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Cover Story:    Global Med Device Investigation Highlights

        Importance of Managing Risk Alongside Innovation                                     Part 1

        Continued from page 1                bility under the FCA, potentially open-  BDO’s Diagnosis                   • Finally, the Court’s ruling made the
        reveals, balancing much-needed care   ing up healthcare providers to new com-  While Arbour indeed provided the   definition of a false claim much wider.
        innovation with risk management is cru-  pliance risk—and providing openings for   health services it submitted a claim for—  Providers will likely see an increase in
        cial to patient safety.              whistleblowers. The theory treats a   in this case, mental health treatment—  fraud investigations, and an expansion of
          Key findings of the series include:    Medicaid payment request as an “implied   the ruling determined that it defrauded   the scope of allowable discovery in FCA
          • Products with little to no human   certification of compliance” with perti-  the government by knowingly misrepre-  cases beyond misrepresentations of
        testing have been allowed on the market   nent statutes, regulations or contract   senting the quality of that care.   expressly labeled conditions of payment.
        around the world and have caused harm   requirements “material” to conditions of   The Court’s FCA decision has outsized   To argue for or against materiality will
        to consumers.                        payment, the Court explained in its   implications for compliance in health-  require a deeper look at past precedent
          • Some devices pulled off the market   opinion. Significantly, the Court defined   care, an industry with considerable risk   and may include any evidence of defi-
        because of safety concerns in certain   material broadly, as “having a natural   and in many cases, systemically ineffi-  ciencies in regulatory guidance or stan-
        countries have remained for sale in oth-  tendency to influence, or be capable of   cient.                    dards of practice that would have
        ers.                                 influencing, the payment or receipt of   • First, as reimbursement methods are   impacted the government’s decision to
          • In reports to U.S. regulators over the   money or property.”         overhauled to tie more payments to qual-  pay the claim. The heavier discovery bur-
        last 10 years, manufacturers, doctors and   • The ruling settled the case of   ity of care, income for providers will   den will force stragglers to get on board
        others said medical devices were poten-  Universal Health Services, Inc. (UHS) v.   depend on value-based outcomes that   with advanced technologies, such as data
        tially linked to nearly 2 million injuries   United States ex rel. Escobar. At the cen-  they’ll have to validate. Providers will   analytics and visualization or technology
        and more than 80,000 deaths.         ter of the case, a UHS subsidiary, Arbour   have to demonstrate, explicitly or implic-  assisted review, to gather and compre-
          The investigation highlights the need   Health Services, provided mental health   itly, evidence that their treatment is com-  hend the entire universe of relevant evi-
        for greater clinical due diligence and bet-  services to the Escobars’ daughter, a   pliant with clinical protocols—a difficult   dence efficiently and effectively.
        ter   information-sharing  between   teenager who died after suffering a   feat in an industry in the midst of re-
        providers and patients, as well as among   seizure in reaction to medication Arbour   defining standards of care, often across   Venson Wallin, CPA, is Managing Director
        regulatory bodies across borders.    prescribed. Under the FCA, the Escobars   multiple  collaborating  providers.  and National Healthcare Compliance and
          The heightened focus on value-based   filed a whistleblower suit, known as qui   Providers will be held accountable for   Regulatory Leader at BDO Consulting, LLC
        outcomes versus fee-for-service and   tam, against Arbour, alleging that it had   their partners’ protocols and standards of
        growing cybersecurity concerns, mean-  defrauded the government by a lie of   care, too. This shift to quality over quan-  Learn more about how to manage com-
        while, add other dimensions: increased   omission: failing to disclose that few of   tity of care, whereby providers can now   pliance and regulatory risk while keeping up
        risk around the False Claims Act (FCA)   their employees were even licensed to   be held liable for non-compliance with   with innovation.
        and cybersecurity, as we’ve written in   provide mental health counseling, to pre-  regulations inexplicit in terms of pay-
        previous articles:                   scribe medications or to offer counseling   ment, exposes them to significant penal-  Contact:
                                             without supervision.                ties under the FCA.                    Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner
        1. Could Supreme Court Ruling         • Arbour’s non-compliance with state   • Second, while the Court defined   305-420-8006/
        on the False Claims Act Provide      credential requirements, the Court   material in multiple ways, it still left
        Whistleblowers a Wider Net?          explained, was “so central to the provi-  much room for interpretation. Courts   Angelo Pirozzi, Partner
                                             sion of mental health counseling that the   will have to decide whose definition of   646-520-2870 /
        Key Takeaways:                       Medicaid program would have refused to   material is correct: the defendant’s or the
          • In a unanimous decision, the     pay these claims had it known of these   plaintiff’s. Depending on individual out-  PART 2:
        Supreme Court on June 16 upheld the   violations.”                       comes, the decision could prove costly   COMING IN APRIL 2019
        “implied false certification” theory of lia-                             for providers.


            Experienced Rheumatologist                                            Cleveland Clinic Indian River

            Joins Cleveland Clinic                                                Hospital Announces New

            Indian River Hospital                                                 Chief Medical Officer

              Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital welcomes                      Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital is pleased to
            expert rheumatologist, Alastair Kennedy, M.D., FRCP,                  announce that David J. Peter, MD, MBA, FACEP, will
            FACP, PA. Dr. Kennedy earned his medical degree at                    join the leadership team as Chief Medical Officer.
            the University of Glasgow in Scotland and has held                     Dr. Peter started at Akron General Hospital in 1994,
            positions in pediatrics, obstetrics, and rheumatology                 handling documentation and reimbursement for
            before making his way to Vero Beach, where he has                     General Emergency Medical Specialists. He went on to
            practiced for more than 30 years.                                     serve as vice president for GEMS; Associate Medical
              Dr. Kennedy has presented at symposiums around                      Director of Hospice; Chief Medical Officer for
            the world and is well-published in the area of rheuma-                Research; Chief Medical Information Officer; Chief
            toid diseases. He has articles printed in the American                Medical Officer for Care Management and Clinical
            College of Rheumatology, Annals of the Rheumatic                      Resources; and beginning in 2012 in his current posi-
            Diseases and The American Journal of the Medical   Dr. Alastair Kennedy   tion as Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer   Dr. David J. Peter
            Sciences.                                                             for Cleveland Clinic Akron General Hospital.
              Board certified in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Dr. Kennedy is a   Dr. Peter received his medical degree from the University of Cincinnati
            member of the Indian River Medical Society, Florida Medical Association,   Medical College, earning Alpha Omega Alpha honors, and completed his emer-
            American College of Rheumatology, and the American College of Physicians. He   gency medicine residency at the University of Cincinnati. He earned his MBA
            is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Glasgow and Edinburgh and cur-  from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management,
            rently serves on the regional board of FSU Medical School.            and a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Thomas More College.

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