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Malpractice Insurance

                             EXPERT ADVICE

              Hold On! A Glimmer of Hope:

               Two Medical Tort Reform Bills

            Being Considered in Washington!

              Between the Trump administration’s recently
            released proposed budget and the Republicans’
            American Health Care Act, hope is being
            rekindled for possible relief from Washington
            on recent tort-reform setbacks in Florida, as
            well as many other states where tort reforms
            passed in the late 2000s have been overturned.
              Two bills currently in the Congress sausage
              In the U.S. House of Representatives, there
            are currently two bills addressing tort reform.
            The first, by Republican Representative Phil
            Roe of Tennessee, formerly an OB, creates safe
            harbors for doctors who follow predetermined  BY MATT GRACEY
            practice guidelines that he proposes be estab-
            lished by the U.S. Department of Health &
            Human Services choosing specialized entities such as medical societies,
            including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, to
            write the clinical-practice guidelines. Any patient suing a doctor would first
            have to prove that the doctor was not following the guidelines. Most impor-
            tantly, the burden of proof would fall on the patient, as the presumption
            would be non-negligence.
              The Protecting Access to Care Act, filed by Republican Representative
            Steve King, is the second bill being considered. The bill limits attorney fees,
            imposes a three-year statute of limitations, replaces joint and several rules
            with a fair-share rule, and creates a $250,000 cap on all non-economic dam-
            ages, so this sounds like every doctor’s dream!
              If either bill passes and is made into law it would greatly benefit doctors,
            and would quickly reduce the  cost of defensive medicine for medical prac-
            tices and malpractice insurance.
              The increasing number of “runaway jury” awards, known as “shock loss-
            es” in the malpractice insurance industry, is a big reason for the high cost of
            medical malpractice insurance. High jury awards are mostly based on the
            non-economic portion of judgements and create havoc for insurance com-
            panies that rely on highly skilled actuarial experts to recommend pricing
            levels, since these shock losses are very difficult for anyone to predict.
              Trump’s budget assumes a savings of $55 billion by the enactment of just
            the $250,000 cap on non-economic-damage awards, so I do believe we will
            see a concerted Republican push for tort reform sooner rather than later to
            take advantage of their current control of both houses of Congress and the
            White House.  The medical community’s slogan should probably be “If Not
            Now, Never”.

                   Matt Gracey, medical malpractice
              insurance specialist with Danna-Gracey,
                can be reached at (800) 966-2120 or

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