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CANNABIS                                                        Stop #2
                                                                 SPOTLIGHT:                                                      in Our “Lift the
                                                                 “Bill” Monroe,                                                  Banned” Tour
                                                                 President,                                                      Presented by
                                                                 Advocate, Inc                                                   Trulieve in
                                                                                                                                 Naples, FL.
                                                                             page 43                                                         page 50

                                          MARCH 2019

                                                                      Blockchain: The Nationwide

                                                                      Solution to Cannabis Tracking

                                                   BY ADAM KEMPER, ESQ.          have passed laws permitting medical
                                                                                 and/or adult use of cannabis require
                                               What does cryptocurrency and      some form of cannabis tracking so that
                                             cannabis have in common? Besides    regulators can monitor sales and usage
                                             beginning with the letter “c,” neither is   and ensure compliance within each
                                             supported by traditional banks, both   state’s regulatory framework.
                                             have created emerging markets, both are   Each state has different requirements
                                             growing in popularity and intended to   and there are a number of vendor
                                             solve problems (but yet still misunder-  options available. BioTrackTCH, Fran -
                   Dr. Kelly E. King
                                             stood for their full potential and bene-  well/Metrc, MJ Freeway and Kind
                                             fits), and finally both are closely moni-  Agrisoft are noted as the most popular
            ReleafMD and                     tored by the government.            seed to sale tracking systems.  With seed
                                               While a medical marijuana commer-
                                                                                 to sale tracking, the idea is that every
                                                                                                                                 Adam Kemper
         Wellness Center,                    cial was prohibited from airing on Super   plant grown is supposed to be recorded   cannabis tracking systems from glitches
                                                                                 in a system which documents when it is
                                             Bowl Sunday (which created some con-
                                             troversy), there is no secret that cannabis   processed, how it is processed, and when   in the systems, to login issues, missing
             Empowering                      is becoming more mainstream each day.    it is sold to a customer or distributor.   data, lags, etc.  For example, growers
                                               Likewise, while Bitcoin made head-  Therefore, a third party governmental   have reported problems with the current
             Patients with                   lines through its historical “bull run” in   agent could review if a cannabis compa-  traceability systems that have cost them
                                             late 2017 and early 2018 and has been
                                                                                 ny has complied with the state’s require-
                                             more widely accepted in retail locations,   ments and the company could benefit   thousands of dollars in lost revenues.
                                                                                                                      Washington State reported lags, logging
                Cannabis                     the underlying blockchain technology is   from keeping accurate records of its har-  issues, scrambling on shipping orders,
                                             what everyone is talking about.     vest yields and sales.               etc., with its traceability system.  Oregon
               Knowledge                       As of today, cannabis is still federally   There have been numerous reports of   has reported its fair share of issues with
                                             illegal in the United States. States that   issues with the current options for
                                                                                                                                       Continued on page 46
               BY DANIEL CASCIATO

          It was about a year ago when Dr. Kelly                 Hemp CBD vs. Marijuana CBD:
        E. King founded ReLeafMD and Wellness
        Center, a medical cannabis clinic located
        in Brandon, Florida. ReleafMD can also                       Cutting Through the Confusion
        recommend medical marijuana treat-
        ment plans in California and New York,
        although her primary focus has been cer-  BY CAROL NEWMAN                                                           traces of CBD (around 3.5%)
        tifying patients for medical cannabis in                                                                            while marijuana-based CBD can
        Florida. Dr. King first came to Florida in   With its newfound fame,                                                have up to 18 - 20% or more and
        2004 as an officer in the Air Force sta-  many medical marijuana                                                    is often balanced with THC to
        tioned at Macdill Air Force Base in   patients believe cannabidiol                                                  encourage a reaction known as
        Tampa.                               (CBD) has the most medici-                                                     the “entourage effect”. This
          She is now a disabled Air Force    nal benefits of all cannabis                                                   occurs when both cannabinoids
        Veteran and has been an Internist for   compounds - but did you                                                     function  synergistically  to
        over 17 years. Dr. King decided to transi-  know there are actually two                                             heighten the medicinal effects of
        tion her practice from hospital medicine   types of CBD on the mar-                                                 these products.
        to medical cannabis because she saw a   ket? One created from                                                         While not as potent, hemp-
        need for alternatives to many of the cur-  hemp, the other from mari-                                               based CBD products are still use-
        rent medications available to patients   juana.                                                                     ful and should be considered
        such as narcotics, benzodiazepines, anti-  Sounds confusing right?                                                  more of a health supplement.
        inflammatories and anti-anxiety medica-  Due to almost a century of                                                 The best part is that with no
        tions. She wanted to be able to provide   misinformation about can -                                                THC content, these products can
        access and safe treatment plans for   na bis, the distinction between cannabis   perties like THC known to produce   be found in health food stores all over the
        patients who desired to use medical   and its two primary species - hemp and   intoxicating effects. When it comes to   country – legal in all 50 states. The differ-
        cannabis for conditions such as seizures,   marijuana - has become so unclear that   hemp, the stalks and seeds are the tar-  ences are perfectly natural and won’t
        chronic pain and PTSD.               some even consider the three to be one   gets of this crop. In fact, for cannabis to   cause any issues, so just think of hemp
          “Over the years, I have treated many   and the same.                   be considered hemp, it must have no   CBD as more of a vitamin and bud-based
        patients with a lot of medications. As an   However, it’s the distinction between   more than 0.3 percent THC.   products as pharmaceutical grade.
        internal medicine physician that is a lot   CBD derived from marijuana flower and   Although marijuana CBD oil and hemp
        of what we do—prescribe pills,” says Dr.   CBD from hemp plants that sets them   oil are both low in THC, the difference in   Courtesy of the KNOX Medical Research
        King. “But medical cannabis has been an   apart. Marijuana is harvested for its   the amount of CBD these products con-  Team. For more information, visit
                                             buds, which contains psychoactive pro -  tain is huge. Hemp oils contain lower
                         Continued on page 49
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