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                ACOUSTICAL DESIGN                     EDUCATIONAL                        EDUCATIONAL                 HEALTHCARE FOUNDATIONS
          has been improving the sonic environment for  UNIVERSITY MASTER OF SCIENCE IN  IN HEALTH SECTOR MANAGEMENT  The Scleroderma Foundation provides sup-
          hospitals and healthcare facilities. We pro-  HEALTH INFORMATICS & ANALYTICS   AND POLICY                port and education to individuals and families
          vide acoustical design and commissioning for  As part of Florida International University’s  The University of Miami Executive MBA in  affected by scleroderma, while funding inno-
          your facility: power plants to patient wards,  College of Business, the 14-month MSHI&A  Health Sector Management and Policy pro-  vative research into the cause and cure of the
          emergency rooms to MRIs. For more infor-  program is designed for information systems  gram allows physicians, nurse practitioners,  disease. Locally, the Southeast Florida
          mation, call (754) 229-1450 or visit the web-  professionals, healthcare managers, physi-  hospital administrators, managed care exec-  Chapter provides support groups and patient
          site      cians, nurses and other clinicians, as well as  utives, and other health care professionals to  education conferences. Nationally, the
                                             healthcare support personnel who want to  develop their leadership, management and  Foundation manages a highly respected
              ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN           learn how to use today’s advanced informa-  business skills as it relates to the health care  peer-reviewed grant funding program for new
                SERVICES, PLANNING,          tion systems to create more efficient and pro-  industry. Classes meet one weekend per  and established researchers breaking ground
                   DEVELOPMENT               ductive healthcare environments. One of the  month (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), so you  in scleroderma. Stepping Out to Cure
          SALTZ MICHELSON ARCHITECTS         only programs of its kind in South Florida, our  can earn your MBA without interrupting your  Scleroderma walks are the primary fundrais-
          Saltz Michelson Architects (SMA) is an award  MSHI&A focuses on technology adoption,  career. For more information, log on to the  ing tool of the Scleroderma Foundation,
          winning architectural design firm founded in  analytics, change management, project man-  website   which is a 501(c)(3) charity; all donations are
          1976 specializing in healthcare facilities. The  agement and process engineering, so you're              tax deductible as allowed by law. For more
          firm’s experience ranges from hospital design  ready to tackle "big picture" challenges. For  FINANCIAL SERVICES  information visit
          to traditional medical offices of all specialties  more information, please call (305) 348-4347  COASTAL WEALTH, A MEMBER   SteppingOutSoutheastFlorida to join the fight.
          and outpatient facilities such as women’s  or visit    OF THE MASSMUTUAL                  3930 Oaks Clubhouse Drive #206, Pompano
          centers, outpatient diagnostic centers, outpa-                        FINANCIAL GROUP                    Beach, FL 33069, (954) 798-1854, email
          tient surgery centers, MRI centers, urgent  FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL     Your financial health is just as important as, or log on to the
          care facilities, walk-in clinics, oncology cen-  UNIVERSITY MASTER OF   your physical health. Coastal Wealth is a  website
          ters, artificial kidney centers, and pediatric  HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION   Financial Services Firm which provides holis-
          facilities. Our hospital experience includes  The FIU Master of Health Services The FIU  tic, comprehensive financial planning servic-  HEALTHCARE LAW
          renovation and modernization projects  Master of Health Services Administration pro-  es. Our Medical Division is designed to serve  BROAD AND CASSEL
          encompassing all areas of a hospital facility.  gram prepares students for executive leader-  those within the healthcare community and  Broad and Cassel provides full-service legal
          For more information, contact Charles  A.  ship positions in healthcare organizations  their families during their working years and  representation for individuals, public entities
          Michel son, AIA, Principal, at (954) 266-2700  including hospitals, health care systems, clin-  beyond. We have 12 offices located between  and private enterprises – from start-ups to
          or email or  ics, nursing homes, physician practices,  Tampa and The Florida Keys. For more infor-  Fortune 500 companies. Our lawyers know
          visit       ambulatory surgery centers, and other  mation, call (954) 625-1607 or visit  Florida, serving as trusted advisors on a
                                             healthcare operations. Earn your master’s   diverse range of issues. With the most Board
           COMMERCIAL  STATE SERVICES        degree in 24 months and gain valuable skills                          Certified Health Law attorneys in the state,
                                             through a curriculum taught by experienced
          NAI/MERIN HUNTER CODMAN                                                  HEALTHCARE ACCOUNTING           Broad and Cassel proudly represents health
          Need a new or second location? NAI/Merin  and knowledgeable healthcare faculty   SERVICES                care clients in varying disciplines. From hos-
          Hunter Codman’s medical space expert,  focused on finance, operations, marketing,  WITHUM                pitals, physicians and medical suppliers, to
                                             stakeholder relations, quality outcomes and
          Lesley Sheinberg places tenants on an even                            Withum ranks as one of the top 30 largest  nursing homes and home health agencies,
          playing field with commercial real estate pro-  management of healthcare institutions.  public accounting and consulting firms in the  we have built an experienced and diversified
          fessionals, landlords and owners utilizing her  Program is available fully online or hybrid.  country with nearly 1,000 employees and  health law practice. For more information,
          medical site selection expertise and superior  Learn more at  more than 750 professionals and 450 CPAs  visit the website
          negotiation skills. NAI/Merin Hunter Codman,                          across 15 offices, providing accounting, audit,
          (, is Palm Beach County’s  FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL      tax and business advisory services to health-  HEALTHCARE MARKETING
