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2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review...

                                                         DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER

          Throughout 2017, Delray Medical Center has proved its commitment to providing  used to seal off the left atrial appendage (LAA) — a small appendage connected to the
        high level care to the community through its expanded services and innovative tech-  left atrium — in patients diagnosed with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). The
        nology. Below are some of this year’s most noteworthy achievements.     device, the Abbott AMPLATZER™ Amulet™ Left Atrial Appendage Occluder, is cur-
                                                                                rently being evaluated in the AMPLATZER Amulet U.S. IDE Clinical Trial to deter-
        Hospital Opens News Patient Tower                                       mine the device’s safety and effectiveness. Dr. Brij Maini, Regional Medical Director
          The hospital constructed a new four story 80 million dollar tower complete with  of Transcatheter Therapies for Tenet Healthcare’s Coastal Division, implanted the
        96 new private rooms, an expanded laboratory, a cardiovascular clinic and rehabilita-  AMPLATZER Amulet occluder, which was designed to reduce the risk of stroke in
        tion center, a pre-surgical consultation center, upgraded technology with higher-qual-  patients suffering from non-valvular AF.
        ity x-ray machines and an MRI scanner, and a trauma helipad where patients are
        immediately taken off Trauma Hawk and brought down to the Level I Trauma Center.  First Hospital in Florida to Perform the Edwards SAPIEN
        The hospital also built a 150,000 square foot garage adding 352 parking spaces for  3 Valve for Mitral Valve-In-Valve Replacement
        staff and patients.                                                       Delray Medical Center is the first hospital in the state of Florida to use the Edwards
                                                                                SAPIEN 3 transcatheter heart valve for mitral valve replacement inside a failed surgi-
        Advanced Radiation Services to be Available in Palm Beach               cal valve. This treatment, is for both aortic patients and mitral patients who are at
        County on the Campus of The Delray Medical Center                       high risk for subsequent open heart surgery to replace their bioprosthetic valve. The
          Proton International and Delray Medical Center is pleased to announce a new state  SAPIEN 3 valve is the only valve approved for valve-in-valve procedures due to failure
        of the art radiation therapy center and a pioneering approach to proton therapy which  of a surgical mitral valve.
        will be performed at the hospital. Together the partners have taken a significant step
        forward to assure the residents of South Florida will have access to improved radia-  Delray Medical Center Performs First Incisionless Surgery
        tion therapy capabilities. The Delray Radiation facility on the campus of Delray  to Treat Heartburn
        Medical Center, will offer the most advanced forms of external beam therapy includ-  Surgery without an incision is now a possibility. The new Transoral Incisionless
        ing spot-scanning, intensity modulated proton therapy along with traditional radia-  Fundoplication procedure, or TIF, using the innovative EsophyX® device for the
        tion technologies. The 40 thousand square foot facility will include physician offices,  treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is now available at Delray
        minor procedure room, advanced treatment planning, anesthesia for pediatric  Medical Center. The TIF procedure is based on established principles of surgical
        patients, and clinical examination rooms. The facility will be open for photon patients  repair of the antireflux barrier, except that it is “surgery from within” performed tran-
        in 2018 and proton patients in Spring 2019.                             sorally (through the mouth). The procedure can reduce hiatal hernia and can re-
                                                                                establishe the high pressure zone between the stomach and esophagus restoring the
        First Hospital in South Florida to Use New Therapy Option for           natural, physiological anatomy to prevent gastroesophageal reflux. Because the pro-
        Patients at an Increased Risk of Stroke Due to Atrial Fibrillation      cedure is incisionless, there is reduced pain, reduced recovery and no visible scar.
          Delray Medical Center is the first hospital in South Florida to implant a new device

