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Cannabis Spotlight

           “Bill”                                                                                           How can people in Florida benefit

                                                                                                            from the company you represent?
           Monroe                                                                                             Businesses benefit when their operations are
                                                                                                            documented, developed upon best practices, and
           President, Advocate, Inc.                                                                        run efficiently. This is what I do. Evaluate, docu-
                                                                                                            ment, report, create efficiencies, and identify ben-
           What benefits do you see for patients                                                            eficial business relationships and secure those
           throughout Florida within this space?                                                            assets. These efficiencies drive down prices for
             My goals for patients are education, answers provid-                                           patients, and lower expenses for businesses,
           ed to their questions, and quality medical products,                                             which are passed down to the patient. A win-win
           which have been developed by professionals within a                                              for all parties.
           regulated environment. Competition and a free market,
           developed over time, will drive prices down and create                                           How did you get started within
           innovation. The medical program has not rolled out as                                            the cannabis industry?
           fast as advocates desire, but we do have a program,                                                  It started with my son who exited the
           while other states are struggling to just pass a basic           William Monroe                     University of Florida with a degree in horticul-
           program. In Florida we are blessed to have advo-                                                    ture. I wanted to start a father and son medical
           cates, from around the state, working together to create change. Yes, there are ups   marijuana business in Florida. I was a bit naïve thinking that licenses would be
           and downs, three steps forward and two steps back, but it is progress just the   obtainable. I created a 165-page business plan, visited various states, but had to
           same. I see this as a benefit for patients. They now have additional options, which   abandon this plan when I realized the game was rigged. My son left for Colorado,
           are plant based and safe.                                              and I started blogging on medical marijuana, politics, advocated for change, net-
                                                                                  worked, and clawed my way into the program. The process is ongoing, and can be
           What motivates you to be a part of the Cannabis Industry?              a grind, but I persist. Why? I feel like I am making a difference in my life and other
             My parents were educators — my father a high school teacher and my mother   lives in Florida.
           an elementary school teacher. Every summer we would load up the old four door
           Fury with sleeping bags, tents, Coleman stove in the trunk, and off we would go   Are you personally a MJ card holder?
           across the country staying the night at KOA campgrounds. Dad would pull over   No, not yet. I have spoken with Dr. Barry Gordon, but work seems to get in the
           and read every historical roadside sign, which would drive my mother crazy. The   way with my drive over to Venice. Cannabis would certainly be safer than the
           cannabis industry is brand new. There are no college courses, text books, legacy   NSAIDs. Have I used cannabis? Absolutely.
           information, to draw upon in creating this vertical license structure and opera-
           tions. This excites me and drives me to develop materials, educate, self-learn,   Do you see Florida moving forward with
           enter into the discovery process, and share with others. I have two children who   recreational Marijuana/Cannabis and how will
           are horticulture graduates from the University of Florida, and two more waiting   that affect your business?
           on their UF admittance. My desire is to develop a sound medical marijuana pro-  Recreational is a program. Creating a free market or a horizontal limited license
           gram that includes patient education, support, and guidance.           market would create more opportunity, demand, create jobs, and a requirement for
                                                                                  executives. Currently, we have 14 license holders, seven or eight have really
           What field are you in within the Cannabis space?                       moved forward. A few license holders seem to be lagging way behind in last place.
             Good question. First I was with a license holder, but resigned and moved on. I   Putting restrictions on licenses, throttling back free enterprise, creates high prices
           am currently a cannabis consultant with Advocate, Inc., developing reports for the   for patients, does not create innovation and new products, and tends to mimic a
           Florida cannabis industry, supporting medical marijuana doctor clinic operations,   state system, which is not efficient or fair to patients. Recreational would create
           providing supply chain logistics and instructional systems design development of   opportunities, taxes, and demand for services.
           educational materials, and developing standard operating procedures and support-
           ing documentation. In addition, I source packaging materials, automatic medical
           fill equipment, facilitate business relationships, and act as a cannabis outcome
           provider. My niche is logistics.

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