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2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review...

                                                       West Boca Medical Center

           West Boca Medical Center reflects back on 2017’s top achievements. The hospital  will have four beds that will focus on care for senior patients, and is designed to
         is proud of the dedicated physicians, staff and volunteers who made this year’s long  increase patient comfort, and provide greater aid for those patients with visual and
         list of accomplishments possible. Below are some of the highlights.    hearing impairments. The Senior Care ER unit will be equipped to help increase
                                                                                patient comfort, reduce wait time and provide up-to-the-minute patient status, as
         Gold Plus Award for Heart and Stroke Failure Care                      well as immediate access to film-based radiological images. It will have enhanced
           West Boca Medical Center received the Get With The Guidelines®-Heart and  lighting, nonskid floor surfaces to help prevent falls, thicker mattresses for comfort,
         Stroke Failure Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award for implementing specific qual-  easy access lounge chairs, and handrails throughout the ER to make our senior
         ity improvement measures outlined by the American Heart Association/American  patients feel as comfortable as possible while we care for them.
         College of Cardiology Foundation’s secondary prevention guidelines for patients
         with heart failure. The award also recognizes the hospital’s commitment and success  Annual Cereal Drive
         in ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to  West Boca Medical Center is always a leader in the community effort to provide
         nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evi-  area children and adults struggling with hunger with a healthy breakfast from the
         dence.                                                                 end of the school year throughout the summer months through its Healthy Over
                                                                                Hungry® Cereal Drive benefitting Boca Helping Hands. Hospital employees donated
         New 3D Mammography to Better Diagnose Breast Cancer                    healthy cereal to provide a healthy option to those struggling with hunger in the
           The hospital started offering 3D mammography (breast tomosynthesis) for breast  community. All financial donations made during the campaign were matched by
         cancer screening. Breast tomosynthesis produces a three-dimensional view of the  West Boca Medical Center’s parent company, Tenet Healthcare, up to $100,000.
         breast tissue helping radiologists identify and characterize individual breast struc-
         tures without the confusion of overlapping tissue. The center’s Selenia®  Healthgrades Names Hospital 5-Star Recipient
         Dimensions® breast tomosynthesis system is made by Hologic, and offers exception-  for Labor & Delivery Care
         ally sharp breast images, an advanced ergonomic design providing more patient com-  For the third year in a row, West Boca was named a 5-star recipient for Labor &
         fort, and a tomosynthesis platform designed to deliver superior screening and diag-  Delivery by Healthgrades, the leading online resource for comprehensive information
         nostic performance for all breast types.                               about physicians and hospitals. This 5-star rating indicates that the hospital’s clinical
                                                                                outcomes are statistically significantly better than expected when treating the condi-
         New Senior Care ER                                                     tion or performing the procedure being evaluated. West Boca Medical Center is now
           Adapting to accommodate the needs of the aging population, the hospital opened  a Five Star Recipient for Vaginal Delivery and a Five Star Recipient for C-Section
         a Senior Care Emergency Room. The Senior Care ER at West Boca Medical Center,  Delivery.

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