Page 28 - Janaury 2018
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2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review... 2017: A Year in Review...
As 2017 comes to an end, Good Samaritan Medical Center looks back on a success- breast biopsy, and breast ultrasound (including ultrasound-guided breast biopsy).
ful year. The hospital earned and achieved several prestigious awards and also wel- Peer-review evaluations are conducted in each breast imaging modality by board-cer-
comed a new chief executive officer. Highlights from this year include: tified physicians and medical physicists who are experts in the field, have determined
Midtown Imaging is achieving high practice standards in image quality, personnel
Hospital Receives Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI Accreditation qualifications, facility equipment, quality control procedures, and quality assurance
Good Samaritan Medical Center received full Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI programs.
Accreditation from the Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care (SCPC). By achieving Good Sam Names New Chief Executive Officer
SCPC’s Chest Pain Center with Primary PCI Accreditation status, Good Samaritan Good Samaritan Medical Center appoints Tara McCoy to the position of chief exec-
Medical Center demonstrates expertise in the following areas: utive officer. Tara is a healthcare executive with a background in strategic develop-
• Integrating the emergency department with the local emergency medical system ment and physician recruitment. She will be responsible for overseeing all strategic,
• Assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients quickly operational and clinical activities at Good Samaritan Medical Center. Prior to her
• Effectively treating patients at low risk for acute coronary syndrome and no appointment as CEO, Tara spent the last five years as a service line administrator for
assignable cause for their symptoms Tenet’s Florida Region, now part of the Coastal Division. During her time as a service
• Continually seeking to improve processes and procedures line administrator, Tara developed the Heart and Vascular Network and achieved
• Ensuring the competence and training of Accredited Chest Pain Center personnel interdisciplinary cooperation between the region’s hospitals.
• Maintaining organizational structure and commitment
• Constructing a functional design that promotes optimal patient care Good Samaritan Medical Center Receives Award
• Supporting community outreach programs that educate the public to promptly for Commitment to High Quality Stroke Care
seek medical care if they display symptoms of a possible heart attack Good Samaritan Medical Center, part of the Advanced Neuroscience Network
(ANN), earns the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get
Good Sam Receives Reaccreditation Designation With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target:
by NAPBC for High Quality Patient Care StrokeSM Honor Roll-Elite. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to pro-
Good Samaritan Medical Center achieves a three-year full accreditation designation viding the most appropriate stroke treatment according to nationally recognized,
by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a program research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence. Hospitals must
administered by the American College of Surgeons. Accreditation by the NAPBC is achieve 85 percent or higher adherence to all Get With The Guidelines-Stroke
only given to those centers that have voluntarily committed to provide the highest achievement indicators for two or more consecutive 12-month periods and achieve 75
level of quality breast care and that undergo a rigorous evaluation process and review percent or higher compliance with five of eight Get With The Guidelines-Stroke
of their performance. During the survey process, the center must demonstrate com- Quality measures to receive the Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award.
pliance with standards established by the NAPBC for treating women who are diag-
nosed with the full spectrum of breast disease. The standards include proficiency in Good Samaritan Medical Center Hosts Hands Only CPR Class
the areas of: center leadership, clinical management, research, community outreach, Good Samaritan Medical Center offered the opportunity to learn how to save a life.
professional education, and quality improvement. The hospital held free hands only CPR classes, taught by local EMS providers from
West Palm Beach Fire Rescue, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Palm Beach Shores
Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Midtown Imaging Earns Fire Rescue, and Town of Palm Beach Fire Rescue, along with stroke screenings for
an ACR Breast Imaging Center of Excellence Designation the public. Hands only CPR allows for uninterrupted chest compressions on someone
Good Samaritan Medical Center’s Midtown Imaging receives a Breast Imaging who may actually need it in a lifesaving situation. Using CPR effectively and immedi-
Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR). The ACR recog- ately can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.
nizes breast imaging centers earning accreditation in mammography, stereotactic
For more than three generations, St. Mary’s Medical Center has been serving the at the Palm Beach Children’s Hospital. Nearly 100 business and community leaders
growing needs of Palm Beach County and surrounding communities. Throughout the joined us for this exciting reveal, along with physicians, staff and families that would
year, the talented physicians and employees at St. Mary’s and the Palm Beach soon be benefitting from the many enhancements made to this floor. This unit was
Children’s Hospital have provided a higher level of award winning care with a focus designed to provide a kid-friendly healing environment for the entire family, and fea-
on healing one patient at a time. Here are a few examples of this year’s many accom- tures a dedicated stepdown unit, interactive playroom, family lounge and enlarged
plishments. procedure room. In addition to more spacious, cheerful, private patient rooms with
flat-screen TVs equipped with X-Box in every room, four signature family suites com-
2017 Kids Crown Awards plete with adjacent living rooms have been added to help create an intimate, comfort-
Each year, readers of South Florida Parenting Magazine have the opportunity to able setting for families as their child recovers.
vote for the publication’s “Kids Crown Awards,” selecting the local organizations they
consider to be the best in their industry. For the fifth consecutive year, the Palm Beach Level I Trauma Expansion
Children’s Hospital was voted as the Best Pediatric Hospital in Palm Beach County. For more than 25 years, we have proudly served as part of Palm Beach County’s
For the third year in a row, St. Mary’s Medical Center was voted as Best Place to trusted Trauma System. During this time, we have worked with local first responders
Deliver Your Baby in Palm Beach County, and also received the newly-created recog- to help save countless lives, and have established the state’s highest survival rate for
nition of Best Maternity Care and Services in Palm Beach County. Since the award’s patients with some of the most severe injuries. As part of this commitment, we recent-
inception two years ago, our pediatric emergency room has also been voted as Best ER ly held a groundbreaking for the expansion of our Level I trauma center. This $10M
for Kids in Palm Beach County. project will create four additional trauma resuscitation rooms, with one dedicated
specifically to pediatric trauma, a new ambulance bay specifically for trauma patients,
Highest Level of Stroke Care Quality Achievement Awards and some of the most advanced technology, including overhead radiology equipment.
Our Comprehensive Stroke Center has been providing the highest level of state-
designated neurology care for nearly a decade. For the third year in a row, we’ve More Signature Suites in The Birthplace
earned the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Expectant mothers and families are one of our main focuses at St. Mary’s Medical
Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: StrokeSM Center, and we’re constantly discussing ideas on how to create a more comfortable
Honor Roll-Elite Plus. This distinction is the highest honor a hospital can receive for environment to help patients during this exciting time in their lives. The Birthplace
stroke care and acknowledges the commitment St. Mary’s has made to meeting nation- inaugurated another signature suite, designed to create a more enjoyable environment
ally recognized, research-based measures for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke for patients and their loved ones. This suite features an adjacent living room with
patients. sleep accommodations for a support partner, which can also serve as a storage area for
gifts, supplies, or even as a hosting space so that mom and baby can relax in their own
New Pediatric Surgical Floor quiet room when needed. We’re excited to further expand The Birthplace at St. Mary’s
In May, we hosted a ribbon cutting for our new pediatric specialty surgical care unit Medical Center as we move into 2018.
28 January 2018 South Florida Hospital News