Page 8 - Cannabis News Florida Novemebr 2019
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Cannabis Spotlight
Dawn Yarnell thrilled to have our own medical cannabis. Once we level of Id-1 and treated them with
line and be part of Zilis experienced this in our lives, cannabidiol.
Co-Founder, Green Palms Health
patent pending water we knew it was going to be The outcome was rather positive, the
and Wellness soluble technology. our calling to share with as cells had decreased Id-1 expression, and
I am an owner in many people we could touch. were less aggressive spreaders. In fact, the
What benefits do you see for GELSUM. I have always This incredible miracle of life American Association for Cancer Research
patients throughout Florida had a fascination with has restored Jill’s well-being has found that marijuana actually works to
within this space? skincare products and and health. We could no slow down tumor growth in brain, breast,
Despite the federal barriers to research, regime at home as well longer keep up with our ideas and lungs considerately. Another side ben-
hundreds of peer-reviewed studies have as anti-aging preven- for business in this space, efit, having my card has also helped me
been published worldwide. While there is tion. So, I have devel- once we made the commit- guide patients in our practice with product
still much to learn, the medical potential is oped a Hyaluronic acid ment to share. Getting into knowledge and dosing.
indisputable for a variety of symptoms and serum including Vit C the cannabis space is limitless.
conditions. Patients are finding relief and and healing water-solu- Dawn Yarnell Do you see Florida moving for-
changing their quality of lives using med- ble CBD. It is designed Are you a MJ card ward with recreational
ical marijuana when traditional medica- to stimulate the skin ECS, topical hemp holder? Marijuana/Cannabis and how
tions have failed them. serum and gel (for shaving) focuses on Yes. I am a cancer survivor. I take med- will that affect your business?
optimizing skin barrier function, sun dam- ical cannabis to feel calm, to relieve anxiety Yes, I do. Although, I believe it will be 3-
What motivates you to be a part age repair, anti-aging and cell regeneration. and for better sleep. Most importantly, I 4 years before Florida becomes recreation-
of the Cannabis Industry? This CBD-infused serum will hydrate and personally believe it is healing my body al. Diversity. I am creating paths today that
I have become passionate about soothe sensitive skin with this organic from radiation damage. Studies say once lead to continued growth in the cannabis
cannabis education for patients and physi- breakthrough formula, featuring the latest you have had cancer there is a higher industry. Continued education will always
cians. As well as, learning and promoting water-soluble technology. chance of recurrence. I believe in cannabis’ be needed in Florida. We have plans to
in many diversified ways, the healing ability to kill cancerous cells. It was found take our conferences National by educat-
power of cannabis. Cannabis regulation is How can people in Florida bene- in a study, published in the journal ing other states in their infancy (TMCC). I
constantly evolving. We’re a part of making fit from your company? Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, that am a skincare junkie; people are loving the
medical history in the United States, so Modern research suggest that cannabis is Cannabidiol has the ability to stop cancer healing and anti-aging benefits of Gelsum
there is a great deal of opportunities. There a valuable aid in the treatment of a wide by turning off a gene called Id-1. [1] In serum. The latest trend in anti-aging are
is no better feeling than being part of some- range of medical conditions. Talking with 2007, researchers at California Pacific cannabis-derived ingredients which can
thing that is making a true impact on the your physician can be difficult. FMCC is Medical Center in San Francisco, reported revolutionize how we treat everything from
world and in many cases saving so many an excellent resource for physicians to that CBD may prevent cancer from spread- acne to eczema and wrinkles. I feel the
lives. learn from physicians on proper medical ing. The researchers experimented on options are endless.
use per condition. Legislators, business breast cancer cells in the lab that had high
What field are you in within the owners and patients can all benefit as well
Cannabis space? from our breakout sessions. We have part-
I am a co-founder, with my business nered with some of the best educators and
partner Jill Giles, in Green Palms Health companies in the industry and are proud to
and Wellness, a medical cannabis clinic in be recognized as Florida’s number one con-
Naples partnered with Concierge Cannabis ference. We also own and operate a med-
Centers, Dr Paul Weisman. Once we start- ical cannabis clinic in Naples, Fl where
ed our clinic, we realized the gaps in med- patients may receive their certification and
ical cannabis education for physicians and legally use medical cannabis.
patients which led to FMCC.
I am also a Co-Founder with Jill Giles in How did you get started within
FMCC ORLANDO – Florida Medical the cannabis industry?
Cannabis Conferences. FMCC educates A personal experience. Jill Giles and I
patients and physicians, in learning more have been best friends over 35 years. When
about cannabis product protocols, case she was diagnosed with Lupus, so much in
studies, safety in self-dosing to the legali- her life changed. Long story short, she
ties and details needed to start your own decided one day to take her health into her
practice. We also have several CBD lines. own hand. Two years later she is off all her
We have spent countless hours in research- traditional medication, in remission,
ing the top of the line CBD options and are seizure free - maintaining life on CBD and
Cannabis News Florida November 2019 37