Page 24 - Janaury 2018
P. 24
A Special Thank
You to the Innovative Tools, New Treatments
December 2017 Lead Advancement in Surgical Oncology
Host of the South
The most significant able for the management of the breast.
Florida Healthcare innovation in surgical tumors includes microwave For young women with breast cancer,
oncology over the past ablation of liver tumors and the availability of bi-lateral mastectomies
Networking Group few years has been the liver tumors which have has improved particularly in the tech-
niques used in reconstruction. Overall,
introduction and use of
spread to the colon. Another
robotic assisted surgery tool available to surgical these techniques focused on radiation
for the management of oncologists in the fight treatments, cancer surgery, and improve-
inter-abdominal cancers against liver cancer is radio ment of medicine in immunotherapy can
in excessing sections of embolization therapy via result in less surgery and complications,
the pancreas, liver and interventional oncology. stop advancing tumors and help the
ST MARY’S colon. In the past, inter- During radio emboliza- patient return to their life experienced
abdominal cancers were tion, microbeads loaded with before developing a tumor.
MEDICAL CENTER managed with open tech- radioactive isotopes aim and Over the last several years, the surgical
AT HANLEY niques. Now, with robotic BY ADRIAN LEGASPI, release small amounts of oncology care treating cancer, has
assisted surgical oncolo- MD, FACS radiation to the tumor site improved in the management of
CENTER gy, procedures are safer over a several day period. advanced cancers. Robotic assisted sur-
with a shorter hospital stay and less pain Radio embolization is an option for gery has been proven to work safer
for the patient, thus resulting in a quicker patients who may not be candidates for across the surgical landscape for many
For information about return to normalcy of life. surgery due to tumors which are too large medical specialties. Introduction of the
The use of robotic-assisted surgery has for ablation. During radio embolization, da Vinci Surgical System XI robot assist-
our next meeting of improved the ability for surgical oncolo- the radioactive particles get infused into ed surgery has led the way for surgical
SFHNG, gists to perform radical abdominal surgery the liver via an arterial catheter. oncologists, OB-GYN’s in gynecological
with minimal trauma and scarring. Today, Immunotherapy help the immune sys- surgery and thoracic surgeons in the
please email robotic assisted surgery has become a pop- tem destroy cancer cells. Treatments management of lung cancer.
charles@ ular choice for surgeries in cavities from focused on immunotherapy are less radi-
the mouth to the anus including tumors in cal than surgery for breast and other can- Dr. Adrian Legaspi, Medical Director of the
the larynx, pharynx and rectum and has cers. Often patients are treated with Center for Advanced Surgical Oncology, is a
been used for years in gynecologic surger- chemotherapy and immunotherapy prior surgical oncologist specializing in minimally
ies. to a decision being made to have surgery. invasive surgery and robotic surgery. He can
In terms of inter-abdominal cancer treat- These options can result in breast cancer be reached at (305) 820-6657 or visit
ments, additional innovative tools avail- surgery without mutilating or removing
24 January 2018 South Florida Hospital News