and CDK4/6 inhibitor) to reduce the  to increase diversity outreach to help  so that our patients can receive leading-
          Targeted therapies are offered to all  probability of breast cancer reoccurrence.   ensure that minorities will be well repre-  edge treatment right here at home.

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         20                       January 2018                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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