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Accolades Accolades Accolades

        FIU Professor Working to Prevent                         Jupiter Medical Center
        and Cure Blindness Named                                 Celebrates 40th Anniversary                                    South Florida's
        a Senior Member of The National                                                                                     Healthcare Newspaper

        Academy of Inventors                                                                                                      PO Box 812708
                                                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
          FIU professor of biomedical engi-                                                                                   Phone: (561) 368-6950
        neering Shuliang Jiao, whose research
        and technological innovations are
        helping prevent and cure blindness,                                                                                         Website:
        has been named to the inaugural class                                                                  

        of National Academy of Inventors
        (NAI) Senior Members.                                                                                                     CHARLES FELIX
          As principal investigator for FIU’s                                                                                     CAROL FELIX
        Eye Imaging Lab, Jiao oversees the                                                                                          Publishers
        optical imaging technologies that are
        advancing the research and diagnosis                                                                                     NANCY LAMMIE
        of eye diseases that often lead to    Shuliang Jiao                                                                          Editor
        blindness, such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma
        and diabetic retinopathy. Currently, he holds seven patents –                                                             JUDY GRAMM
        one of which was licensed to a leading ophthalmic technology                                                        Editorial Manager & Webmaster
        development company – as well as three patent applications
        and several invention disclosures.                        Jupiter Mayor Todd Wodraska (left) presents a proclamation to   JMC GRAPHICS
          His research has been funded through major research grants   Steve Seeley, chief operating officer of Jupiter Medical Center.   Art/Production
        by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including a $2 mil-                                              
        lion dollar grant last year from the NIH to develop new imag-  Jupiter Medical Center celebrated its 40th anniversary on   412-835-5796
        ing technologies to monitor the treatment of degenerative reti-  February 14, in recognition of its historical transition from a
        nal disorders. Jiao’s work has also received funding from the   small community hospital to an award-winning regional medical   CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        Department of Defense, the Wallace Coulter Foundation, and   center. The celebration began on February 5, when the Town of   Daniel Casciato
        the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.             Jupiter presented the hospital with a proclamation in recognition   Barbara Fallon
                                                               of its four decades of service.                                     Vanessa Orr
                                                                 When Jupiter Hospital, as it was known then,ened its doors in    Lois Thomson
        Kendall Regional Medical Center                        1979, it was a small facility serving a town of less than 5,000 and
                                                               providing care for approximately 1,800 patients annually. The
        Named One of Healthgrades 2019                         medical center adopted a new name in 1993, transforming to
        America’s 250 Best Hospitals                           “Jupiter Medical Center” to better reflect the breadth of the serv-  LOOK FOR OUR
                                                               ices it provides. Today, the not-for-profit medical center serves a
                                                               town of approximately 62,000. It also attracts patients from    NEXT ISSUE
          Kendall Regional Medical Center announced that it has   across Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast, as well as     IN APRIL
        achieved the Healthgrades 2019 America’s 250 Best Hospitals   locales across the nation and around the globe, logging more
        Award™. The distinction places Kendall Regional Medical   than 180,000 outpatient visits and nearly 40,000 visits to the   TO REACH US
        Center in the top 5 percent of more than 4,500 hospitals   emergency department each year.
        assessed nationwide for its superior clinical performance as   While Jupiter Medical Center was founded in 1979, the         FOR
        measured by Healthgrades.                              groundwork began long before, starting in the mid-1950s with     ADVERTISING
          “Kendall Regional is proud to have consistently been recog-  the Salhaven retirement community, which occupied land that is   OR EDITORIAL
        nized as a top hospital performer for many years,” said   now home to Jonathan’s Landing and the Jupiter Medical Center
        Brandon Haushalter, CEO, Kendall Regional. “This most   campus. In 1971, a consortium of doctors led by Dr. George Ford   Call (561) 368-6950
        recent recognition from Healthgrades is a continued validation   purchased the retirement community. They sold 600 acres east of   or e-mail
        of the incredible work our team of professionals do for our   the railroad to Alcoa for Jonathan’s Landing and donated the
        patients every single day. It is humbling to be the only hospital   remaining 30 acres for a medical center.
        in Miami-Dade and Broward counties to achieve this Top 250   Jupiter Medical Center has continued to grow and expand.
        recognition for 2019.”                                 Last June the medical center completed an acute recovery unit

                                                               for cardiac patients and officially launched its new
        Cleveland Clinic Martin Health                         Comprehensive Stroke Program in early January. The James J.       One Year $45
                                                               Felcyn and Louise Brien Felcyn Observation Unit also opened in
        Awarded Patient Blood                                  January, and the Timothy and Jayne Donahue Cardiac Surgery       Two Years $70
                                                               Program is expected to launch later this year. Construction is   Three Years $85
        Management Certification from                          well underway on the Anderson Family Cancer Institute; the
                                                               Mastroianni Family Pediatric Emergency Department; and a new
        The Joint Commission and AABB                          five-story patient tower, which will include the Level II De       To subscribe,
                                                               George Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.                           call (561) 368-6950
          The Cleveland Clinic Martin Health Patient Blood
        Management program is the first hospital system in the nation                                                         or subscribe online at
        to receive certification from The Joint Commission and AABB.   Delray Medical Center                   
        The certification, awarded for a two-year period, recognizes                                                              ____________
        the health care system’s evidence-based approach to optimizing   Named One of Healthgrades

        care for patients who may need a blood transfusion. The certi-                                                        All rights reserved. Reproduction
        fication is based on the AABB Standards for a Patient Blood  America’s 50 Best Hospitals                              in whole or part without written
        Management Program to help hospitals establish a comprehen-                                                        permission prohibited. Copyright © 2019.
        sive patient blood management program.                   Delray Medical Center achieves the Healthgrades 2019
          Since the Cleveland Clinic Martin Health Patient Blood   America’s 50 Best Hospitals Award for the 17th straight year,
        Management program was created in August 2014, the transfu-  since the inception of the award. The distinction places the
        sion rate within the health care system has dropped 43 percent.   hospital in the top 1 percent of more than 4,500 hospitals   Don’t forget to include
                                                               assessed nationwide for its consistent, year-over-year superior
                                                               clinical performance as measured by Healthgrades.         South Florida Hospital News
                                                                                                                             & Healthcare Report
                                                                                                                            in your Marketing Plans

                                                                                                                        Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

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