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ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida ...ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida
Cover Story: Helping Oncologists Treat the Disease While
Palliative and Hospice Services Treat the Patient
Continued from page 1 of life, including reiki, acupuncture, aro- Cancer is the #1 diagnosis for hospice admission
matherapy, pet visits, music therapy and
Still, cancer continues to represent the
most common condition for hospice more (28%), ranking third (behind dementia and
services, and close to 30 percent of all Curative: a definition cardiac/circulatory diagnosis) for Medicare hospice
hospice patients receive care for seven spending. (NHPCA, 2015) Today, 66% of cancer
days or fewer, according to the National worth exploring
Hospice and Palliative Care Organization VITAS is able to continue treatments patients live at least 5 years after diagnosis, up from
(NHPCA). VITAS Healthcare, the lead- or interventions that other hospice about 50% in the 1970s. (American Cancer Society, 2017)
ing provider of hospice care in South providers might discontinue. As a rule, all
Florida and the nation, feels that seven curative treatments for a terminal disease
days is too little too late, undervaluing are halted once a patient is referred to hos-
the benefits of comfort-focused palliative pice. But with proper documentation and symptoms specific to the cancer or its Hand-in-hand: oncology care
care and undermining patients’ desires justification, VITAS supports the use of treatment, as well as the psychosocial and hospice
for a dignified, pain-free death when medications and interventions for termi- effects of grief, loss of meaning, income, Too many times, after several weeks on
cancer no longer responds as hoped to nally ill cancer patients if doing so: family role and more. already-delayed hospice care, cancer
curative treatment. • provides pain and symptom relief The VITAS approach also comple- patients will say to me, “I wish I had
Against this backdrop, VITAS has • improves the quality of life ments industry changes in oncology cer- received these services three months ago,
updated its approach to cancer-specific • prevents adverse side effects tification and reimbursement. The or six months or nine months ago.”
palliative and hospice care. VITAS is pro- or events American Society of Clinical Oncology, Cancer treatment, palliative care and
viding more services, and we are contin- • maintains awareness and for example, now requires documenta- hospice care can and should go hand-in-
uously updating our ability to provide cognition as death nears tion of palliative care services for certifi- hand, for the benefit of the patients, their
data that satisfies emerging standards of Example: VITAS might continue radia- cation. Likewise, other quality-of-care families, and the hospitals and physi-
care for oncology certification and reim- tion treatment for a patient with initiatives are tying cancer-related reim- cians who treat them. VITAS is well posi-
bursement. advanced cancer, or continue Lupron for bursement to outcome measures that tioned to be an expert and innovative
A terminal diagnosis opens the door a patient with end-stage prostate cancer, assess such factors as the length of time partner for South Florida hospitals and
for innovative hospice solutions. if the intervention relieves severe pain, between a patient’s last chemotherapy specialists in their treatment of patients
VITAS’s cancer-specific solutions avoids the use of morphine/opioids, or dose and death, or the presence of with cancer.
include: prevents the severe muscle-wasting advance directives in the cancer care
• A team approach to cancer care, effects of cortisone and other medica- plan. VITAS can provide both the solu- Dr. Ileana Leyva is regional medical direc-
informed by a goals-of-care plan crafted tions. tions and metrics that make meeting tor of VITAS Healthcare for Florida and
by the patient, family/caregiver and their Our message to cancer patients: “We these higher standards possible. Georgia. For more information about VITAS
VITAS team, which may include a physi- can’t cure your disease, but we can Healthcare, visit
cian, nurse, social worker, hospice aide, address your symptoms based on what’s or call (866) 759-6695.
chaplain and bereavement specialist and important to you, your family and your
volunteer quality of life.”
• An Oncology Task Force of VITAS
physicians and pharmacists who review A clearer path for hospitals, too
each cancer referral and make real-time VITAS delivers a similar message about
decisions about treatments and medica- palliative care to area hospitals, cancer
tions, based on the patient’s end-of-life specialists and oncology groups: “While
goals and expectations you are treating the cancer, let us address
• A specialized team that initiates the person and their symptoms.”
advance-directive and end-of-life conver- And when curative treatments are no
sations with patients in cooperation with longer effective, a VITAS team handles
the patient’s oncologist or PCP the medical, emotional and spiritual
• Optional holistic approaches that issues that are prevalent near the end of
address symptoms and improve quality life. This can include management of
Coming next month in South Florida Hospital News
and Healthcare Report...
• Annual Salute to Cardiology
• Cardiology/Heart Health Month/Profiles
• Education Update – Evolving Opportunities in Healthcare
• The Prospect of Malpractice Reform
• Malpractice Products & Challenges
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opportunities, call (561) 368-6950 today!
South Florida Hospital News January 2018 25