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           MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MIRAMAR                                                           JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL

         Laviniu Anghel, MD                                                       Sweeti V. Shah, DO

           Dr. Laviniu Anghel specializes in obstetrics and gynecol-                Dr. Sweeti Shah is pediatric otolaryngologist - head and
         ogy.                                                                     neck surgeon treating ear, nose, and throat conditions that
           Dr. Anghel earned his medical degree in 2000 at the Carol              range from chronic ear infections to airway problems requir-
         Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Romania.                   ing surgery. Of particular interest and focus are pediatric
         He completed his residency training in obstetrics and gyne-              neck masses, airway, and speech surgery. The multi-lingual
         cology in the New York City area at Flushing Hospital                    Dr. Shah has also done extensive research on laryngomala-
         Medical Center. A board-certified physician, Dr. Anghel is               cia, a breathing condition found in newborns that some-
         tri-lingual, speaking English, Spanish, and Romanian.                    times needs surgical intervention. “I enjoy working with
           The Family Birthplace at Memorial Hospital Miramar,                    children and helping them overcome hearing, breathing, and
         where Dr. Anghel is connected, features 18                               speech concerns,” said Dr. Shah, who completed a fellow-
         labor/delivery/recovery suites, 29 postpartum suites, three Cesarean section rooms, six   ship in 2016 at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
         recovery room bays, and 16 private level II NICU rooms.                  “It’s rewarding, and the main reason I went into medicine.”
           When not seeing patients on the campus of Memorial Hospital Miramar, Dr. Anghel   Dr. Shah believes effectively treating children requires a patient and family-centered
         has an additional office in Weston.                                      approach, with parents being an invaluable partner in the delivery of care. She also appre-
                                                                                  ciates the integrative approach found at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, where experts
                                                                                  from all specialties combine expertise with a passion for taking care of kids.
         Simon Weiss, MD
                                                                                   Tamar L. Levene, MD
           Dr. Simon Weiss is a board-certified obstetrician and gyne-
         cologist. His specialties include both routine and high-risk               Dr. Tamar Levene is a pediatric surgeon, performing gen-
         pregnancies, endometriosis, and chronic pelvic pain.                      eral and thoracic procedures that range from outpatient her-
           Dr. Weiss also performs minimally-invasive, robotic sur-                nia and circumcisions to inpatient appendectomies and cor-
         gery. “It has allowed me to do procedures that I couldn’t tech-           rections to congenital anomalies. She also operates on chil-
         nically do before because of the limitations of the instru-               dren impacted by cancer and other critical conditions.
         ments that were available. Now, I’m able to do those proce-               Originally drawn to her specialty by the desire to work with
         dures with the assistance of the robot, whose arms are more               children and families, Dr. Levene remains motivated by the
         flexible and like my hand. It allows me to operate faster and             tremendous impact she is able to have for patients. “Every
         be more accurate,” said Dr. Weiss.                                        operation is potentially life-saving, so my focus is on doing
           Originally from Peru, Dr. Weiss earned a medical degree                 what’s needed to ensure every child is able to grow and lead
         from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City.                a healthy life moving forward. Knowing that dedication,
         He then trained in primary care medicine at Yale University               hard work, and good judgment can make a difference for
         and in obstetrics and gynecology at Baylor College of                     others is the best part of being a doctor.” On staff at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital for
         Medicine in Houston. During his residency, Dr. Weiss was chosen to train in the then-  nearly three years, the board-certified and fellowship-trained surgeon is most impressed
         new techniques of laparoscopic surgery.                                  by the people, facility, resources, and culture of the pediatric facility.

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