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                       DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER                                                  PALMETTO GENERAL HOSPITAL

        Erica Podolsky, MD                                              Amit Sastry, MD

          Dr. Erica Podolsky is a board certified                         Dr. Amit Sastry, MD, a fellowship-trained hepatopancreaticobiliary
        bariatric and minimally invasive general sur-                   and oncological surgeon, is a member of the medical staff of Palmetto
        geon who specializes in bariatric surgery, and                  General Hospital. Dr. Sastry specializes in robotic hepatobiliary sur-
        currently is the medical director of the                        gery, acute and chronic pancreatitis, locally advanced pancreatic can-
        Surgical Weight Loss Program at Delray                          cer and microwave ablation for heapatocellular carcinoma, adhesive
        Medical Center. Dr. Podolsky received her                       small bowel obstruction and general as well as gastrointestinal (GI)
        undergraduate   degree  from    Tulane                          surgery. He is certified by the American Board of General Surgery.
        University and then went to medical school                        Dr. Sastry completed his hepatopancreaticobiliary surgery fellow-
        at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas                          ship at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC. In addition, Dr.
        Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. Dr.                   Sastry completed his general surgery internship and residency at
        Podolsky did her residency at Drexel                            Mount Sinai Beth Israel, as Chief Resident in New York, NY. Dr. Sastry
        University College of Medicine in                               graduated from medical school at Northeastern Ohio Medical
        Philadelphia, and followed that up with a fellowship at Duke University   University, Rootstown, OH.
        Health System. While at Duke, Dr. Podolsky concentrated on minimally   Dr. Sastry is a member of the American College of Surgeons and Americas Hepato-Pancreato-
        invasive and bariatric surgery and also served as an assistant professor at   Biliary Association. His leadership activity and service includes as Co-Chair of the House Staff
        the school.                                                     Committee at Mount Sinai Beth Israel teaching hospital where he provided leadership for house
                                                                        staff quality and improvement.
        Leandro J. Feo Aguirre, MD
                                                                        Ritesh Kaushal, MD
          Dr. Leandro J. Feo Aguirre is a board certi-
        fied colorectal surgeon, specializing in mini-                    Dr. Ritesh Kaushal, interventional neurologist, serves as the medical
        mally invasive and robotic surgery with spe-                    director of Palmetto General Hospital’s Comprehensive Stroke Center.
        cial interest in colorectal oncology. Dr. Feo                   In his role, he oversees a team of interventional neurologist, neurosur-
        Aguirre is a graduate of Universidad                            geons, clinical neurologist and other medical staff who care for
        Lisandro Alvarado School of Medicine in                         Palmetto’s stroke patients. Dr. Kaushal is also on the medical staff at
        Barquismeto, Venezuela. He did his intern-                      Palmetto General Hospital’s sister hospital Florida Medical Center in
        ship at Albert Einstein Medical Center in                       Broward County. Dr. Kaushal completed his internship in internal
        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Feo Aguirre                     medicine at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Illinois and his res-
        went on to do his residency at Hahneman                         idency in neurology at the University of Chicago Medical Center. He
        University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                        completed his fellowships in stroke-neurocritical care and endovascu-
        before doing his fellowship at Ferguson Clinic/Michigan State University   lar-interventional neurology at St. Louis University Hospital in St.
        in Grand Rapids, MI and at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in   Louis, Missouri. Dr. Kaushal is a member of the American Heart/Stroke Association, American
        New York, NY.                                                   Neurology Association, and Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology.

                                                                     In hono oor       f  N ational Doct            ors’ Day,      , ,


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