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        Cover Story: Baby Boomers Fuel Need for More Medical Facilities in South Florida

                                                                                  that one-third of existing medical build-  Consider this:
                                                                                  ings are or soon will be functionally   • The S&P municipal hospital bond
                                                                                  obsolete. The reasons include location,   index shows hospitals are paying
                                                                                  size, age, layout, or construction quality.   investors 4.09% to use their money.
                                                                                                                        • According to Revista, medical real
                                                                                  Should Healthcare Systems           estate investors are receiving a return of
                                                                                  Own or Lease?                       6.5% for the average medical facility and
                                                                                   There is no one answer to the ques-  are willing to accept a return as low as
                                                                                  tion; should healthcare systems own or   5.5% for top tier properties.
                                                                                  lease  outpatient  care  facilities?  • Fitch Ratings reports the 2017 medi-
                                                                                  Sometimes the right space is only avail-  an EBITDA margin (earnings before
                                                                                  able for lease, other times ownership is   interest, taxes, depreciation, and amorti-
          By 2045, South Florida’s healthcare   • Changing payment patterns by pri-  the best choice.                 zation) for nonprofit hospitals was
         providers will be straining to handle 9.8   vate payers, more people covered by   When a healthcare system has a   10.3%. For hospitals rated AA, AA-, and
         million additional patient visits a year.   Medicare and Medicaid, and advances in   choice, Sister Irene Kraus had a good   A+ it’s over 12%.\
         Moving patients through a medical facility   medical technologies are driving services   metric: “No margin, no mission.” Sister   Baby Boomers are driving the demand
         quickly and efficiently is a major issue fac-  out of hospitals to lower cost off-campus   Irene, founding chief executive of   for more outpatient care facilities, non-
         ing medical and architectural profession-  facilities closer to the population served.   Daughters of Charity National Health   profit hospitals need to maximize mar-
         als. Based on metrics for patient visits a   While less costly to build than a hospital,   System and the only woman to chair the   gins to fulfill their mission, and investors
         day and space needs, South Florida   they represent a significant capital out-  American Hospital Association, felt   have a strong desire to own medical facil-
         needs to build at least 2 million square   lay.                          strong fiscal management, not just char-  ities.
         feet of outpatient facilities between now   • Convenience is a deciding reason for   ity is what nonprofits hospitals must do
         and 2045 – a financial commitment in   where many people get their healthcare.   to fulfill their mission.        Alan Whitson is President of Corporate
         the billions.                       For healthcare providers proximity to   Historically, nonprofit hospitals enjoy   Realty, Design & Management Institute and
                                             the right patient mix translates to better   a low-cost of borrowing. The decision   director of a regional series of healthcare
         Demographics Isn’t the              margins. In the contest for larger market   now facing trustees is where to invest to   educational summits conducted throughout
         Only Driver                         share among healthcare providers, out-  maximize margins so they can fulfill   major metropolitan areas of U.S. (posted at
          Reasons other than demographics are   patient care facilities are now a competi-  their mission. Are people, systems, and He can be reached
         driving the demand for outpatient care   tive necessity.                 technology or bricks and mortar the bet-              at (971) 219-0561 or
         facilities in South Florida.          • While often ignored, it’s estimated   ter way to improve hospital margins?

         34                       March 2019                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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