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                            LAKESIDE MEDICAL CENTER                                                                     C. L. BRUMBACK
                                                                                                                   PRIMARY CARE CLINICS
         Jennifer Dorcé-Medard, DO
           Jennifer Dorcé-Medard, D.O., is the Residency Program Director at the Health Care               Dessalines, MD
         District of Palm Beach County’s acute care, rural teaching hospital, Lakeside Medical
         Center, which in 2018 received an “A” rating for patient safety among hospitals                     Duclos Dessalines, M.D.,
         nationwide. The Family Medicine Residency Program, which began in 2011, offers a                  is the Pediatric Services
         three-year program with five residency positions each year.                                       Director at the C. L.
           Dr. Dorcé-Medard is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician, having complet-                Brumback Primary Care
         ed her residency at Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She earned              Clinics, Federally Qualified
         her Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine from Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine                  Health Centers owned and
         in New York, NY and a Fellowship in Sports Medicine at Nova Southeastern                          operated by the Health
         University in Fort Lauderdale.                                                                    Care District of Palm Beach
           Dr. Dorcé-Medard’s professional affiliations include the American Osteopathic Association, American   County. The Brumback
         Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine and Florida Osteopathic Medical Association. She speaks English and   Clinics provide medical,
         Haitian Creole and specializes in sports medicine and women’s health.                             dental and behavioral

                                                                                                           health services to adults and children, with or without
         David Bohórquez, DO                                                                               insurance.
                                                                                                             Dr. Dessalines is Board-Certified in General
           David Bohórquez, D.O., is the Chief of Staff at the Health Care District of Palm                Pediatrics, having attended the National Polytechnic
         Beach County’s rural, acute care teaching hospital, Lakeside Medical Center, which in             Institute School of Medicine in Mexico City, Mexico
         2018 received an “A” rating for patient safety among hospitals nationwide. Dr.                    and completing his residency at Mount Sinai Hospital,
         Bohórquez is also an attending Emergency Medicine Physician at Coral Springs                      Sinai Children’s Hospital, in Chicago, Illinois. He is
         Medical Center and during his 20-year medical career has served as a Medical Director             fluent in English, French, Spanish and Haitian Creole
         at Northwest Medical Center and St. Mary’s Medical Center.                                        and specializes in childhood obesity and pediatric
           Dr. Bohórquez attended Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in                          growth and hormone conditions.
         Philadelphia, PA and completed his Emergency Medicine training at Mt. Sinai Medical                 Dr. Dessalines’ professional affiliations include the
         Center in Miami, FL.                                                                              American Academy of Pediatrics, Florida Medical
           Dr. Bohórquez’s professional affiliations include the American Osteopathic                      Association and the American Association of Clinical
         Association, American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians and American                    Endocrinologists. He is involved with the LeSage
         Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. Dr. Bohórquez, a professor at Nova                        Foundation, a non-profit organization geared toward
         Southeastern University and Broward Community College, is fluent in English,                      the development of children, especially those living in
         Spanish and French.                                                                               Haiti.

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                             Salute ourrPhysiciansrPhysicians

         26                       March 2019                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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