Page 7 - Cannabis News Florida Novemebr 2019
P. 7
Selling Hemp/
CBD in Florida?
BY JEFF GREENE lack of regulation in the vape space needs to be cleaned up. What some are calling
over reaching regulations in the hemp industry, many of the tangent industries grew
As we have gone through the last 18 months, the up with no regulations. That lack of regulation has allowed manufacturers with less
right to be able to sell hemp products seemed like the than the best quality controls to pump out product that is so much cheaper and with
one of the biggest challenges. That fight has been won that compromise in quality comes health issues.
and now the real work begins. Friday, the final rules were reviewed with the industry by the Florida Department
Between the store owners, the consumers, law of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Anyone that wants to retail hemp products
enforcement and landlords, education is everything. will need to obtain or update their Food Permit to include hemp. For many this is a
Last week I had the opportunity to speak in front of new license and the cost per the rule is $650 per year. For those that already sell food
dozens of Broward County law enforcement on the dif- products, the cost will be the delta between $650 and what they have already paid.
ferences of hemp and medical marijuana. I left that Carrying products with a QR code leading to a full panel test is the regulation that
meeting with a new found compassion for our law should give consumers piece of mind. Download a QR Code reader on your phone
enforcement community. Regardless of how you feel and if you want to buy CBD products we will have a sample on our website
about marijuana (MMJ), the reality is that the legaliza- ( showing a passing and failing product. The last game that may be
Jeff Greene tion of hemp has made law enforcements job that much played is a QR code to no where. Technology can be tricky and not every case is nefar-
harder. Now, for example, dogs that have been trained ious but if you can not bring up a test result with a QR code make sure you bring that
to smell marijuana are no longer able to be used as effectively because the smell of to an employees or owner’s attention.
hemp and MMJ is the same. It even looks the same. The reason for that is the only Lastly, education is paramount. The Florida Hemp Council is working with some
difference between the two is scientific. of the best educators in the nation to help educate our members. As a retail member
The plant is made up of over one hundred cannabinoids but there is only one sub- you are provided many of these services as part of your membership and there is cer-
set that creates a euphoric or high. The THC subset. The calculation of that subset tainly more specific and detailed education available at additional fees.
has been the topic of many arguments over the last two weeks.
The good news is that with the solid regulations in place, good trade organizations
out there, like The Florida Hemp Council and voracious demand, the industry will
we believe work itself out.
There have been so many tangent arguments as to the effectiveness of this plant.
The most recent vaping incident has parents and users anxious and rightly so, the
Jeff Greene is Vice President
of Marketing of the
Florida Hemp Council.
38 November 2019 Cannabis News Florida