Page 10 - Cannabis News Florida Novemebr 2019
P. 10
Back Cover Story: Green Roads Back Cover Story: Paying Employees
Expanding CBD Offerings into Pet Arena in the Cannabis Industry
Continued from page 47 Continued from page 47
used their products for anxiety, pain and business with a cannabis based business
sleeping issues, among other conditions, passed the House on September 25, 2019 and is evidenced by this growing list of
and in 2018, the company was recog- and is now off to the Senate, although it banks.
nized with the Best CBD Product award has been said to have a very low probabil- As for payroll services, the number of
at the Cannabis Business Awards. ity of passing there. Should the Act providers is much less, with barely a few in
become law, then it would protect banks each state. Reason being is that the payroll
Green Roads’ Innovative Pet from federal punishment by blocking fed- service needs to operate through a
Line eral agencies from being able to “prohibit, cannabis-friendly bank, which is not the
Just like humans, other mammals, penalize, or otherwise discourage a depos- case with most payroll services. They do
including dogs and cats, have endo- itory institution from providing financial exist, and it should be considered a critical
cannabinoid systems that can benefit services to a cannabis-related legitimate business function to secure a bank and a
from reaching homeostasis through the business or service provider or to a State or payroll service. The IRS states 40% of
use of CBD. political subdivision of a State that exercis- small businesses pay an average penalty of
“We are very excited to be introducing es jurisdiction over cannabis-related legiti- $845 per year for late or incorrect filings
our pet line, which will include oils that mate businesses.” and payments, and this can exponentially
we’re developing as well as hard and soft Until then, there are a number of banks increase for a business that is cash-based
chews, called CBD Baked Bites, that will that will do business with a cannabis or trying to do everything manually. The
debut at the Global Pet Expo in employer. In fact, according to the U.S. penalties may also lead to audits, which is
February,” said Ericka Basile, vice presi- Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement a situation that no business wants or
dent of Green Roads’ Pet Division. Network (FinCEN), there were actually needs, and if there is anything that will
A molecular biologist with 20 years in 553 banks and 162 credit unions provid- shut a business down, it is unpaid taxes
the pet industry, Basile joined Green ing banking services to the marijuana- and penalties to the IRS.
Roads because of its commitment to con- related businesses through June 2019.
sumer safety. These institutions’ fear of federal repercus- Romeo Chicco, CPA, is President/CEO of
“Green Roads hit all the right markers sions seem overblown, since not a single PayMaster. For more information, visit
because of its top-level standards and bank has ever been prosecuted for doing
because they truly care about animals
and not just making money,” said Basile. every animal has a unique endocannabi-
“I personally treat my pets like my babies noid system, so even though a German
and want to give them the safest prod- Shepherd and a Golden Retriever may be
ucts I can. the same weight, they may not react the
“There’s no placebo effect on animals; same way, so they may require different
the product either works or it doesn’t,” servings.”
she added. “I have a German Shepherd While CBD has been shown anecdotal-
who is terrified by thunderstorms and ly to help animals, many vets are staying
I’ve tried numerous ways to alleviate his neutral on the subject until more clinical
fear because I don’t want to medicate evidence is compiled. “It’s a very hot
him. Within 25 minutes of taking Green topic with vets and the community is
Roads’ CBD, he wasn’t hiding behind the itching to have real research and white
couch anymore; he was just chill. I’ve papers,” said Basile. “Unfortunately, that
seen it work.” will be a little time coming as studies
CBD can help animals get through have just started.”
stressful moments like storms, trips to Just like CBD for humans, there is a
the vet, and even separation anxiety. QR code on every Green Roads’ pet prod-
“When cats see that carrier come out, it’s uct so that owners can establish that the
not good news,” said Basile, who uses product is safe. “When it comes to trans-
CBD to calm her cat, Athena’s, separation parency, Green Roads is an open book,”
anxiety. She also uses it to treat her older said Basile.
chihuahua’s joint issues. “Whether for people or pets, con-
“When a dog or cat is fearful, it may sumers should do their due diligence,”
destroy things, which is how many of added Perdeck. “Learn about the compa-
them end up at shelters,” said Basile. nies, visit websites, read reviews on
“Being able to calm their anxiety can Facebook. And if you have any ques-
actually save their lives.” tions, you can call our hotline, or ask for
CBD products are dosed according to our pet division with specific pet ques-
an animal’s weight, and the best thing to tions.”
do is start slowly. “Just like with humans,
you begin with the minimum dosage and To learn more, visit
increase it until you see a benefit,” said
Basile. “But it’s important to realize that
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