          leading commercial real estate services firm,  UNI VERSITY HEALTHCARE MBA  care organizations, across the country and  & PUBLIC RELATIONS
          with over three decades of experience advis-  Our Healthcare MBA combines big picture  around the globe. For more information, visit  PITCH PERFECT PR &
          ing on strategic acquisitions, dispositions,  business skills with a strong healthcare focus.    MEDIA STRATEGIES
          leasing and comprehensive property man-  The highly-ranked program is accredited by                      Pitch Perfect PR & Media Strategies is a full serv-
          agement. We advise on all commercial prop-  the Association  to Advance  Collegiate  HEALTHCARE ADVISORY  ice, bilingual (English and Spanish) marketing,
          erty sectors, from office and industrial to  Schools of Business (AACSB) and the  KAUFMAN ROSSIN         public relations and communications South
          retail, multifamily and land. Our client base  Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare  Kaufman Rossin, one of the top CPA and  Florida firm specializing in health care messag-
          includes some of the most prestigious institu-  Management Education (CAHME).  The  advisory firms in the country, helps physicians  ing. With over fifteen years of corporate branding
          tional and private investors in the world.  Healthcare MBA’s strong emphasis on a  and hospitals gain a clear understanding of  experience with a focus on results, Pitch Perfect
          NAI/Merin Hunter Codman is headquartered  multi-faceted approach to analyzing issues  the risks in today’s rapidly changing health-  understands the unique intricacies of health care
          in West Palm Beach with regional offices  and solving problems has won recognition  care market - and capitalize on the opportuni-  marketing and communications. Services can
          throughout Palm Beach County. If you need a  from the healthcare community and it has  ties. If controlling your revenue cycle,  include advertising, marketing plans and strate-
          broker who specializes in the needs of med-  quickly grown into South Florida’s leading  strengthening your balance sheet and using  gies, public relations, media buys, social media
          ical experts, you can call Lesley today at  source of professional education in the field.  Big Data to improve profitability sound intrigu-  content development, digital strategies, graphic
          (561) 471-8000 or (561) 254-7810.  You'll graduate with an advanced degree in  ing, we’re here to help.  For more information,  design, copy writing, website content, blog cre-
                                             just 18 months, ready to lead. The HCMBA  please log on to or  ation, crisis management and overall brand
                   EDUCATIONAL               curriculum includes Lean Six Sigma yellow  contact Healthcare Advisory Service Director  growth.  For more information, visit the website
                  OPPORTUNITIES              belt and green belt certification. Saturday-  Kevin Fine at, call 786-270-9909 or
          FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY        only classes are held at our Brickell state-of-                       email
          MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION    the-art facility (Fall start) and at our Broward  HEALTHCARE CONSULTING
          / ON-SITE                          location (Spring start). Classes begin soon.  & SUPPORT                           HOSPICE
          Florida Atlantic University is home to the 15-  Apply Now! For more information, please call             VITAS® HEALTHCARE
          month Executive Master of Health  Admin -  (305) 779-9229, or email  Florida  HEALTHCARE NAVIGATION SYSTEMS  Patients and Families Come First
          istration (EMHA) program designed for work-  International  University  at  Healthcare Navigation Systems  provides  When someone you love is seriously ill, there
          ing professionals looking to enhance their    consultation and support for outcomes  are so many decisions to be made. VITAS
          career. The program offers the convenience                            improvement initiatives. Focused on helping  helps you make care transitions that make
          to complete the master’s degree in a struc-  NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY  providers and health systems meet  sense: From hospital to home. From focusing
          tured 15-month cohort program offered on  Master of Public Health Online/   required quality outcome measures and cost  on the disease to focusing on the patient.
          Monday and Wednesday evenings.  The  On-site                          measures. We identify opportunities to  From coping on your own to being part of a
          EMHA program will expand student’s qualifi-  The  Accredited Master of Public Health  improve performance to compete with the  team. We have served Dade-Monroe,
          cations for challenging leadership positions in  (MPH) degree at Nova Southeastern  benchmark standards of similar peer  Broward and Palm Beach counties since
          various healthcare sectors. Students are  University requires a minimum of 42 semes-  groups. HNS is experienced with the Bundle  1978. For information or to make a referral,
          given the tools to help foster change in a  ter hours, including public health field experi-  Payment program, managing the transition of  call 800.723.3233 or go to
          dynamic, ever-changing environment. For  ence and a comprehensive examination. The  care process, closing gaps in care and pro-
          more information, call (561) 297-6000 or visit  course may be completed within 2-5 years of  viding  care  coordination  support.
          the website  matriculation. On-site classes are offered one  Experienced in developing patient centered
                                             evening per week. The Online option requires  strategies to reduced length of stay, readmis-
                                             one weekend on-site orientation and one  sion rates and ED visits, developing work flow
                                             weekend on-site capstone experience.  processes, and policies and procedures.
                                             Supervised elective field based courses and  HNS Services the South Florida area. For
                                             research opportunities available. For more  more information, please contact Judith
                                             information, contact Dr. Cyril Blavo, Director,  Scott, RN MSN, BBA, Senior Consultant, at
                                             at (954) 262-1613 or or  (561) 444-9011 or you can visit us at the web-
                                             visit             site

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