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2018... A LOOK AHEAD...2018... A LOOK AHEAD...2018... A LOOK AHEAD...

                            Do Not Forget to Review These Items in the New Year

          With the holidays                            licenses and permits are not  ing the ownership of medical records, the  Business’ Federal Tax Status
         behind us, the world                          timely renewed, the business  practice’s ability to impose a restrictive  The Senate and the House of
         should become a more                          will be harmed with little  covenant, or include/fail to adequately  Representatives passed their own versions
         orderly place. In fact, that                  opportunity or relief, espe-  address certain committees that have been  of legislation that will impact both feder-
         frequently is not the case.                   cially inexpensive relief.  overlooked, such as a quality assurance or  al business and personal income tax lia-
         In addition to remember-                                               compliance committee.               bility. It appears that both versions
         ing to use 2018 as the                        Business Organization                                        include provisions that may adversely
         correct year for checks,                       Typically, a healthcare busi-  Employment/Retention and     impact many “small” service businesses,
         etc., every new year                          ness is organized as a profes-  Key Vendor Agreements        such as medical practices, that have
         seems to be the point in                      sional corporation, limited  A healthcare business may regularly  enjoyed favorable treatment under the
         time to start new diets,                      liability company, or partner-  retain staff members who are either  Internal Revenue Code. As a conse-
         new exercise plans, and                       ship in order to take advan-  employees or independent contractors.  quence, once the legislation is enacted
         other well-intentioned                        tage of certain federal tax  The business also may retain billing serv-  into law every healthcare business
         resolutions. The start of  BY STEPHEN H. SIEGEL,  benefits available to these  ices, software vendors and other third par-  should review the impact of the new pro-
         the year is also an excel-    ESQ.            entities. In any case, it is pru-  ties for specific purposes. All of these  visions on it and its owners.
         lent time for medical                         dent to review the businesses’  agreements should be reviewed on a regu-  It is not possible to identify, much less
         practices  and  other                         articles             of  lar basis – but no less frequently than  eliminate, all of the risks a healthcare
         healthcare businesses to either review or  incorporation/organization,  operating  annually. Parties often forget when their  business will face in 2018. What is
         make plans to review a number of impor-  agreement/bylaws, etc., at least annually in  employment or independent contractor  important is to recognize the risks that
         tant matters. Here are a few of the issues  order to ensure that they accurately reflect  agreements expire. For a number of  appear to be most likely and take steps to
         that merit review, either early in the year  both what the owners want and what the  healthcare regulatory and tax reasons it is  reduce the likelihood of having them
         or at a later pre-determined time.   business is doing.                important that all of these agreements are  adversely impact the business. Working
                                              Example 1:  When it was originally  regularly reviewed and updated.   with professionals with experience in the
         Licensure and Certification        formed, a medical practice’s operating  For example, you must ensure that each  relevant laws, accounting practices,
          Even if the time for renewing profes-  agreement/bylaws or articles of incorpora-  compensation formula complies with the  billing and collection practices, etc., is
         sional or business licenses, permits, or cer-  tion/organization may have stated that the  federal and Florida illegal remuneration/  the most prudent way to address, evalu-
         tifications is not early in the year, now is  business of the practice is to provide med-  kickback/fee-splitting restrictions and  ate, and reduce these risks.
         the time to add these items to your calen-  ical services. Such a statement is both  these jurisdictions’ physician self-referral
         dar to be done at a later date. DO NOT rely  legally and factually incorrect, may expose  restrictions.
         on receiving and timely acting once the  the practice to unintended exposure in a  You also need to determine whether the  Stephen H. Siegel, Esq., Of Counsel,
         notice for renewal is received from the  medical malpractice case and should be  agreement includes provisions protecting  Broad and Cassel, LLP, can be reached at
         Board of Medicine, Secretary of State, or  amended.                    the practice’s referral sources, other trade or
         another licensing or accrediting organiza-  Example 2: These documents may not  secrets, and intellectual property that        (305) 373-9424.
         tion, like the Medicare program. If those  reflect the current state of the law concern-
                                                                                reflect the current state of the law.

         Cover Story: HFMA Partners with SFHN in 2018

        Continued from page 1
         members include individuals from hospitals, physician practices, and everything in  Prorated Membership Fee (January – May 2018) All others: $185 (5 months)
         between. Our business partner (vendor) members represent companies that provide  Regular Annual Membership Fee (January 2018 – May 2019) Physician Groups:
         solutions, technology and services to all of our provider members. We host three  $155 (17 months)
         statewide conferences each year, along with numerous regional events across the  Regular Annual Membership Fee (January 2018 – May 2019) for all others: $520
         state.                                                                 (17 months)
          Benefits of being a member:                                             Note: Sign-up in January through May 2019 for only $450 - new HFMA Members only
          • Stay informed on the latest updates and trends.                     (17 months)
          • Gain insight into leadership challenges, healthcare cost containment, revenue  Here is the link to join:
         cycle management best practices, and financial planning.                 We have two exciting meetings planned during the next 6 months. The first is our
          • Get access to HFMA’s webinars.                                      HFMA Region 5 Dixie Conference in Tampa, FL, February 25-28, 2018. Info here:
          • Monitor comment letters on proposed regulations and obtain concise summaries We are anticipating over 600 attendees from five states
         of final regulations.                                                  including FL, AL, GA, TN, and SC. Next is our Spring Conference and Annual
          • Network and connect through National and Chapter volunteer opportunities and  Meeting in St. Petersburg, FL, May 20-23, 2018.
         meetings.                                                                I hope you will take this opportunity to join the HFMA and see for yourself what
          • Leverage industry expertise, resources, and best practices to affect industry trans-  you have been missing.
         formation.                                                               If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail me.
          • Find answers, tools, and tips by topic using HFMA’s digital Knowledge Center  Mike Bickers
         and website.                                                             President, FL HFMA 2017-2018
          • Support career development and advancement through education and certifica-  E-Mail:
         tions.                                                                   Phone: 404-915-3245
          Membership Fees are as follows:                                         Florida HFMA Website:
          Prorated Membership Fee (January – May 2018) Physician Group personnel: $50  National HFMA Website:
         (5 months)

                                                            Coming next month in South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report...

                                                            • Annual Salute to Cardiology
                                                            • Cardiology/Heart Health Month/Profiles
                                                            • Education Update – Evolving Opportunities in Healthcare
                                                            • The Prospect of Malpractice Reform
                                                            • Malpractice Products & Challenges
                                                            For more information on advertising and editorial opportunities, call (561) 368-6950 today!

         10                        January 2018                                                                                                                           South Florida Hospital News
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