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Luis E. Raez, MD, FACP, FCCP Surgical oncologist Ramon Jimenez, M.D., FACS,
chief of melanoma and soft tissue sarcoma surgery at
Dr. Luis Raez, Chief of Hematology/Oncology & Miami Cancer Institute, is known for using innovative
Medical Director of Memorial Cancer Institute, loves the surgical techniques. Dr. Jimenez, who was director of
challenge of treating patients with lung, head & neck can- surgical oncology at Hartford Healthcare Medical Group
cers. in Connecticut before joining Miami Cancer Institute,
“We’re able to save lives and prolong the survival of specializes in surgery to treat melanoma and cancers
patients with each discovery of new drugs,” said Raez, that start in the body’s soft tissues, such as muscle and
who also heads Memorial’s Thoracic Oncology Program. fat. Dr. Jimenez graduated from the Johns Hopkins
“That’s why it’s so important that we invest in research and University School of Medicine and completed a general
support the efforts to find cures for cancer.” surgical residency at Massachusetts General Hospital,
Dr. Raez is president-elect of the Florida Chapter of the followed by a fellowship in surgical oncology at
American Society of Clinical Oncology (FLASCO). He Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Jimenez collaborates with other Miami
also teaches the next generation of oncologists as the clinical professor of medicine at Cancer Institute specialists to pinpoint the most effective treatment plan for each patient.
Florida International University (FIU) and visiting professor of medicine at Cayetano
Heredia University in Peru. Raez has more than 100 peer review publications and pre- Guenther Koehne, MD, PhD
sentations at major oncology meetings, having lectured on four continents and in 25
Guenther Koehne, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally
renowned physician-scientist, is using his expertise and
MOFFITT CANCER CENTER experience to build Miami Cancer Institute’s bone mar-
row transplant and hematologic oncology program.
AT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WEST Recruited from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
in New York City, where he was a leading bone marrow
transplant physician, Dr. Koehne has expertise in treat-
Hugo Fernandez, MD ing leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, multiple
myeloma and other lymphoproliferative diseases with
Dr. Hugo Fernandez is the chair and medical director autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantations.
of Moffitt Malignant Hematology & Cellular Therapy at Dr. Koehne has led numerous clinical trials in bone
Memorial Healthcare System, a partnership that brings marrow transplantation, particularly involving multiple myeloma, and is a leading
the Tampa-based Moffitt Cancer Center’s doctors, expert in the manipulation of T cells for the purpose of reducing the adverse affects of
research, clinical trials, and model of care to Memorial graft versus host disease in patients undergoing allogenic bone marrow transplantation.
Hospital West. The alliance fulfills Moffitt’s legislative
mandate to serve cancer patients statewide while increas-
ing access to leading-edge care for local leukemia, lym-
phoma, and multiple myeloma patients.
“Blood cancers usually require very intensive therapy
and we’re fortunate to have a unit at Memorial Hospital
West that was perfect for the setting,” said Fernandez.
“Haploidentical allogenic bone marrow recipients, for example, are now able to get
transplantation in South Florida without a fully matched donor.”
Fernandez, a graduate of the University of Florida College of Medicine, is a professor
of oncology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. His clinical
and research interests include therapies for acute myeloid and lymphoid disorders,
developing new transplant conditioning regimens for myeloid leukemia, and expanding
transplantation for elderly patients.
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South Florida Hospital News January 2018 27