                                             PALM BEACH GARDENS MEDICAL CENTER

          This past year, Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center introduced several new services  Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Welcomes
         and programs, and appointed a new CECO. The hospital also made many technolog-  Dianne Goldenberg as Chief Executive Officer
         ical developments, and received numerous accolades. The following are some of the  Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center appointed Dianne Goldenberg as the hospital’s
         highlights of 2017.                                                    new Chief Executive Officer. As CEO, Goldenberg is responsible for all hospital oper-
                                                                                ations, executive planning and medical services of the 199-bed acute care hospital.
         Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Opens Senior Care ER                 Goldenberg’s career as a healthcare executive spans over 35 years, and she has been
          Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is adapting to accommodate the needs of the  in a CEO role for more than a decade. While she was most recently the CEO of a hos-
         aging population by opening a Senior Care Emergency Room. The Senior Care ER, is  pital in Miami-Dade County with a Level II trauma center, amongst other CEO posi-
         focusing care for senior patients, and is designed to increase patient comfort, and pro-  tions, she was also the CEO of one of the former Tenet hospitals in Broward County.
         vide greater aid for those patients with visual and hearing impairments. Palm Beach  Her experience throughout her career has been widely focused on new program
         Gardens Medical Center is partnering with NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for  development and growth, and she has been recognized for achievements in quality
         Healthsystem Elders) which is a national program to improve care for older hospital-  and service.
         ized adults. Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center nurses and emergency room physi-
         cians underwent specialized training to care for the elderly.          Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Unveils
                                                                                Advanced Dual Source CT Imaging
         Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Among a Select Group                   The SOMATOM Definition Flash from Siemens Healthineers arrived at Palm Beach
         in Palm Beach County to Offer Implant Alternative to Help              Gardens Medical Center providing patients with a new advanced radiologic offering.
         Reduce Risk of Stroke in Afib Patients                                 The Definition Flash is one of the most important developments in diagnostic imag-
          With the new WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) Implant now  ing. The dual source, 2 x 128-slice CT is better at freezing motion than a single source
         offered at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, patients with non-valvular atrial fib-  CT, allowing a patient’s heart along with the arteries and anatomy to be better cap-
         rillation (Afib) have an alternative option designed to help reduce their risk of suffer-  tured in a single beat, even at higher heart rates. The SOMATOM® Definition Flash
         ing an Afib-related stroke. Afib patients have a five times greater risk of stroke and  from Siemens Healthineers creates new opportunities for patient-friendly imaging at
         typically have to take long-term warfarin or similar blood-thinning medications with  Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. The SOMATOM Definition Flash is one of the
         potentially serious side effects. For those who have medical reasons to seek a non-  fastest computed tomography (or CT) scanners available. For most adults, it can
         drug alternative, the WATCHMAN LAAC device works by closing off an area of the  image the entire chest in less than a second and it can scan the whole body in less
         heart called the left atrial appendage (LAA). By doing so, harmful blood clots that  than 5 seconds.
         may form due to Afib are kept from entering the blood stream and potentially causing
         a stroke.                                                              Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Earns “A”
                                                                                for Patient Safety in Fall 2017 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade
         Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Opens Renovated                        By achieving an “A” Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Palm Beach Gardens Medical
         Outpatient Rehabilitation Center                                       Center receives recognition as one of the safest hospitals in the United States. The
          The newly renovated outpatient rehabilitation center for Palm Beach Gardens  Leapfrog Group, a national patient safety watchdog, assigns “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” and “F”
         Medical Center opened its doors for an open house attended by several of the Palm  letter grades to hospitals nationwide and provides the most complete picture of patient
         Beach Gardens and North Palm Beach Council Members. The center reconfigured its  safety in the U.S. Developed under the guidance of an expert panel, the Leapfrog Hospital
         space for improved patient flow, new flooring, furniture and new equipment.  Safety Grade uses 30 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to assign grades
         Treatments at the outpatient center include, cardiac, pulmonary, vestibular, and  to more than 2,600 U.S. hospitals twice per year. The ratings are calculated by top patient
         speech and limb movement, women’s health, BIG and LOUD program for treatment  safety experts and are fully transparent and free to the public.
         of Parkinson’s.

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