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                                                                                                                          Insurance for

                                                                                                                        Physicians and

             Strainprint Patient Retrospective Report Connects                                                          It’s a common misconception that
                                                                                                                        legal marijuana dispensary insurance
                  Product Chemical Profile to Symptom Efficacy                                                          is very expensive and unattainable, but
                                                                                                                        it is actually very reasonably priced.
                                                                                                                        We can provide you with many types
          Canadian cannabis analytics company                            The specific details of the report reveal several key   of comprehensive insurance coverage
        Strainprint Technologies launches ground-                      insights. Perhaps the most striking is that many differ-  which will help your business stay on
        breaking medical cannabis patient retrospec-                   ent cannabis species are offering patients comparable   its feet should some type of calamity or
        tive report. The report summarizes key take-                   relief, meaning that the efficacy of a particular strain is   unfortunate event arise.
        aways and results based on over 805,000                        based on more than just selected species or the THC-to-
        patient outcomes.                                              CBD ratio. What’s also interesting is that the data reveals      • General Liability
                                                                       the legalization of recreational cannabis use isn’t chang-     • Property Protection
        Who Benefits from the Report?                                  ing how or when patients treat their symptoms.        • Medicine Coverage
          The report supports the medical cannabis                       While there hasn’t been a change in that behaviour,        • Business Income
                                                                                                                             • Extra Expense Insurance
        ecosystem in the following ways:                               patients are still overwhelmingly reporting either neu-     • Product Liability
          • The report guides retailers and licensed                   tral or positive emotional effects from their medical
        producers to optimize their products and                       cannabis use with very few reports of any negative expe-  Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-
        services to better meet customer needs.                        riences.                                         dent medical malpractice insurance
          • Clinicians and the broader medical com-  BY JACK CHOROS      The preferred way to administer medical cannabis   agency in Florida, and the top agency
        munity can gain a better understanding of                      varies based on the age and geographic location of the        for several of the lead-
        patient behaviour and make better recom-                       patient while the most effective methods vary by both         ing insurers in Florida.
        mendations for treatment based on the data.            age and gender.                                                       For more information
          • The Consumer Packaged Goods industry can utilize the   The report confirms that muscle and joint pain, anxiety, depres-  contact Jessica Hoehn
        research in the development of new products.           sion and insomnia are still the most common symptoms patients         of Danna-Gracey at
          • Financial institutions can gain a greater understanding of how   are treating using medical cannabis. Patients over 45 years of age
        products are being used in the market, which ultimately impact   are more likely to use it for joint pain while those under 45 are
        consumers both as medical cannabis users and banking cus-  likely treating anxiety or muscle pain.
        tomers.                                                  A free preview of The Canadian Medical Cannabis Experience:
          • Governments and public health organizations can gain   A 2019 Retrospective is available now, with the full report avail-
        insights that will help create improved policies, guiding physi-  able for purchase at
        cians and pharmacists.                                 ical-cannabis-report/ .                                  888.496.0059 •

         Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                          November 2019                         43
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