Page 31 - Janaury 2018
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Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades
Broward Health Imperial Point Honors Nurse Top Hospital Bestowed on
Omni Mutiu as DAISY Winner Golisano Children's Hospital, Again
Omni Mutiu, RN, MSN, FMP,
earned Broward Health Imperial
Point’s DAISY award for going
above and beyond for one of his
patients on the Behavioral Health
Unit. As Hurricane Irma
approached, many local-area phar-
macies closed early ahead of the
approaching storm. After several
failed attempts to fill their daugh-
ter’s much-needed prescriptions,
the frustrated family reached out
to Mutiu who stepped in on the
family’s behalf and got the prescriptions filled. According to the family, Mutiu’s actions
was an “example of true patient care that we will never forget. Omni is to be commended
and the hospital is blessed to have him on your staff.”
(l-r) Leah Binder, President & CEO, The Leapfrog Group; Cristie Travis, The Leapfrog Group
Coral Gables Hospital Names Board Chair; Ashley Tait-Dinger, Director, Quality & Value Measurement, Florida Health Care
New Winner of DAISY Award Coalition; Susan Ryckman, VP Patient Care Golisano Children’s Hospital (GCH); Armando
Llechu, Chief Administrative Officer, GCH; Dr. Alex Daneshmand, Acute Care Medical Officer,
Coral Gables Hospital proudly honors the hospital’s GCH, and Lee Health Patient Safety Officer.
DAISY Award winner, Sonia Falu. As a nurse in the teleme-
try department, Sonia is being recognized for striving to For the second year in a row, Lee Health’s Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest
make a difference one patient at a time. Sonia embodies Florida has been named a Top Children’s Hospital by The Leapfrog Group. Only 10 chil-
everything a nurse should be. She is a strong clinical nurse dren’s hospitals in the country - four in Florida - earned this prestigious distinction,
that understands that caring for a patient with compassion which highlights each hospital’s highest commitment to safety and quality care of chil-
and kindness can help make a patient’s hospital stay be more dren.
comfortable. Her co-workers enjoy working with her as The selection of Top Children’s Hospitals is based on the results of the 2017 Leapfrog
well because she is always available to assist in any way she Sonia Falu Hospital Survey. Performance across many areas of hospital care is considered in estab-
lishing the qualifications for the award, including inpatient care management, medica-
tion safety, and infections and injuries.
Broward Health Imperial Point Honors ER
Nurse Melissa Ames as DAISY Winner IRMC Recognized with the Gold Plus
Award for Heart Failure Care
Indian River Medical Center has received the Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure
Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award for implementing specific quality improvement
measures outlined by the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology
Foundation’s secondary prevention guidelines for patients with heart failure.
North Shore Medical Center Honors and
Remembers the Life of Dr. Frederick Bloom
Melissa Ames, R.N., earned Broward Health Imperial Point’s DAISY award for going
above and beyond the call of duty. While sipping coffee with a friend at Starbucks, she
happened to witness a bicyclist collide with a semi-truck. Melissa, and her friend who is
a paramedic, immediately rushed over to the bicyclist who suffered a serious head injury
and immediately provided life-saving CPR until the ambulance arrived. Even though she
was on her day off, Melissa did not miss a beat. Thank you Melissa for exemplifying what
it means to be a nurse.
5-Star Award Earned by Lee Health
Behavioral Health Center
Lee Health Behavioral Health Center recently received the 2017 5-Star Performance
Award presented by the Central Florida Behavioral Health Network (CFBHN). North Shore Medical Center proudly honors and remembers Dr. Frederick Bloom,
The 5-Star Performance Award recognizes providers who have scored 95% or greater Neonatologist, with an expression of gratitude to his family. Dr. Bloom worked at the
on the CFBHN scorecard, which is made up of compliance and outcomes measures that hospital for 32 years. He served on several medical staff committees as well as the
help ensure providers are performing at the highest level possible and, most importantly, Governing Board. He loved to participate in case discussion with his peers and he ded-
guarantee consumers are receiving the services they and their families need. icated his life to the tiniest lives, micro-preemies. Throughout the years, many of the
Lee Health Behavioral Health Services strives to address the diverse mental health Neonatal Intensive Care babies he cared for returned to the hospital to partipcate in
needs of the community by providing a continuum of high-quality psychiatric services reunions. On behalf of the entire hospital staff, North Shore CEO, Manny Linares (far
and behavioral health resources. right), presented his family with a plaque in honor of his years of service.
South Florida Hospital News January 2018 31