Page 4 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 4

Not Everyone Who Calls 911 Needs to Go to the ER

                 BY LOIS THOMSON                                                  because you can transport the person to   the care is telemedicine, which Johnson
                                                                                  the most appropriate location." However,   said is a means of bringing the hospital to
          Medicare is proposing to implement a                                    he added that if the person insists on   patients in the field. Telemedicine has
        new program called Emergency Triage,                                      going to the ER, they will be taken there.   become a big part of health care, with
        Treat and Transport, or ET3. The idea is                                  "Yes, absolutely. None of this trumps the   monitors being brought in and doctors
        to determine whether a person who calls                                   patient's choice."                  video-streaming and speaking to
        the 911 emergency line can be taken to a                                   Because of the potential importance of   patients. He said part of the ET3 model
        more suitable place than automatically                                    this program, Johnson believes Century   allows for this.
        being sent to an emergency room. Matt                                     Ambulance should seek to be a part of it.   "Somebody might be experiencing
        Johnson, general manager of Century                                       "As a large ambulance provider in the   something that they perceive to be an
        Ambulance Service, explained the                                          state of Florida, I think it's important for   emergency, but telemedicine can be used
        patients could be going to different loca-                                us to participate in this program because   on-scene to help diagnose whether the
        tions that are more appropriate – even                                    it is the direction that health care is head-  ER is appropriate; or perhaps they
        the patient's physician's office, if they                                 ing – providing more appropriate care   should go to an urgent care or see the
        could handle the patient. Medicare will                                   where it's not so expensive and when it's   family physician, and both the family
        pay for them to be transported to an                                      not necessary. It's reshaping the direction   physician and the EMS providers will be
        urgent care center that accepts Medicare         Matt Johnson             of the way pre-hospital emergency care is   reimbursed for the service. It's a whole
        so they can get treated at a lower price, or                              being delivered. We want to help drive   new level of care that could be adminis-
        even be treated on-scene. Medicare   that was attached to a hospital. But not   that change as a positive thing, so it just   tered in the field that really hadn't been
        would save money because not everyone   everyone who calls 911 needs an ER with   makes sense to be a part of it."   done in the past. If you think about it, it's
        will be going to the hospital for treat-  all of its resources and price."   In addition, Johnson believes the idea   kind of like a modern version of a doctor
        ment.                                  As an example, Johnson pointed out   behind the program will be effective,   making a house visit."
          Applications to participate in the   that previously, someone with a sprained   calling it a step in the right direction.   In summarizing Medicare's proposed
        model are expected to be released in a   ankle who called 911 would have auto-  "Twenty years from now, will it look like   ET3 program, Johnson said, "It allows us
        few months, and Johnson said that while   matically been taken to an emergency   it will next year? Probably not. It will   to take the patient to a more appropriate
        everything is just being proposed at this   room, when a trip to an urgent care cen-  evolve, but I believe it's the right type of   location for more appropriate care at the
        point, his company is considering apply-  ter would have been sufficient.    evolution to occur." He said people in   right price. Ideally, at the end of the day,
        ing. "They announced it earlier this year   "Now you can take them to urgent   the pre-hospital fields have known for a   Medicare believes it will reduce the
        but not all of the details are out yet, we   care. It's a big paradigm shift in the way   long time that for many of the transports   amount of money it will spend on people
        will have more specifics this summer."   emergency care in the field has been   they do, the patients don't need to go to   going to the ER."
        He added, "In the past, whenever some-  treated in the past. Before, you were just   the ER. "But transporting them to the ER
        one would call 911, the only option for   picked up and taken to the hospital and   was basically the only choice."         For more information, call
        whoever was going to transport them   somebody would get reimbursed for tak-  Another recent, front-line aspect of                (905) 356-0835 or
        was to send them to an emergency room   ing you to the ER. Now it's changing   medicine that could be incorporated into    visit

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         4                         May 2019                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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