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          Volume 15 • Issue 11• $5.00               May 2019

                    Nursing                                       Salute to Nursing                                              Nursing

                                                 CNOs with Executive Experience

                                               Easily Transition to Interim Co-CEO

                                                    Role at Jupiter Medical Center

                                               BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                                In mid-March, Jupiter
                                              Medical Center appoint-
                                              ed Joanne Miller and
                                              Steven Seeley as interim
                    Henry Henao               co-CEOs, giving the hos-
                                              pital’s board of trustees
              FIU’s STAR                      time to select a new pres-                                                          Karen Meador
                                              ident and CEO.                                                                  A Path for
                Center …                      made the decision to
                                                “The board of trustees
               Immersive                      appoint  two   people         Joanne Miller         Steven Seeley              Unleashing
                                              because they thought it
                                              was in the best interest of the organization,” says Miller. “It allows for a smooth   Nurse-Led
               Simulation                     interim period of time with two leaders that our team members and physicians
                                              trust.”                                                                         Innovation
                  Training                    plan.”
                                                Seeley agrees and adds, “Our vision is to keep moving forward with the strategic
                                                                                                  Continued on page 41
         Clinical Skills and                                                                                                BY KAREN MEADOR, MBA

                                                                                                                        I’ve seen firsthand the powerful impact
          Critical Thinking                               Leadership Roundtable:                                      of nurse innovators.
                                                      Broward Health Executives                                         Nurses, the front line to direct patient
               BY BARBARA R. FALLON                                                                                   care, spend significantly more time with
                                                                                                                      an individual patient than the attending
          Nursing education has come a long                                                                           physician or subspecialty consultant and
         way from the prototype Resusci-Annie                                                                         can in turn recognize and address issues
         used in early CPR training, but that was                                                                     that may otherwise go unnoticed.
         the beginning of Clinical Assistant                                                                            Take Penn Nursing’s Kathy Bowles, for
         Professor Henry Henao’s interests in                                                                         instance. Bowles, PhD, RN, FAAN,
         blending technology with health care                                                                         noticed a trend: Elderly patients were all
         education and training.                                                                                      too often ending up back in the hospital
          As an EMT he grew up (career-wise) in                                                                       soon after being discharged.
         the mid 80’s and appreciated the hands-on                                                                      After conducting research into the dis-
         ‘feel’ of the CPR manakins. He moved on                                                                      charge process and readmission rates of
         to other career opportunities but returned                                                                   elderly hospital patients, she pinpointed
         to health care, inspired by 9/11 heroics of                                                                  a group of high-risk variables that pre-
         first responders. He earned his BSN, MSN
         nursing degrees and is a PhD candidate.                                                                                       Continued on page 40
         He was motivated toward forward think-
         ing about challenges for the future. Now,   (l-r) Alan Goldsmith, Executive Vice President/CAO; Alex Fernandez, Senior Vice
         Director of the Simulation Teaching and             President/CFO; and Gino Santorio, President/CEO.
         Research Center (STAR) at Florida
         International University (FIU), he over-                      BY DANIEL CASCIATO
         sees an immersive experience in a variety                                                                           Salute to
         of hospital settings and training scenarios   In the dynamic healthcare industry, today’s leaders must equip themselves with the
         for future nurses and other health care   ability to guide their organizations through times of change. Nowhere has that been
         professionals.                      more evident than at Broward Health, which in the past six months appointed       Nurses
          The STAR Center was recently recog-  through internal promotion a new CEO, CAO and CFO. This dynamic new team’s
         nized as South Florida’s only fully   ability to keep their organization focused and motivated in a quickly evolving indus-  See pages 14-41
         accredited simulation education facility   try is the catalyst for long-awaited change.
         to give students real-world practice with   “Organizational culture drives a health system, and that starts with character,” says
                         Continued on page 39                                                      Continued on page 13

            INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Health Care Heroes 2019 Official Program
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