Page 12 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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Around the Region… Around the Region… Around the Region…

         Lee Health Aging Life Care™                                              Tenet Healthcare and Delray
         Manager Named to Florida Aging                                           Medical Center Name New Chief

         Life Care™ Board                                                         Nursing Officer of the Hospital and

          The Florida Chapter of Aging Life Care Association has                  Palm Beach Group
         named Dawn Moore, RN, an Aging Life Care™ Manager with
         Lee Health, to its state board of directors for 2019-2020.                 Delray Medical Center appoints Mary Elizabeth “Libby”
          Moore has worked as an Aging Life Care™ Manager                         Flippo as its new Chief Nursing Officer (CNO). Flippo will
         through the Lee Health Senior Care CHOICES Program for   Dawn Moore      also serve as the CNO for Tenet Healthcare’s Palm Beach
         the past 25 years. Through this role, she provides guidance              Group hospitals.  Prior to joining Delray Medical Center,   Mary Elizabeth Flippo
         and advocacy for families and professionals who are caring for older relatives. With a spe-  Flippo served as Senior Vice President, Patient Care Services
         cialized focus on issues related to aging, she assists with the challenges of aging, such as   and Chief Nursing officer for Cleveland Clinic Martin Health since 2013 - where she
         finding an appropriate placement, in-home care, referrals to medical providers or elder   began as Assistant Vice President, Site Administrator and Chief Nursing Officer. She was
         law attorneys, as well as the advocacy and support that provides families peace of mind.   promoted to Vice President, and System Chief Nursing Officer. Flippo also served as
                                                                                  Senior Vice President. Prior to her time at Martin Health, Flippo served as Vice President
                                                                                  and Chief Nursing Officer for Johnson City Medical Center in Tennessee.  Flippo earned
         Seasoned Community Leader to                                             her Bachelor’s in Nursing from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and holds a
                                                                                  Master of Science degree in Nursing Leadership for Healthcare Systems from the
         Head New Palm Beach County                                               University of Alabama in Huntsville.

         Behavioral Health Entity
                                                                                  Cleveland Clinic Weston’s
          Lauren Zuchman has been appointed as executive director
         of the recently launched BeWellPBC, a new initiative focused             Director of Pharmacy Named
         on advancing behavioral health for children and families.
          Zuchman will be housed at Palm Health Foundation in West                2019 ASHP Fellow
         Palm Beach, the fiscal agent for BeWellPBC, and will work   Lauren Zuchman
         with all system partners and community members that have                   William Kernan, PharmD, MBA, Director of Pharmacy at
         joined together to form the collective initiative.                       Cleveland Clinic Weston, has been named a 2019 Fellow by
          Zuchman has extensive experience in leading community collaboratives to improve   the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP).
         health. She was the first executive director of Healthier Delray Beach, a Palm Health   Kernan oversees the pharmacy services for Cleveland   William Kernan
         Foundation Healthier Together initiative focused on supporting the behavioral health   Clinic Florida which includes inpatient services, an outpa-
         and well-being of Delray Beach residents. Prior to Healthier Delray Beach, she served at   tient pharmacy, two oncology infusion pharmacies, an ambulatory surgery center, and
         Henderson Behavioral Health in supervisory and management roles and provided care as   multiple surgical and medicine clinics. He has received numerous accolades such as the
         a licensed social worker. She served as Chair of the Broward County Children’s Systems   Florida Society of Health System Pharmacy (FSHP) Meritorious Service Award, FSHP
         Meeting for eight years and participated on various workgroups focused on human traf-  Recruiter of the Year Award and Florida A&M University’s Preceptor of the Year Award.
         ficking, domestic violence, diversion, infant mental health, child welfare, and behavioral   In 2007, he established the Pharmacy Practice Residency (PGY1) program, an ASHP
         health system gaps in Broward and Palm Beach Counties.                   accredited, one-year, post-graduate program to advance the practice of pharmacy at
                                                                                  Cleveland Clinic Florida and the South Florida community.

                                                                                  VITAS® Healthcare Appoints Jeffrey

                                                                                  M. Kreger as Executive Vice
                          Subscribe to...

                 SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS &                                    President and Chief Financial Officer

                      HEALTHCARE REPORT today!                                      VITAS® Healthcare has appointed Jeffrey M. Kreger as exec-
                                                                                  utive vice president (EVP) and chief financial officer (CFO).
                               Subscribe online at                                Kreger succeeds President and CFO David Wester who
                                        announced his retirement in early 2019 after a 22-year career
                                                                                  at VITAS.  Kreger brings to VITAS 30 years of financial, oper-   Jeffrey M. Kreger
                              or call 561-368-6950                                ational and administrative experience. In addition to leading
                                                                                  all financial operations as CFO, Kreger serves as a strategic partner to executive and oper-
                                                                                  ational leadership teams, and oversees finance, accounting, facilities, revenue cycle man-
                                                                                  agement and risk management departments.  Kreger comes to VITAS from positions as
                                                                                  senior vice president, CFO and treasurer at two healthcare firms, including Dallas-based
                                                                                  Aegis Therapies and Denver-based BioScrip. Previously, he worked in finance leadership
                                                                                  roles at LHC Group in Louisiana, Sun Healthcare Group in California, American
                                                                                  Habilitation in Texas and Sava Senior Care in Georgia. He began his career as a certified
                                                                                  public accountant (CPA) and financial auditor at Ernst & Young.


                                                                                          On page 5 of the April 2019 issue of South
                                                                                      Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report, an
                                                                                    incorrect photo of Marcia Rabinowits ran with the
                                                                                        article Cultural Sensitivity: Key to Care and

                                                                                                                                    Marcia Rabinowits

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