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Back Cover Story: ReleafMD and Wellness Center,

        Empowering Patients with Cannabis Knowledge

        Continued from back page.
                                                                                   “I also offer to meet them for their first   starting foundation for their medical
        amazing alternative for many patients; it   ensure that what she is telling her   visit to a dispensary to help reinforce   cannabis journey.”
        is not only safe (non-lethal), but highly   patients coincides with what they hear   what we have gone over and help them   Dr. King expresses hope that her clinic
        effective for many chronic conditions   when they go in.                 feel comfortable with their first purchas-  will make a huge impact in the cannabis
        that we see in the community. We are in   “It also gives them a chance to put a   es,” she says.              industry here in Florida, and set the
        the middle of an opioid epidemic, largely   face with a name, so hopefully when my   As a full service clinic, Dr. King says   example of what a medical cannabis clin-
        begun by prescription pain pills, medical   patients are seen there, the personnel   that they also help patients register in the   ic should be.
        cannabis should be a no-brainer for   there knows that this patient has had   state registry, which can be a daunting   “There is still so much to be done at
        physicians, who treat chronic pain or   some education about cannabis,” she   task.                           the level of the legislature as well,” she
        other chronic conditions.”           adds.                                 “My daughter Helena, is my office   says. “That is a huge component. I think
          Dr. King actually began working with   Dr. King notes that she opened her   manager, and she has really been helpful   clinics like mine, that are educating and
        a medical cannabis clinic chain in   own cannabis clinic so she can do it the   in getting patients registered with the   taking time with patients, and not just
        Florida in 2017, but soon left to start   way it should be done.         state, which can sometimes involve   running them in and out like some sort
        ReLeafMD. She wanted a clinic that     “There are other physicians in this   phone calls that last for 30 or more min-  of mill, will endure and be around for a
        focused on educating patients with one-  field that also do this, but they are far   utes to assist patients getting registered,”   long time. Even if adult use becomes a
        on-one consultations as well as compre-  and few between,” she says. “I believe   she says. “Imagine a patient who is 75   reality in Florida, patients will still need
        hensive treatment plans that include   educating ourselves to better help our   years old and who may have never   the guidance and education from a
        ongoing educational support through   patients is the first thing physicians need   owned a computer try to do this at   trained practitioner. Those who have
        seminars and workshops, that she now   to do.”                           home. You’re setting them up for failure.   established themselves as educators and
        holds monthly for new patients and their   Helping to educate other physicians is   These are patients who have come in   experts in this field will endure. And that
        families.                            critical not only for her clinic, but for the   because they have severe pain, anxiety or   is how we hope to make an impact.”
          “When you have a state such as     cannabis industry as a whole. Many   depression, and then you ask them to try
        Florida that only recently legalized med-  physicians do not know where to start   to register themselves with the state! It’s   For more information,
        ical cannabis, there is a huge knowledge   with this, even if they want to incorpo-  frustrating even for people without these   visit
        gap among not only patients and physi-  rate this into practice. The two-hour   conditions. We want to give them a good
        cians, but legislators, law enforcement   course that the state offers is woefully
        and mainstream medical facilities,” she   inadequate to give physicians everything
        says. “This creates misinformation, poor   they need to do this properly.
        patient experience, and sub-optimal out-  ReleafMD is set up similar to a bou-
        comes. There is already stigma surround-  tique concierge practice. This means Dr.
        ing cannabis for obvious reasons, and   King will visit her patients at home,
        lack of knowledge makes it even worse.”   assisted living facilities, hospices or hos-                                  7 D[              7 ,
          She adds that her clinic is different   pitals.                           & ) 2  $    F F R X  Q L W Q  J  $ X  W L G
        because she takes the time to ensure   “I would like to see more patients in
        patients know what they are doing when   these facilities, but policies there have
        they go to the dispensaries.         been difficult to change. Patients on hos-                               3  H U       H U D           S       \    R          R I   U R                       H U X W X I U X
          “We start with basic terminology and   pice or in assisted living facilities are on
                                                                                                                                 Q D
        delivery methods, so that patients get an   an average of 15 to 20 medications,” she                               Q L    K W         H             F      D Q    Q E      L       Q L V   G                X    \ U W V
        idea of what to expect when they go to a   says. “Medical cannabis could really go a
        dispensary, because that first visit can be   long way in addressing this polypharma-                             K W L      Z  0    V V V                        N           .   R       X U       V          F L
        overwhelming,” she says.             cy.”                                                                     $   V V  R           /               &

                                                                                                                                     /   V   V H W D L F
          In addition, Dr. King visits each dis-  When Dr. King sits down with patients
        pensary to make sure the personnel   she also likes to include the entire family
        know what they are talking about, and to   in the discussion.
                                                                                                                     6     \ I V L W D     H U    H                    D      Q    G     N N   U R    G  H U    S  W U R      Q L S    H    J  F
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                      Sports, Health                                                                                 \ R  U X     E    V                         X          Q L V    V  X    V  O X I H       K W   H   L Z

                                                                                                                     P D Q     H    P  H U        H       S      D  D  U W Q    Q    G     V W     J      U R
                  & Wellness Expo.                                                                                   L P  R U S  Q L Y  J            R U S  D W L I I  \ W L O L E

                                                                                                                         ] L O L W  H     8  O          D Q      D L F    D    D   Q L I  D    X         S  V W U R    H U W L G             G  Q
                                  IN ASSOCIATION WITH                                                                 R W       P  N H          D                 E  V    V     H    X    Q L V  G    H  R L V L F  Q V
                                                                                                                     .      H          H    S     \          U X      R  D W    V H    D     H   [  R O         D        V   K W        V             Z       H
                    BOCA                                                                                              D O  Z            O O D  R Z V

                     Explore the Greener side of Boca Raton with us!!!
                                                                                               -  t 1    t          g           i            i t       7 g p  7 o                           ~
              March 30th & 31st 2019 on the FAU Campus                                    ƒ i  o ~     1  g g -  p ] 0       0  g ] p  p p 7     -    ~                          P R  V V  # P R  X U N V V  F L V  F   N  R P
                 Glades Road Boca Raton. Book online at:                                       p     f     i  7       o Y  i t             3                        7 p        i o 9  « 7 Ą - p  Z Z Z   P R  X U N V V V  F L V  F   N  R P

                                              2 2  D D O O U U  Q Q G G      R R              / /  O O D D  P P   3 3  % %  D D F F K K       H H                 & &      \ \ W W Q Q   R       X X   R     ) )    / /
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