Page 26 - Janaury 2018
P. 26
South Florida's
Monthly Brian Hunis, MD Jennifer Zikria, MD
Healthcare Newspaper
Dr. Brian Hunis, Medical Dr. Jennifer Zikria views her
PO Box 812708 Director of the Memorial Cancer position as an oncologist at
Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708 Institute’s Head and Neck Cancer Memorial Cancer Institute as a call-
Phone: (561) 368-6950 program, is a medical ing, one that enables her to be part
oncologist/hematologist that spe- of the patient’s journey during
cializes in treating patients with times of personal crisis. Focusing
Website: thoracic, head and neck malignan- on those with gastrointestinal cies. He is also medical director of malignancies, including gastroe-
Quality Initiatives at MCI and chief sophageal, pancreatic, and colorec-
CHARLES FELIX of hematology/oncology for tal cancers, Zikria views herself as a
CAROL FELIX Memorial Regional Hospital. partner, not only with the patient,
Publishers Dr. Hunis recently completed a healthcare MBA at the but of other physicians and researchers that can positively impact
University of Miami, but not because he’s looking to leave the care.
NANCY LAMMIE clinical side behind. “I feel I can be a bridge between doctors and Board-certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Medical
Editor administrators. There is a tremendous opportunity in the delivery Oncology, Zikria encourages those she’s treating to remain hope-
of care to fine-tune and facilitate change by drawing on best prac- ful, since new discoveries and treatments are always being devel-
JUDY GRAMM tices and improving processes, ultimately to the benefit of our oped. It’s something she’s seen firsthand as a researcher and prin-
Editorial Manager & Webmaster patients.” cipal investigator on a number of pharmaceutical and cooperative
A second-generation oncologist who is the principal investiga- group studies.
JMC GRAPHICS tor for clinical research trials, Hunis saw at an early age the impact Currently, an assistant professor at Florida International
Art/Production his father had on the lives of cancer patients. “I love when those University, Zikria is a graduate of the State University of New I’ve treated take trips and send me photos of them enjoying life. York. She completed training in Internal Medicine at Lenox Hill
There is tremendous pleasure and pride in helping people get bet- Hospital in Manhattan and Medical Hematology and Oncology
ter.” training at Columbia University Medical Center New York-
Presbyterian Hospital.
Lisa Bianco
Daniel Casciato Christopher J.
Barbara Fallon Gannon, MD Atif Hussein, MD
Vanessa Orr
Lois Thomson When Dr. Christopher J. Dr. Atif Hussein fondly remem-
Gannon was a resident training to bers a patient with malignant
be a general surgeon, he was drawn melanoma that had spread to mul-
to a specialty that’s still a passion to tiple areas of her body.
LOOK FOR OUR this day: removing potentially “She had twin daughters that
NEXT ISSUE deadly cancers and helping people were about five-years-old at the
time and her goal was just to see
gain back their health.
IN FEBRUARY Gannon, medical director of the the girls make it through second
Division of Surgical Oncology at grade,” said Hussein, Chief of
TO REACH US Memorial Cancer Institute, focuses primarily on liver, pancreatic, Oncology/Hematology Services at
Memorial Cancer Institute. “I alerted her to an experimental treat-
stomach, and colorectal cancers. His approach is to always be
FOR ment, the patient qualified for the study, and she went into remis-
honest and forthcoming with patients about their conditions,
ADVERTISING share treatment options, and offer hope. sion. I’m happy to report that now we talk about the teenagers
OR EDITORIAL “My patients inspire me every day with their heart and she’s raising.”
Dr. Hussein is board-certified in internal medicine, medical
strength,” said Gannon. “They place their trust in me and, in
Call (561) 368-6950 oncology and hematology. He chairs Memorial Healthcare
return, I work very hard to treat each person as I would my own
or e-mail family.” System’s ethics committee and is a member of the chemotherapy When not performing surgery at Memorial, Gannon works to safety and hematology/oncology peer review committees. “It’s an
expand its cooperative group trials for gastrointestinal cancer honor and privilege to be a doctor and I cherish the trust patients
patients and is also involved in the Pancreatic Cancer Action place in me,” he says.
Network, the global leader in the fight against pancreatic cancer.
One Year $40 Carlos Perez-Mitchell,
Dr. Heather Wright has always
Two Years $60 MD preached the value of education to
women making treatment choices
Three Years $75
Dr. Carlos Perez-Mitchell has after a breast cancer diagnosis, but
participated in the battle against more and more she’s found that
To subscribe, cancer from both sides. learning goes both ways.
As the Memorial Healthcare “The strong women I’ve met dur-
call (561) 368-6950
System’s medical director of head ing the some of the most challeng-
or subscribe online at and neck surgical oncology, he ing times in their lives have taught treats patients with cancer of the me invaluable lessons about cher-
____________ mouth, throat and voice box. But, ishing each day and prioritizing the things in life that truly mat-
in 2015, he experienced what fam- ter,” said Wright, chief of the division of Breast Surgical Oncology
ilies go through when his fiancé, at the Memorial Cancer Institute.
All rights reserved. Reproduction
in whole or part without written Yolanda, was diagnosed with stage IV brain cancer. “My battle A board-certified general surgeon specializing in breast cancer
permission prohibited. Copyright © 2017. against cancer is personal,” said Perez-Mitchell, who graduated surgery, Wright joined Memorial Healthcare System in 2014. She
from medical school and completed specialty training in Puerto is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Medicine and
Rico before pursuing dual fellowships at the University of completed a residency in general surgery at the University of
Pennsylvania and Columbia University. “I know first-hand what Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. She then completed a fellow-
Don’t forget to include patients go through during treatment and I strive every day to ship in breast oncology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and
bring my expertise, hope, and friendship to the patient relation- was director of the Comprehensive Breast Care Center at the
South Florida Hospital News
ship. I’m their partner in the battle and I don’t take that responsi- Markey Cancer Center/University of Kentucky prior to joining
& Healthcare Report bility lightly. My biggest achievement is when I can tell a patient Memorial.
in your Marketing Plans after five years they’re cancer free.”
Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit
26 January 2018 South Florida Hospital News