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Groundbreaking Takes Place What’s New...
on The S. Donald Sussman
EmpathiCare Village
Memorial Healthcare System Opens
Doors to Urgent Care Center
(l-r) Jay Solowsky, chairman of the board at Miami Jewish Health, philanthropist
Edie Laquer, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, Jeffrey Freimark, president and CEO
at Miami Jewish Health, philanthropist S. Donald Sussman, Dr. Marc Agronin,
and philanthropist Louis Wolfson III.
When the medical need arises, determining the most appropriate type of care or
accessing the right level of care isn’t always an easy choice to make. Residents of
Pembroke Pines and neighboring communities now have another access point to
healthcare with the opening of a new Urgent Care Center.
The 3,088-square-foot Urgent Care Center, located at Sheridan Street and 166th
Avenue in West Pembroke Pines, joins Memorial Healthcare Systems network of
care that provides consumers with choices for treatment.
Staffed by physicians, the Urgent Care Center will offer adults and children the
ability to receive treatment for minor illnesses and injuries such as fever and flu
symptoms, abdominal complaints, bladder infections, sprains, dislocations and frac-
tures. The center will offer online check-in and accept walk-ins. Services will
include digital X-rays, EKGs, laboratory tests, vaccinations, physical exams and
Workers’ Compensation injury exams.
E-mail Your Submissions to
Artist rendering of entry to The S. Donald Sussman EmpathiCare Village.
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South Florida Hospital News January 2018 33