Page 8 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 8
ScrubVAULT System, Part of Quadruple Aim Approach,
Ranks High with Healthcare Staff
BY VANESSA ORR it has to be kept because it’s pretty large, deployed more than 100 units in six
which dispenses one set of scrubs. If a major markets. “When people see it, they
Healthcare systems are made up of person wants more than one set because want it,” said Juffre, adding that the
thousands of moving parts, and when they have a number of procedures that innovative technology is designed to
any one of them doesn’t work efficiently, day, they have to go down to get new meet healthcare’s quadruple aim
it causes frustration for staff and takes scrubs each time they want to change.” approach.
the focus away from where it should Because of the ScrubVAULT System’s “The goal is to control costs, keep
be—on the patient. Being able to quickly compact size, multiple units can be patients and staff safe, take great care of
and easily access scrubs, for example, placed throughout a facility and do not patients, and keep staff engaged and
makes it easier for healthcare providers have to be relegated to the basement, sav- happy,” said Juffre. “In the last decade,
to do their jobs, and gives them one less ing staff the time and effort of having to patient care and staff engagement have
area of concern. travel to a single unit. It scans each taken on a higher priority, and the
The ScrubVAULT System from employee’s unique QR code, opens in ImageFIRST program hits all four of
ImageFIRST, which launched in select less than two seconds, and the user can these goals.”
markets last year, has earned high praise select as many scrubs as they need. ImageFIRST’s dedicated representa-
from medical staff as well as hospital and “Because all of the scrubs are UHF tives, called customer advocates, make
ambulatory center administrators. A RFID-chipped, the facility knows who sure that all of the products they provide
recent survey of staff at the Cleveland took what when,” said Juffre. “When are clean, safe and infection-free, and
Clinic Florida in Coral Springs, for staff turn the scrubs back in, there is a meet the needs of their clients.
example, showed a 95 percent approval record of it, which increases accountabil- “Patients are never happier than the
rate among users, who gave it very high ity.” staff is, so you want to make sure that
marks. explained Jay Juffre, vice president of So much so, in fact, that facilities that you keep the staff happy,” said Juffre.
Survey comments included the fact operations and national service director have been using the ScrubVAULT System “Sheets with holes, missing lab coats, or
that the program was easy to implement, of ImageFIRST. “The great thing about have seen a decrease in overall scrub gowns that aren’t clean or have missing
and inventory was easily manageable. this is that when they’re not worrying costs. “People used to walk out with strings are frustrating. Dealing with these
Not only was the staff happy with it, but about little things, like where and when scrubs all the time; there was no way to problems takes away from time with
it was a big hit with those who trans- to get scrubs, they are better able to focus keep track,” said Juffre. “Now that they patients.
ferred from other Cleveland Clinic on patient care.” are being tracked, people are more apt to “Do you want your staff focused on the
Florida locations that didn’t have a The ScrubVAULT System makes it easy return them, which means that our linen program or on patient care?” he
ScrubVAULT System. for staff to get the garments they need. clients are controlling losses and reduc- added. “Our linen and scrub programs
According to the survey, respondents “Traditionally, scrubs would be stored in ing costs.” align with what is important to our cus-
liked the ease and simplicity of the sys- a locker room, where staff had to hope Administrators also appreciate the eas- tomers.”
tem, the large amount of inventory, and that they could find their size, and then ily accessible inventory and usage reports
the flexibility to select the size scrub they they would return the scrubs at the end that are available at any time via To learn more about ImageFIRST or the
wanted. of the day,” explained Juffre. “The more ImageFIRST’s online customer portal. ScrubVAULT System, call 800-932-7472 or
“When asked what we should change, modern approach is to have a scrub Since introducing the ScrubVAULT visit
every single person said ‘nothing,’” vending machine in the basement, where System a year ago, ImageFIRST has
Miami Cancer Institute Opens
Multidisciplinary Skin Cancer Clinic
Miami Cancer Institute
announces the opening of its
Multidisciplinary Skin Cancer
Clinic, including the regions’
first (1 of only 12 in the world),
3D whole body photo-imaging
system designed to improve the
accuracy of diagnosing
melanoma and other skin can-
The new technology, also
known as the Vectra, uses 92
cameras that take simultaneous
photos of the body in one sec-
ond, and then creates a 3D view
of the surface of the skin. This
allows the dermatologist to
potentially evaluate every suspi-
cious lesion on the skin, both by
physical exam and with the use
of other sophisticated technolo-
gy available in the clinic.
The Multidisciplinary Skin Cancer Clinic at Miami Cancer Institute will focus on
early detection and treatment of melanoma, in addition to treating patients with all
types of skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, Merkel
Cell tumors and other rare tumors of the skin. The program’s team of experts includes
dermatologists, surgical and medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and plastic and
reconstructive surgeons.
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8 May 2019 South Florida Hospital News