Page 13 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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Cover Story:  Leadership Roundtable: Broward Health Executives

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                                             patients and physicians to help them   Broward County, presents its own chal-  goals, and finally, and this is the most
        Gino Santorio, President/CEO, Broward   select the best value for care,” he says.   lenges. Broward Health hospitals are   critical component, they need to be will-
        Health. “I’ve been very direct that no   “It’s complex, but Alan, Alex and I are   treating some of the most critical and   ing to do the work.
        matter what, we will do the right thing.   excited about the challenges.”   complex medical cases.              “I know Alan, Alex and I have put in
        Our success is contingent upon charac-  Santorio, Goldsmith and Fernandez all   “I could give a hundred reasons why   our time and punched our dance ticket,
        ter, and I’m proud to be surrounded by   came to Broward Health knowing there   I’m inspired to come to work each day,”   so to speak. We worked our way up
        8,000-plus  employees   who   have   would be unique opportunities to    says Santorio. “But it ultimately boils   through lower level positions. We put in
        remained committed to acting in the best   rebuild a health system that was in need   down to patient care. For example, if you   the hours and were willing to go where
        interests of our patients and communi-  of strong management, impeccable   show up to a Broward Health trauma   other people weren't. We took risks. That
        ty.”                                 ethics and a commitment to ensure high   center with any vitals, there's a 98 per-  is something people need to decide if
          Since Santorio was named the perma-  quality care for all those served.    cent chance that you're going to survive.   they’re willing to do.”
        nent CEO in December 2018 and Alan     Goldsmith was recruited by a former   Those kind of survival rates are unprece-  “You need to be open to accepting
        Goldsmith, former Broward Health CFO,   Broward Health CEO. Having started his   dented, and that’s just one sample of the   additional  responsibilities,”  adds
        was     named     Executive   Vice   career as an assistant in a human   spectacular care we regularly provide for   Fernandez. “It’s not always going to be
        President/CAO and Alex Fernandez     resources department, he quickly moved   our patients.”                  easy, because you're going to have your
        named the Senior Vice President/CFO in   his way up the ranks and across organi-  “We are caring for those who can’t care   current workload, plus additional
        January 2019, this leadership – with the   zations until joining Broward Health as   for themselves,” says Fernandez. “From   responsibilities. But reaching your career
        support of the North Broward Hospital   CFO in 2017.                     hospitals and clinical care to community   aspirations will be worth the effort.”
        District Board of Commissioners – has   “I knew they were in the middle of a   outreach, we are filling a void. Without   Most importantly, Broward Health’s
        hired a new Individual Review        turnaround,” he says. “I live in Broward   Broward Health, there are a number of   new leadership continued to stress the
        Organization (IRO), renegotiated numer-  County and wanted to help be part of   residents in Broward County who would   importance of doing the right thing.
        ous contracts for operational efficiency   Broward Health’s change.”     not have medical care. As a leader, the   “Treat people at all levels fairly,” says
        and been proactive in engaging elected   Goldsmith quickly recruited Santorio,   significance of that drives you.”   Fernandez. “Regardless of your role, that
        state officials for Critical Care Funding.    who says he was familiar with the turn-  The magnitude of this work might   goes a long way. Be accountable and help
          Santorio, Goldsmith and Fernandez   around environment Broward Health   intimidate others, but for Goldsmith,   grow the people around you.”
        consider these types of complexities that   was facing, having just come from a sim-  there’s a simple reason they are willing to   “Listen to people, understand expecta-
        are pressuring healthcare to now be the   ilar environment.              put in the hours they do: Broward Health   tions and act with integrity,” says
        industry norm. Managing these issues   “At that point in my career, I decided   is this leadership team’s passion.   Goldsmith. “When you know in your
        demands a broader perspective than   after speaking to Alan that I could help   “If you don't love what you're doing,”   bones that you and your organization
        what once may have been required of   the organization and it was something I   he says, “then you should reconsider   have acted in good faith, you will ulti-
        leadership.                          thought I would like to do,” Santorio   what you're doing.”              mately succeed.”
          “The new model of a healthcare CFO   notes, also joining Broward Health in   Santorio and Fernandez also cautioned   “I say this all the time,” says Santorio,
        is certainly different,” says Fernandez.   2017 as the COO.              future healthcare leaders to carefully   agreeing with Goldsmith. “Do the right
        “No longer does the CFO focus only on   While Fernandez arrived at Broward   consider their career development strate-  thing. It sounds easy, but it can be chal-
        finance. Today’s healthcare leader has to   Health under different circumstances, he   gies.                  lenging. I promise you that if you do the
        be diverse and able to talk on all different   has been no less committed to fortifying   “Young professionals need to deter-  right thing, you’ll never go wrong.”
        levels and across skill sets. We all cross   the health system. He started as a staff   mine what they want long term,”
        over to each other’s lanes, and it works   accountant with a hospital in Palm Beach   Santorio says. “They need to identify dif-  For more information,
        well.”                               County and ultimately worked his way   ferent avenues to achieve their career        visit
          “I would even go as far as saying that   up to the role of COO, but he missed
        the healthcare system was much differ-  finance.
        ent less than five years ago,” says    “There was a CFO position open at
        Goldsmith. “The constant change – and   Broward Health Medical Center,” he
        change is a guarantee in healthcare – is   explains. “I researched the hospital and
        going to be rapid. Your ability to be nim-  its service lines, as well as the tertiary
        ble and think quickly to get ahead of the   component of the hospital. I applied for   “ You can’t separate the clinical
        curve is essential.”                 the role and was offered the job. It was   and the fi nancial – not anymore.”
          Santorio added that healthcare leaders   the best decision I’ve made in my career
        must also now work with a greater num-  thus far.”
        ber of players.                        Santorio and Goldsmith share similar                        People who know Healthcare, know BDO.
          “A typical day for me can include   views, noting that while demanding, it’s
        strategizing our payer model with man-  an exciting time to lead Broward Health
        aged care partners, then educating   for many reasons. Steering a special tax-
        Tallahassee on funding perspectives,   ing district, which essentially means the
        before counseling staff on organizational   system is owned by the taxpayers of
        matters and communicating with
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