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Back Cover Story: Blockchain: The

                                                                                   Nationwide Solution to Cannabis Tracking

                                                                                   Continued from Back Page            announcement that Levelblox, Inc., a
                                                                                   its tracking system and process.  In   developer of Software Asset Manage -
                                                                                   2018, Maryland reported issues includ-  ment, signed an agreement with Altmed
                                                                                   ing rejection of patients and glitches   Florida, a licensed cultivator, manufac-
                                                                                   caused by high levels of user traffic   turer and distributor of medical cannabis
                                                                                   which resulted in dispensaries being   in Florida to develop a Seed-to-Sale
                                                                                   unable to complete transactions.  Why   Block chain application which will
                                                                                   haven’t companies turned to blockchain   enable Altmed Florida the ability to
                                                                                   as a solution?                      effectively track and monitor every
                                                                                    With blockchain technology, the refer-  aspect of the growing process for com-
                                                                                   enced pain points and negative experi-  pliance. Levelblox has the opportunity
                                                                                   ences can be eliminated once this tech-  to make a use case in a very active med-
                                                                                   nology is embraced (and fully under-  ical marijuana market in Florida.
                                                                                   stood) by the cannabis community and   This is exciting news for the cannabis
                                                                                   state legislatures.                 and blockchain industry and I look for-
                                                                                    In simple terms, blockchain is a   ward to seeing the two paired together
                                                                                   record-keeping technology. It is com-  very soon in Florida and throughout the
                                                                                   prised of a chain of blocks (i.e. transac-  country.
                                                                                   tions) stored and verified on an open-
                                                                                   source database. Blockchain is accurate,   Adam Kemper, Esq., Greenspoon Marder
                                                                                   immutable and irreversible and it can                LLP, can be reached at
                                                                                   process transactions immediately. When
                                                                                   new information or transactions are
                                                                                   added to the chain, it becomes perma-  1 As of September 2018, here is a chart with the
                                                                                   nently stored and open for review by   seed to sale tracking options in usage. https://mjbiz-
                                                                                   anyone.                             cannabis-seed-to-sale-tracking-contracts/ .
                                                                                    Transparency, immediacy, storage and   2 See
                                                                                   accurate reporting make for the perfect   issues-temporarily-stall-maryland-medical-cannabis-
                                                                                   solution for cannabis tracking. A third   sales/.
                                                                                   party regulator could easily review a   3 See
                                                                                   company’s   cannabis   transactions  system-rollout-costing-washington-state-cannabis-
                                                                                   through the blockchain without having   producers-thousands/.
                                                                                   to request special access or an audit.   4 See
                                                                                   Supply chain management is absolutely   States-New-Marijuana-Tracking-System-Hits-Big-
                                                                                   vital for cannabis and many believe there   Problems-Causing-Issue-for-Businesses.html.
                                                                                                                         5 See
                                                                                   is no greater technology that exists other   6 See
                                                                                   than blockchain.                    mj-freeway-failures-government-legal-marijuana-soft-
                                                                                    In Florida, there was a recent     ware.html.

                                                                                       Visit us on the web at

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