Page 38 - Janaury 2018
P. 38

Dear Readers:

                                                                South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to
                                                               Cannabis News Florida, a feature of our print publication, website and
                                                           e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from
                                                       leading authorities about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis
                                                           industry. We also intend to provide both national and international information
                                                                which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                    Florida’s Source for Medical & Business Cannabis Developments

                                      International Cannabis Developments

          Recently, the Canadian government  cannabis industry to show strong growth                                Arizona called Copperstate Farms, LLC.
        and the 10 provinces agreed on a deal on  over the coming years as companies cap-                             CEO Neufeld said that Aphria is look-
        how to split a proposed federal tax on the  italize on the country’s recreational mar-                      ing to shift its direct stake in Copperstate
        sales of marijuana once the drug is legal-  ket as well as international medical mar-                       Farms into Liberty Health Sciences,
        ized.                               kets.                                                                   thereby making it an indirect investment.
          Finance Minister Bill Morneau told  The international opportunity is sig-                                 He said that Aphria has been working on
        reporters that for an initial two years,  nificant and several Canadian medical                             this for the last three months and made
        75% of the revenue would go to the  marijuana producers are well positioned                                 its request to Copperstate’s Board last
        provinces and 25% to Ottawa. Morneau  to capitalize on this.                                                month. Over the last quarter, Aphria has
        expects the federal cannabis tax to ini-                                                                    decreased its stake in cannabis technolo-
        tially raise around $400 million per year.  Aurora: Provides Update on                                      gy platform MassRoots through the sale
        After the initial two-year period has  Germany Operations                                                   of stock.
        ended, the government and provinces   Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB.TO)
        will meet to determine if this method is  (ACBFF) traded higher after the                                   Canopy Growth:
        working.                            Canadian marijuana producer received                                    A Global Opportunity
          This meeting was an important devel-  European Union (EU) Good Manu -         BY MICHAEL BERGER             Canopy Growth Corp (WEED.TO)
        opment for Canada’s cannabis industry  facturing Practices (GMP) certification                              (TWMJF) has been executing on all
        and we are glad to see the government  for the production, handling, storage and  GMP regulations, certifying Aurora to  cylinders and the company has been
        and the provinces agree on the terms of  packaging of cannabis flowers. The cer-  produce active ingredients and their for-  laser focused on international opportuni-
        the deal. We expect Canada’s legal  tificate covers both Chapter I II of the EU  mulation into a pharmaceutical drug.   ties.
                                                                                  EU GMP certification is the highest  While we are favorable on Canopy’s
                                                                                such recognition attainable by compa-  leverage to the German medical marijua-
                                                                                nies in the pharmaceutical space, and is a  na market, we are also very excited about
                                                                                requirement for companies to supply EU  its Australian cannabis assets. In 2016,
                                                                                markets with medical cannabis.      Canopy Growth acquired 15% of
                                                                                  Additionally, Aurora's wholly-owned  AusCann Group Holdings Ltd (AC8:
                                                                                subsidiary, Pedanios Gmbh, Germany's  ASX) (ACNNF), which is a cultivator,
                                                                                largest distributor of cannabis to phar-  manufacturer and supplier of Australian-
                                                                                macies, has received EU GMP certifica-  produced medical marijuana.
                                                                                tion pertaining to the import, release and  Earlier this month, AusCann was
                                                                                distribution of dried cannabis flowers.  granted a manufacturing license from the
                                                                                Aurora is the second Canadian company  Office of Drug Control for its Tasmania
               January 17 - 19, 2018  |  B Resort & Spa  |  Orlando, FL         with wholly owned subsidiaries possess-  site. The license was granted to
                                                                                ing an EU GMP certification for produc-  AusCann’s strategic partner and allows
                                                                                tion, handling, storage and packaging in  for the joint manufacture and supply of
                  Join Decision Makers at the                                   Canada, as well as, for the import,  medical cannabis products in Australia.
                                                                                release, and distribution in Germany and  AusCann and Tasmanian Alkaloids are
           Canna East Compliance Summit to:                                     beyond.                             the only Australian integrated operation
                                                                                                                    holding cultivation and manufacturing
                                                                                Aphria: Looks to Decrease           licenses, with an approved manufactur-
                                                                                Exposure to the U.S. Market         ing facility. This puts the partnership in a
           ·  Gain access to key regulators from various states                   When it comes to international expo-  firm position with operations starting in
              to navigate through cannabis compliance and                       sure, Canadian licensed marijuana pro-  2018.
                                                                                ducer Aphria Inc. (APH.TO) (APHQF)    In September, Canopy Growth entered
              regulatory challenges                                             has more questions than answers.    a supply agreement with AusCann and
                                                                                  Earlier this month, Aphria announced  will act as AusCann’s exclusive supplier
                                                                                plans to reduce exposure to United States  of medical cannabis for the Australian
           ·  Source partners you can trust to establish solid                  medical marijuana markets as it under-  market. We are favorable on this rela-
                                                                                goes a de-listing review by the group  tionship and it is already proving to be a
              business relationships to build your value chain                  which operates the Toronto Stock    very strategic investment.
                                                                                Exchange. Aphria’s CEO Vic Neufeld    The Australian market continues to
                                                                                said the company is in discussions with  present attractive growth opportunities
           ·  Develop best practices for cannabis compliance,                   TMX Group and planned to submit a   for medical cannabis and we are favor-
                                                                                brief on its stance before the holiday sea-  able on Canopy’s minority ownership
              testing, and delivering safe cannabis products                    son.                                stake and excellent working relationship
                                                                                  Earlier this year, Aphria announced  with AusCann.
                                                                                the launch of its United States expansion
                                                                                strategy through a lead investment in  Michael Berger is the Founder/President
           Enjoy 15% off with Discount Code 1804MEDIA15                         Liberty Health Sciences (LHS.CN)      of Technical 420 LLC and may be reached
                                                                                (LHSIF). In 2016, Aphria made its first             at (305) 458-9982, or
                                                                                investment in U.S. market via an invest-
                               REGISTER NOW:                                    ment in a medical marijuana producer in

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