Page 23 - Janaury 2018
P. 23

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                      soluution with                            with         no   PMRZIP                          GETMXEPMRZI                                                                                                                                                         ]
                                                          hysicians throughout the U.S. to provide the FDA-cleared HIFU (high iintensit
          International HIFU Centers is partnering with phy                                                                             y ffoocused
                                                                  e ffoor men with h prostate cancer. The alternative to chemo, radiattion, surgery and
          ultrasound) treatment that preserves patient quality of life
          post-radiation cancer recurrence, HIFU offe        ffective treatmen tffoor r localized prostate cancer with significantly less rrisk of common
                                                   ffers an effe
               ffects, such as impotence and incontinence
          side effe                                        , wwhhich are typically rep ported with traditional treatments.
            International HIFU Centers provides mobile HIFU services to all phy
                                                                               hyysicians, hospitals, clinics and
          a mbbulatory surgical center s wwhho wish to offe         f-the-art treatmment option without any capital
                                                    ffer this state-of-
          investment,  wwhhich includes:

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                                                               • Experienced technicians


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            p  t a  ie  t n  s i n a s u s tai n a  l b  e e c o n o m ic f  a r  me wo                                                              . k r o
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            w  ww   .h if u me di c  l a e x p  c . t r e  o m
        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                              January 2018                         23
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