Page 34 - Janaury 2018
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Day in the Life of a
Nurse™ Encourages
Students to Become
Future Nurses at
Broward Health Medical
The Nursing Consortium of South Florida, a
non-profit coalition of hospitals, nursing
schools, and health care staffing organizations,
once again organized the Day in the Life of a
Nurse™ program in partnership with South Florida public school districts and many private high schools.
Students from Boyd H. Anderson High School in Lauderdale Lakes had the opportunity to experience
what a typical day is like working as a nurse at Broward Health Medical Center (BHMC). NAI/Merin Hunter Codman
At BHMC, students participating in the one-day program experienced various activities, including Completes 144,000 Square
nurse-led tours of hospital departments. The experience allowed students to spend quality time with a
nurse and ask them individual questions about their profession and the challenges they face while hearing Feet of Leasing at West
stories about their career. Students met and heard from nurse educators, information systems nurses,
nurse researchers and nurse administrators. In addition to shadowing staff nurses and listening to various Palm Beach’s Centrepark
presentations, students learned how to take a person’s blood pressure and pulse, how to listen to a heart-
beat through a stethoscope and how to scrub in and dress in surgical attire while touring surgical suites. Office Buildings
Palm Beach County’s leading commercial real
Heart Surgeons estate services firm, NAI/Merin Hunter Codman,
Inc., has completed 144,000 square feet of lease
Drive First Nails transactions on behalf of Colonnade Centrepark
East, LLC and Colonnade Centrepark West, LLC,
for Shipley within Colonnade’s first year of ownership.
The nine-building portfolio totaling 479,145
Cardiothoracic square feet of office space, located within Centrepark
East and Centrepark West, was acquired in
Center November 2016 by Colonnade Properties and affili-
ates of Grace Development and Flagler Realty.
Ceremonial first nails were ham- NAI/Merin Hunter Codman Chairman, Neil E.
mered in place by Lee Health cardio- Merin, SIOR, CCIM marketed the property on behalf
thoracic surgeons, the chairman of the of the seller, JP Morgan Asset Management,
Board, and the associate director of Colonnade and partners were selected as the pur-
nursing for the new Shipley Cardio - chaser who post purchase retained NAI/Merin
thoracic Center at HealthPark Medical Hunter Codman as they valued the leasing potential
Center. The official groundbreaking executed by NAI/Merin Hunter Codman.
event was held Dec. 4 for the 11,800-square-foot renovation on the first floor of the hospital. Opening of
the new facility is projected for summer 2018.
Pictured (l-r): Dr. Michael DeFrain; Kandy DeWitt, RN; Dr. Randall Buss; Dr. Paul DiGiorgi; and Dr.
Sanford Cohen, Lee Health Chairman of the Board.
Tenet Hospitals
Raise Over $48,000
for the American
Heart Association
at 2017 Heart Walk
PBCMS Annual Gala Raises
Employees of Tenet Healthcare’s
Palm Beach County hospitals: Delray $85,000 for Programs
Medical Center, Good Samaritan
Medical Center, Palm Beach Gardens More than 300 guests attended the Annual Palm
Medical Center, St. Mary’s Medical Beach County Medical Society Holiday Gala and
Center and West Boca Medical Festival of Trees and Lights. The association’s CEO
Center participated in the American Tenna Wiles announced that the more than $85,000
Heart Association’s Heart Walk. The raised will help support the valued services offered by
hospital teams raised over $48,000 the Palm Beach County Medical Society Services such
for education and research to fight as the Medical Reserve Corps, Medical Education pro-
heart disease.
grams and Project Access, which provides health care
services for the low-income, uninsured residents of
the county.
The society honored the 2017 PBCMS President
Shawn Baca, M.D., and installed Brandon Luskin,
M.D., as the 2018 president. Mark A. Rubenstein,
M.D., was presented the Excellence in Medicine
Snapshots award and the President’s Award was bestowed on
Stefan Pasternack, M.D.
Pictured (l-r): Dr. James Goldenberg, the Honorary
Chairman of the Palm Beach County Medical Society
Annual Gala, with Dr. Shawn Baca and Dr. Brandon
34 January 2018 South Florida Hospital News