Page 18 - Janaury 2018
P. 18

ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida ...ONCOLOGY UPDATE in South Florida

                                                                          Advances in the Field of Breast Cancer

                                                                             Research Create Positive Outcomes

                                                                        As this year’s breast cancer awareness month comes to a close, we
              Broward Health Medical                                   should be reminded that breast cancer happens year round. While
                                                                       the statistics remain that one in eight women will develop breast
              Center’s Comprehensive                                   cancer at some point in their lifetime, the death rate from cancer is
                                                                       decreasing. The current estimates for newly diagnosed breast can-
                       Cancer Center                                   cers in the United States for 2017 is 252,710. The number of expect-
                                                                       ed deaths are estimated at 40,610. While this number seems stagger-
                                                                       ing, it represents a 39% decline in the death rate over the previous
          Broward Health Medical Center’s (BHMC) Comprehensive Cancer  decade.
        Center has once again been recognized by the Quality Oncology   The decline in the death rate from breast cancer can be attributed
        Practice Initiative (QOPI®) Certification Program (QCP™), an affiliate  to better treatments as well as earlier diagnosis. The rise of targeted
        of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), as successfully  and immunotherapy against breast cancer has probably contributed
        completing a three-year certification program for outpatient hematol-  the most to this decrease. The combination of Herceptin and Perjeta
        ogy-oncology practices that meet nationally recognized standards for  in combination for HER2-positive breast cancers can lead to over  BY DR. NICHOLAS
        quality cancer care. QCP builds on ASCO’s Quality Oncology Practice  50% complete response when given preoperatively.         TRANAKAS
        Initiative.                                                     While better drugs are available to treat breast cancer, we must
          “We’re extremely proud to have achieved certification from the QOPI  first diagnose the disease. Broward Health was one of the first institutions that introduced
        Program because it demonstrates our commitment to excellence in the  Contrast Enhanced Spectral Mammograms (CESM) for the early detection of the disease. For
        care provided to our patients,” said Heather Havericak, MSN, CPON,  women with dense breasts, even the best routine mammograms can miss up to 15% of breast can-
        FACHE, Assistant Vice President of Strategic and Administrative  cers. MRI is an excellent modality to detect certain breast cancers especially in high-risk women.
        Services at Broward Health Medical Center.                     It does however, have a high false positive rate of about 40%. CESM on the other hand is as sen-
          In applying for certification, BHMC’s Comprehensive Cancer Center  sitive as breast MRI but with a much lower false positive rate of 5% based on recent studies. It is
        participated in a voluntary comprehensive site assessment against clear-  also beneficial in detecting multifocal cancer that can better direct surgical treatment options.
        ly specified standards that are consistent with national guidelines. The  All of the above should be encouraging. However, if we do not assess risk and strive for early
        center was successful in meeting the standards and objectives of QCP.  detection through proper screening, the inroads we have made in reducing the death rate from
          QOPI is a voluntary self-assessment and improvement program  breast cancer will be short lived. The controversies regarding when to screen should be kept out
        launched by ASCO in 2006 to help hematology-oncology and medical  of the press as to not confuse the public. All patients should have a thorough discussion with
        oncology practices assess the quality of the care they provide to patients.   their clinician regarding their risk factors for developing breast cancer and to tailor a screening
          The QOPI Certification Program was launched in January 2010. This  program that meets those needs. This can be best accomplished in bona fide comprehensive
        certification for outpatient oncology practices is the first program of its  breast centers.
        kind for oncology in the United States.
                                                                                      Dr. Tranakas is a general surgeon in Fort Lauderdale specializing in surgical oncology.
                                                                                He is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Broward Health Imperial Point.
                                                                                                                       He can be reached at (954) 491-0900.

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         18                        January 2018                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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