Page 9 - Janaury 2018
P. 9

Your Home During a Divorce:                                        When It Comes To Patient Care,

                         To Sell or Not To Sell                                              Learn What Not To Do

                If you were to ask five different lawyers what                     So here I am at the                        delayed and I need to
              to do with your home during the divorce, you                        airport. I had to get up                    look at other options. As
              would receive five different answers.  So how                       extra early to catch an                     I talk on the phone, I can
              do you decide what the best course of action is                     early flight from Fort                      see the line forming at
              during your divorce when deciding what to do                        Lauderdale to Philadel -                    the counter as each cus-
              with the marital residence?                                         phia for a number of                        tomer tries to assess if the
                First, you figure out your viable options.                        business  meetings.                         flight is going to be can-
              Second, you decide what is the best decision                        Typically I arrive about                    celled or not … We have
              for your family.  If your marital residence con-                    an hour before which I                      all been through it.
              sumed over 40% of your family take home pay,                        feel allows me the per-                       Gut check for every-
              it is likely that you cannot afford to continue                     fect amount of time                         one. When things go off
              supporting your marital residence and another                       from the car to the gate                    track in your organiza-
              home during and after the divorce, so selling it                    (not to fast, not to                        tion, does it resemble the
              may be the best option.                 BY ANGELA R. NEAVE,         slow). At 6:15 a.m.,     BY JAY JUFFRE      airlines?
                If you have sufficient income to continue   ESQUIRE               the time we are sup-                          It’s all routine unless
              supporting the marital residence while also                         posed to be boarding,                       something goes wrong
              paying for a second home, then you might                            the announcement is made that the  and then no one knows what is going
              consider when the best time is to sell your residence.  It may be during the  flight is inevitably delayed due to a  on.
              summer when home buyers are looking in your neighborhood because of the  mechanical issue. The woman making  Mixed messages are everywhere and
              great schools, or it may be during the winter if you live near the beach when  the announcement admits she has no  if you ask three people the same ques-
              demand is higher for your location.  This decision is best made after consult-  clue what the issue is, just that there is  tion, expect three different responses.
              ing a realtor and determining when is the best time to put your house on the  a delay, and “they are thinking it will  When it comes to patient care, it is
              market.                                                             take until 9 a.m. …”              important to know what to do when
                Many homeowners make the mistake of wanting to keep the house for the  As a frequent traveler, I have heard  things go sideways.
              children.  This is an emotional decision.  If you are keeping the home for the  this tune before. The predictable exas-  Put plans in place to make sure there
              children but it is not easily affordable after a separation, you are simply cre-  perated gasp comes from the folks  is an easy way to get everyone on the
              ating financial hardship for yourself, and keeping the home may not be the  waiting and the board at the counter  same page. It will go a long way to
              best decision for your family.  However, if you have negative equity in your  still reads on time, prompting the same  avoid the equivalent of a broken plane
              residence, it might make the most financial sense to keep it until your equity  “we are delayed, but have no real clue  for your patients and their families.
              has increased.  Whatever your decision is, it should be made after speaking  when the plane will be fixed
              to an attorney who can advise you of your options.                  announcement.”                              Jay Juffre is Vice President of
                                                                                   Usually when these announcements   Operations / National Service Director,
                 If you are considering a divorce and want to discuss your options with an attor-  come, I speed dial the airlines and try  ImageFIRST. For more information on
                   ney, call Angela R. Neave, Esquire at (954) 981-2200 for a free consultation.  to convince them that despite what  ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
                                                                                  their computer is showing, the flight is

             Good Samaritan Medical Center

           Acquires Second da Vinci Surgical                                     IN HEALTHCARE SERVICES

                           System Robot for

                 Minimally Invasive Surgeries

          Good Samaritan Medical Center is                                        At WithumSmith+Brown, PC, our client-focused
        now performing procedures with the                                        philosophy and goal-oriented approach delivers
        da Vinci Xi Surgical System. The da                                       expertise, efficiency and innovation to meet the unique
        Vinci Xi System was designed with
        the goal of further advancing the                                         needs of the healthcare industry.
        technology used in minimally inva-                                        Scott J. Mariani, JD, Partner
        sive surgery. The System can be used                                      Practice Leader, Healthcare Services Group
        across a spectrum of minimally, inva-
        sive surgical procedures and has been
        optimized for multi-quadrant surger-
        ies in the areas of gynecology, urolo-
        gy, oncology thoracic, cardiac, hepa-
        tobiliary, and general surgery. This is
        the second da Vinci Surgical System
        for the hospital and its comprehen-
        sive robotic program.
          By enabling efficient access
        throughout the abdomen or chest,
        the da Vinci Xi System expands upon
        core da Vinci System features, includ-
        ing wristed instruments, 3D-HD visu-
        alization, intuitive motion, and an                             
        ergonomic design. As with all da
        Vinci Surgical Systems, the surgeon is
        100% in control of the robotic-assist-
        ed da Vinci System, which translates
        their hands movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments
        inside the patients, body. The Xi System’s immersive 3D-HD vision system provides
        surgeons a highly magnified view, extending their eyes and hands into the patient.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                January 2018                            9
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