Page 9 - Cannabis News Florida Novemebr 2019
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Back Cover Story: Tips for Physicians
           E-mail your Cannabis news to:                                          Considering the Cannabis Opportunity

                                         Continued from page 44               any doctor seeing a patient with a serious

                                                                                                                      condition should do, become knowl-
                                                                                  colleagues will, indeed, think of you a
                                                                                  pusher or racketeer. You may have to dis-  edgeable. Know the distinction between
                                                                                  cuss this with family and friends. You   hemp and marijuana. Know the distinc-
                                                                                  will have to discuss these issues with   tion between THC and CBD, and know
                                                                                  staff. Some of your “regular” patients   about the entourage effect. Know your
                      Cannabis News Florida                                       may think negatively about your efforts.   ratios and their effects. Know “delivery
                                                                                                                      devices”. Learn as much as possible
                                                                                  If you decide to become a QP then you
                   Hummer Wrap COURTESY OF                                        have other business issues to decide.   about cannabis. Remember, you are pro-
                                                                                                                      viding a great service to suffering
                                                                                  Should you open a separate office and
                                                                                  what hours should you be open to    patients who are ready and willing to pay
                                                                                  expand the QP business? Should there be   for relief. Provide great value to your
                                                                                  any stigma about this healing plant? Of   patients. Gain knowledge. Attend semi-
                                                                                  course not. Is there any stigma remaining   nars. Join practitioner peer groups.
                                                                                  to cannabis. The short and long answer   These patients pay cash and visit often,
                                                                                  is “Yes”.                           they deserve your best.
                                                                                   3) Understand real estate documents   5) Understand your patients’ knowl-
                                                                                  and title issues. Do not feel comfortable   edge. Most likely, you did not learn about
                                                                                  simply because you are, or will be, oper-  cannabis in medical school. The federal
                                                                                  ating under a valid commercial lease.   government will not allow validated
                                                                                  There are state and federal issues which   studies. There is no U.S. medical litera-
                                                                                  may impact your QP business. First,   ture that will provide you with informa-
                                                                                  many commercial leases have clauses   tion necessary to start a QP business and
                                                                                  which require compliance with all laws,   which will permit you to provide value
                                                                                  which include compliance with federal   to your patients. There are only two
                                                                                  law. Also, even if you are in an outparcel   guaranteed ways to gain that knowledge;
                                                                                  or a single lot, the underlying real prop-  either learn from your patients or from
                                                                                  erty may be subject to, and bound by,   your experience, because you are a
                                                                                  deed restrictions You should discuss with   patient, yourself. Your experienced
                                                                                  counsel these issues to determine   patients will tell you more than you will
                                                                                  whether you need to obtain your land-  ever need (or want), to know. This may
                                                                                  lord’s permission to operate as a QP   feel awkward because it may feel like a
                                                                                  before you execute a lease, or to secure   role reversal. Since any cannabis use is
                                                                                  an addendum expressly permitting the   idiosyncratic to not only that patient, but
                                                                                  operation if you’re planning to qualify   that patient on a given day, the best
                                                                                  patients from within your existing prac-  knowledge you can impart to your
                                                                                  tice. Counsel will also review with you   patients will be from receiving significant
                                                                                  any deed restrictions, to negate the pos-  and copious patient feedback beyond
                                                                                  sibility of an adjoining property owner   your personal experience and using their
                                                                                  filing suit against you and your landlord   experiences to help guide other patients.
                                                                                  and obtaining an injunction to close   Hopefully, considering these tips will
                                                                                  down your medical practice. Avoid a trap   assist those physicians considering the
                                                                                  and discuss these considerations with   cannabis opportunity.
                                                                                  your attorney.
                                                                                   4) Understand Cannabis. You are a                      Michael Liss, Esq.,
                                                                                  physician and patients are paying a pre-,
                                                                                  mium cost, out of pocket, for relief from            located in Boca Raton.
                                                                                  some miserable disease or condition. As

                                                                                           Florida’s Resource for                CONSULTANT
                                                                                   Medical & Business Cannabis Developments       Andrew Felix

                                                                                              PO Box 812708                 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                          Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708              Daniel Casciato
                                                                                           Phone: (561) 368-6950                  Barbara Fallon
                                                                                                                                  Vanessa Orr
                                                                                                Website:                          Lois Thomson
                                                                                             CHARLES FELIX                       One Year - $45
                                                                                              CAROL FELIX                        Two Years - $70
                                                                                                Publishers                       Three Years - $85

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                                                                                             NANCY LAMMIE                          Or email:
                                                                                              JMC Graphics

                                                                                              JUDY GRAMM                    All rights reserved. Reproduction
                                                                                             Editorial Manager              In whole or part without written
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